New Member
colliera said:I directly asked the question about size of the Yeti to a show designer Imagineer last Sept. when I did Dine with. He actually is responsible for the conversion of New York Street into Big Cities Streets but one of his Imagineer buddies in Glendale is on the Mt. Everest team and worked on the Yeti character. He said they "borrowed" a lot of organic part features of other animals, (claws, teeth, nose), from nature to come up with the design. According to him the final height would fall between 18 to 20 feet tall. The scary factor for the Yeti at the time was pretty high.
That would make it smaller than the dragon in Fantastmic! but I would think the Yeti would be a true animatronic while the dragon is more of a puppet.
Ah, so still not quite as big as Michael Eisner's ego. :hammer: