Theme Park Ride through soundtracks


Well-Known Member
You guys need to use an FTP client like WSFTP.

Go to and download the WS_FTP LE program.

When it asks you to register, go through the process and tell it your a student.

You may also be able to find FTP programs on


New Member
I have 747 various disney music and audio files. If you would like to ask about what I have just PM me. And I will respond as quickly as possible. I would be happy to email them.


New Member
To access our FTP server, you will first need to download an FTP client, we recommend the following or use your own:

Once downloaded and installed, run the program and create a new account by putting in the following details:

Profile Name: disneycastmembers
Hostname / Address:
Host Type: Automatic Detect
User ID:
Password: zippy

Once done, you should be able to connect and upload / download as you wish. If you have any other problems, please let me know.




Well-Known Member
Originally posted by dxer07002
WDW can you email all those songs you have?
My email is

I'd love to email them but there's only one problem, AOL doesn't allow me to send attachments that have a lot of Mb with it. I know for sure that I can send them through AIM. If you don't have that, I do have the actual CDs that I'd be willing to send to you. PM me if you would like to talk about this more.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by gidrac
For those of you who cannot get Subsonic Radio working, make sure you have a streaming audio client.

For Macintosh, download iTunes .

For Windows, download iTunes , or download the full version of Winamp .

You should then be able to click on one of the "Listen" links to hear the audio stream. For dial-up connections, use the 24k stream. For DSL, and Cable internet connections, use either stream.

MusicMatch JukeBox works as well


Premium Member
So does Windows Media Player.

How easy is WS FTP to use? I've been used to doing IRC (#disney-central) for all my music and video. Is this method any better than IRC?


Well-Known Member
The concept is basically the same. It has the Invision feel to it but is a little more involved.

The biggest difference is that you can select the download directory on the window on the left instead of having a set place that Invision or MIRC downloads to.

here is a Word Doc with a screen print on it of a upload in progress.


Well-Known Member
I've never had a problem with it freezing up in 7 years or so of using it. It does time out and disconnect after a while but Invision disconnects after a minute on me on most servers.


Well-Known Member
Okay, I have a question about one song in particular and I am hoping one of you guys will be able to help me.

I *think* it is a song played in the background of Epcot somewhere, my girlfriend thinks it was from Animal Kingdom. It's instrumental with a chorus of people, but I don't think they are actually saying anything its just 'choral noise' like in Duel of the Fates from the Star Wars Episode I soundtrack. When the song begins, it sounds very similar to the Michael Jackson song in Free Willy. Sort of like: "Hey-la oh oh hey-la, oh oh hey-la oooh eee aa...." After that the song goes off on its own, not sounding like the Free Willy song.

LOL, I know that's not much to go on, but we've been singing it since we got back from WDW. There was even a guy at my job who started singing it one day! So, I'd like to know what song this is, where it's from and is it on CD? I have a bunch of WDW soundtracks and some downloaded music, but I can't seem to find it.


Well-Known Member
Sounds just it's the Tapestry of Dreams parade. I LOVE that song. I can see how your girlfriend think's it's from AK since it has that African sound to it. But you are indeed correct, it was the parade at EPCOT. If you would like, I have that song and wouldn't mind sending it to you through AIM. It might work but not positive, it won't work through email either, sorry. I do have it on the three CDs I have available as well. PM me if you would like more information about it.


Well-Known Member
I just popped the CD in, I have the Illumination/Tapestry of Dreams soundtrack and you are right! That was the song... the track on the CD starts with a lot of kids talking, but it gets into the song properly about 5 minutes into it. It'd be nice if they'd just have the song without the kids talking over it tho. They must still be playing that song somewhere because I heard it there in May.

Anyway, thanks for the help! Much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
No problem, glad I could help. I know if you have a music download program, you could probably find the song without the kids talking/singing. The version I have, I believe doesn't have them in it. Maybe it was Tapestry of Nations that had the kids, I know ToD does too, so I'm not quite sure.


Well-Known Member
I was just searching through my downloaded CDs and found a track called Tapestry of Nations Medley and prologue that started with a deep voiced guy saying something about celebrating the millenium and then it gets into the song without the voice overs, cool! Then it sort o fgoes into a peppier version of the same song, then into a more mellow song. The track is 7 minutes, 42 seconds long. Glad to see I have the song at least... 2 different versions to boot! I thought that I may have had it, I just didn't know what it was before and when I heard the track on the Illuminations CD, I heard the kids talking and just clicked to the next track.


Well-Known Member
Yup, you've got them. It's nice to have both versions as well. I like them both myself. I never saw Tapestry of Nations, but I did see Tapestry of Dreams and fell in love with the music and the parade itself. Now you've got something to listen to with your girlfriend and you know what it is this time!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDWScottieBoy
Yup, you've got them. It's nice to have both versions as well. I like them both myself. I never saw Tapestry of Nations, but I did see Tapestry of Dreams and fell in love with the music and the parade itself. Now you've got something to listen to with your girlfriend and you know what it is this time!

And maybe by listening to it for a few times I may finally get the tune out of my head for a while! :lol: I should burn a CD and call it:

Walt Disney World: Songs you can't Get Out of Your Head!

Track 1: It's a Small World
Track 2: Great Big beautiful Tomorrow
Track 3: Tapestry of Dreams parade

And many, many more! Order now!

Seriously, thanks again for your help.


New Member
This is just an update, last week I switched to a static IP. Since then the server hasn't dropped connection to the internet. It's been great.

I have also added 300 EPCOT tracks. More to follow when I find the time :)

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