Trip Report The "We've Made a Huge Mistake" Trip - Disney with a newborn (don't do it)

I figured I'd just get it out there in the trip report title - this trip sucked. Still going to report on it, but be sucked :hilarious: We had a few bright spots (Like seeing @Tuvalu and @TrolleyFollower91 and Woody (can't remember his forum name...)) but overall, we were just really glad to come home yesterday. I figured I'd go ahead and get this report done as I'm going back to work on Monday!

Who: Me and R and our 11 week old, LP + My friend K.
When: March 30-April 4 (travel + 4 park days + travel)
Where: Cabins at Fort Wilderness
Why: End of my maternity leave, so wanted to take a trip without having to use vacation days

Originally it was just our family of 3 going and we were at Wilderness Lodge, but my friend K was tossing around the idea of taking a solo trip around the same time and helping out with LP, and we ended up moving to a Cabin so she could just stay with us! She went with her family (including her 8 week old and her husband's whole fam) around Thanksgiving and had really been wanting to go back and experience stuff she wasn't able to on that trip. She ended up getting the same flights as us and everything.

We left town on Saturday around 1pm and LP slept part of the did R.

They are twins.

Our flight was at 4:25pm. Our whole airport experience was a blur to me. I ended up checking the carseat and stroller at the desk instead of the gate which was a MISTAKE! The flight was empty so the carseat could have come on the plane with us and would have made for a much better experience.

So here I am carrying a 2-month old around the airport...I nursed her on some random couch outside the nursing lounge (which was occupied the whole time I was waiting). She was so cranky and tired and when she's like that even me holding her isn't helpful. I got her to nap for short stretches a couple of times, but the whole process was terrible. There was a toddler a few rows up that screamed a lot and every scream jarred LP awake 🤦 She was sleeping really light!

On the descent...napping whew

I nursed her on the plane too. We'd never nursed in public before this trip, so I was figuring out the cover and holding her differently, and it was tricky.

Made it to the fonorail! That's K holding her, and she's in her Love to Dream swaddle that makes her look like a flying squirrel 🤣

We got our bags and no sign of the stroller or car seat. Finally after standing in line at the Southwest desk forever (during which time a complete stranger thought it was ok to touch my ma'am!), we heard an announcement about oversized items being in a different spot, and sure enough there they were! Would have been nice to know that when we checked them originally. They had also zip-tied the car seat bag closed and none of the airport employees would help us get it off. Some nice man saw our plight and used a key to cut it off.

We got her in there and headed to the Magical Express line. We waited probably 15 minutes before we were on our way. LP was still so cranky, though I got her to nap a little on the bus. I also nursed her without the cover...turned toward the window where no one could see, but R was so embarrassed 🤣 I just wanted to keep her quiet! Fort Wilderness was the last stop, and when we got there we realized everything was closing in like 30 minutes and we had no way of getting anywhere anyway.

It makes NO sense to me why there wouldn't be some kind of store or quick service at the Outpost where you get dropped off. I was starving. Luckily our cabin was in the closest loop, so we took off walking. It was only about a 5 minute walk and we got in there to find NO PACK AND PLAY. Apparently you have to tell them when you get there and they bring it over, so we did that. Once that was set up, I fed her and put her down for the night...whew

With that done, we had to get something to eat. I tasked R with figuring out UberEats and he placed a Q'doba order then walked to the Outpost to get it. I hadn't eaten since 10:30am and it was now 10:45pm...not good for a nursing mother! Once I finally got a burrito in me, I felt better and we all went to bed.

I didn't ever get pictures of the room, but you guys can see pictures on the internet 🤣

Up next: Will our travel day be an indication of how this trip will go? I think you already know...


Premium Member
So true. I never imagined how tough it would be!! The frequent nursing was definitely tricky. I've gotten us on a good 2.5/3 hour schedule, but with transportation taking a while, sometimes in the morning we'd have like 30 minutes in the park before it was time to nurse again. And I wanted to use the baby care stations so we had to trek to those. I think if she was a little older, I'd have nursed in the park in a little tucked away area, but she really does better with less distractions.

Thank you for reading!

Thanks for reading, Max!

Thank you for reading! Yeah I'm not one to pretend, haha. Hopefully if anyone else is in my shoes, they'll take my experience to heart when they're deciding whether or not to take an infant. I think some babies would probably do just fine, but mine just didn't. People did warn me! haha

True, the sickness was a major factor in the trip feeling like a bust! I particularly felt bad for K because she was there without her husband or mom, and it's hard being sick without someone to baby you. I tried to be as caring and helpful as I could!

LP does that too with the motion! If she's sleepy and we're driving, she'll cry whenever we stop at a red light. It's funny, you can see her start to cry in the mirror, that cute little face they make when they're about to. That's hilarious about the comeback you made. You got her good! I was lucky, no one made any rude comments. I think people understood, and she didn't cry too bad on the busses and monorail.

hahahah, nope not quite that old yet! She'll be 3 months next week though. :eek: Yeah I am already forgetting the really hard stuff, so I guess that's why people have more. You forget how awful it is when you're in it! Same thing with the birth. During the birth I remember thinking there's no way in hell I will do this again, but looking back I'm like "hmm I wasn't so bad" :hilarious:

Been there with the middle of the night thoughts. I spent the first several weeks reading trip reports in the middle of the night too! haha

I thought about driving but it is 12 hours, which I'm sure with a baby would be like 15! I guess some babies are just much better with routine. My friend K who brought her baby at 8 weeks didn't have as much trouble, but she said at that point they didn't really have a schedule with her yet, so she wasn't being thrown off. I wouldn't change that though, having a routine is nice!

Thanks so much and thanks for reading :)

When she hits four months and has good head control you can start nursing her in the carrier and that's a game changer. You loosen one strap and kinda twist it a little to the side. You can find how-to videos on YouTube. Nobody can see your junk, the baby is happy, and you can walk around and do whatever you want.


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“We waited forever for this boat from the 1900s to show up.”

View attachment 362055

I did LOL at this!
And you are right, it is from the 1900s....but barely....was used in AK when it opened in 1998.
I’m surprised we didn’t run into each other at DHS. We were there until mid-afternoon.

hahahaha ok what I really meant was like that decade...1900-1910! It looks so rickety :hilarious: I can DEFINITELY believe it's from at least '98. Also yeah, I was looking for us in your Hollywood photos. I should have texted you! She slept ok in her stroller while we were there. You could have seen her happy face.

Sorry to hear your trip didn’t exactly go as planned. In LP’s defense the stomach bug was partially to blame too.

I really appreciated your honesty. It seems there are some people that make it seem so easy to do various things with a baby. Maybe it really is for them or maybe they are just acting but then it seems to give regular parents unrealistic goals that they then feel bad about not meeting.

You tried something. Maybe it wasn’t ideal but you got through it and hopefully over time can look back and laugh a bit more at this trip.

Also LP is adorable! 😍 Even when she was not amused.

Thanks for reading! Yes the bug definitely threw her off too, just because her nutrition was off, poor thing. I am definitely not one to gloss over things. I try not to complain too much on social media, but I also don't want to make it seem like life is perfect because it's definitely not. I'm sure some babies are super chill and travel well, but I assume a LOT aren't. They're all so different!

Thanks, I agree, her mad face is pretty cute too :hilarious:

OK, so I am a strong supporter of science and research and the scientific process.... But whenever there's a whiff of the stomach bug I go out and get some 100% grape juice. It's not logical, but I don't care, I'll let it's placebo effects lull me into a false sense of security.

🤦‍♀️ People are so weirdly forward with babies (and moms and pregnant moms). I just don't get it.

Thanks for sharing your trip report!

@krisri18 You ready for August???

I 100% believe that's why R and I didn't have it as bad as K! I never felt super nauseous like I usually do with a stomach bug, so I credit the grape juice for that. I got one big glass in before I got sick.

Thanks for reading!

I figure a trip like this could go either way, depending on the child. Could be easy breezy, or could be lemon squeezy.

But it's over... and you have October to look forward to. It'll only get easier!

Totally! Every baby is sooooo different and I'm sure some do really well and are flexible. We're going to work on her flexibility because I don't want to be stuck at home every weekend with her. She's at daycare now, so I think that'll help her in the long run.

Your baby is adorable!! She might not be the best traveler just yet; but in time to come, she'll be skipping around the parks with you two. :happy:

I think you did very well, despite a few hiccups along the way. Glad that you're all over whatever stomach bug you caught while on vacation -- that's just the worst!! :banghead:

Thanks so much! Yes I am soooo looking forward to the years when I can see the magic through her eyes. I hope she loves it!


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Thank you so much for sharing your trip! LP is sooo cute! Definitely not a failure, you just had a few setbacks and learned a few things!! Every age and stage has its own difficulties and trials, but you do seem to mostly forget about them once they are in the past and they don't seem like such a big deal when you are looking back at them. There are still many days I ask myself why we wanted three kids, then they go and do something that makes me so proud, and I (momentarily) forget all of the bad things! Can't wait to hear about your October trip and your next trip with LP!

Thanks so much!! Yes we definitely learned a lot :hilarious: I have already started forgetting some of the harder periods (6-8weeks YIKES), so now I can see why people have more than 1 kid. I still think we're one and done though, unless we have an oops. ha I guess we'll see how we feel in another year or two.

Oh my goodness Mama! You've got a cute little nugget there!
Thanks for sharing your adventure and for keeping it real. I was reeeally hoping you'd have one of those easy going babies I've heard about.
Mine were both homebodies too. Don't worry though, the house arrest is only temporary 😂

Thank you so much! And thanks for reading. I was hoping she'd be chill too, but I didn't get lucky :cautious: I'll give her credit though, since about 8 weeks, she's been REALLY good at home. And her night sleep has been really good. She's a great baby, just not a good traveler. Gotta work on that!

Enjoyed your TR! Sorry y’all got sick. I know things didn’t go the way you wanted them to, but it sounds like you did the best that you could. I don’t blame you at all for wanting to get a trip in before your maternity leave is up.

I followed along on instagram and it looked like y’all did have some good moments! I’m glad LP got to experience her first trolley show! Btw, she is so cute! I do think she looks just like R. Anyways, I’m sure things will be 100 times better on her next trip to WDW. I know that you and R will be looking forward to y’all’s trip in the fall. It’ll be here before y’all know it!
Thanks for reading! Yes, we had a few sweet moments. I'm glad she got to ride Pirates with us since that's R's fav. And the trolley show! She and I will hopefully bond over those charming Main Street things.

Thanks for the TR and I am sorry that it was not as good as you want it to be..... especially when you all got sick. Looking at your pics.. a lot with a smile.... so I hope besides the bad experience you enjoyed as much as was possible!
Thanks for reading! We did have some nice moments :)

LP is such a sweetie!! No matter how fussy they are, it does make it a little bit easier when they are cute. :)

I'm so sorry your trip didn't go so well. Coming from a mom of a baby who was literally horrible, things can only get better! And honestly, you do eventually forget about all the bad times and really only keep the good memories. I'm glad that the trip home was much easier to give you a break. Thanks for sharing and being so honest. Being a mom is not easy, but so worth it!

So true! I tell her all the time she's lucky she is so dang cute 😇

I'm already seeing improvement in her fussiness with each passing week. It really peaked around 6-8 weeks (just like the books say!) and she's been pretty good at home since then. I'm glad things continue to improve. Newborns are just tough! But the sweet snuggles make up for it. It's hard to put her down because I just want to snuggle her 😆


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So sorry your trip didn’t go as planned! LP is adorable. When handsome was 9 months we made our 1st trip to WDW. Nursing in the Florida heat was just too much for me and my little guy! We would both be hot, sweaty and cranky. At one point I sat with a bag of ice on my head while nursing him in Morocco. My mother-in-law cracks up laughing over me swearing like a sailor at my 9 month old. I look back and laugh too. Hopefully you will too.

Yeah even with the weather being pretty good, it was hotter than I was used to and nursing her outside sounded miserable! She needed the break in the baby care center as much as I did 🤣

That's the part I'm dreading, nursing a 7 month old in August! And we can't bring ice in the parks anymore so....
Bring one of those cooling cloth things that you just wet! They're awesome. But you can also bring ice packs, like @Tuvalu said.

Hope you survived your first day back at work and LP did ok in her new environment 🙂

I survived, but I miss her like crazy! She didn't nap well there, so she was a zombie when she got home. I HATE that because I want to play when we get home because she goes to bed at 7. Hopefully after a week or two she'll adjust and we'll have more awake time between getting home and going to bed.

I'm here and catching up, but I wanted to say that I learned early on that it's always worth it to gate check your stroller. Even if you're babywearing the baby, the stroller comes in handy to push your personal bag and carry one. I often travel alone with A and this is what saves me. The car seat on the plane is super cumbersome, so I stopped doing that at two years old because she could wear a regular belt plus the travel harness thing. But I always gate check my stroller.

We did that on the way back and it was MUCH better. And she napped in the car seat on the plane which was nice. I was glad we were able to take it on the plane with us because she was happy to be in her own personal space. That'll probably be a one-and-done situation though since she won't be flying again until next year and she'll be big enough to just sit in my lap.

Thanks for the trip report.

I definitely know how R feels when you get overly cautious when the baby is sleeping (I was always like that of just keeping doing the same thing because it is working and I do not want to poke the bear and have the baby wake up!! :))

We had it a little different when we took our daughter E when she was 6 months, she was a very tough napper at home to begin with so not much changed on the trip, but it was definitely tough. We went back when she was 13 months old and it was much better, plus have to capitalize on them being free to fly until age 2 and free for the parks until age 3!

Thanks for reading! Yeah we want to get a couple more trips in before she starts costing money!! It's going to be hard to go multiple times a year once she's adding to the expense.

Another unsolicited tip..... In case you have to travel with her again..... When A was a baby she also slept with white noise and she was a white noise snob. Only one track would do, nothing else. We used an old phone and it was jut A's phone. I could put it in the car seat or stroller with her wherever we were. It doesn't have to play loud either since it's near her, so we were even able to use it on the plane without bothering other people. It was a really cheap portable white noise machine. Bonus, it charged with the phone chargers we already brought for ourselves.

This was ESPECIALLY handy when I took her to the mall to try to find post baby bras, LOL. Longest mall trip ever.

Oh she LOVES white noise. We have a portable one that we kept in her stroller and I even had it in the carrier with her when I was wearing her. It almost immediately calms her down when she's fussy unless she's just WAY overtired.

Thank you for the trip report! Everyone else has said it, but you did really great considering the circumstances! That stomach bug would have made anyone's trip go sideways, but you handled it with grace and optimism!
Thanks for reading! Hopefully no sickness next time :D

When she hits four months and has good head control you can start nursing her in the carrier and that's a game changer. You loosen one strap and kinda twist it a little to the side. You can find how-to videos on YouTube. Nobody can see your junk, the baby is happy, and you can walk around and do whatever you want.

Oh that's awesome! That will come in very handy.


Well-Known Member
Baby girl is so beautiful! So sorry it didn't go according to plan, but like you said, maybe bringing her back when she's one will be much better. Plus you've learned some things on this trip that will help you when y'all try again.

Thanks for sharing!


Well-Known Member
Your daughter is so beautiful!! I'm sorry it was such a rough trip but I honestly enjoyed reading your TR.

Back in September 2015 E, J(it would have been his first) & I had a trip planned for a week. J was only 6 months old at the time. E really wanted to go b/c it had been quite awhile since she had been there. She started getting anxiety in the weeks leading up to the trip & really started telling herself that it was a bad idea. Less that 48 hours before the trip she decided to cancel(she said she immediately felt relief when she did). She was able to switch things around so my mom could go in her place so it ended up working out well. E doesn't visit this site but I am really going to encourage her to read your TR. After reading this I think she made the right move. Of course, you had the extra drama with the sickness going around so that didn't help matters for sure.

I hope your next trip is a lot more fun & has a lot less stress involved!! I'll be looking forward to it!!


Active Member
Awww man, so sorry the adults got sick! You mentioned trying to take LP in a year, I've gone with nieces and nephews at 1 and 2 years old, they were pretty easy, seemed to enjoy just chillin in the stroller all day.

Bummed you didn't like FW, it's one of my favorites, but then again I didn't care for the Cheshire Tail, so maybe we're just Disney opposites 😂


Premium Member
I know it's counter-intuitive, but we've had the most luck with longer trips when we travel with my girls. We started when the oldest was 6 months and we've been on seven trips since then (oldest is now 4, little sister is 1). The longer the trip, the slower you can go. We're in the parks for about four hours twice a day with a nap in between. That means there's only need to nurse or feed once per "session."


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Baby girl is so beautiful! So sorry it didn't go according to plan, but like you said, maybe bringing her back when she's one will be much better. Plus you've learned some things on this trip that will help you when y'all try again.

Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much! And yeah, we learned a lot for next time. Of course she'll be a completely different baby by the next time, but hopefully we'll know her little quirks better.

Your daughter is so beautiful!! I'm sorry it was such a rough trip but I honestly enjoyed reading your TR.

Back in September 2015 E, J(it would have been his first) & I had a trip planned for a week. J was only 6 months old at the time. E really wanted to go b/c it had been quite awhile since she had been there. She started getting anxiety in the weeks leading up to the trip & really started telling herself that it was a bad idea. Less that 48 hours before the trip she decided to cancel(she said she immediately felt relief when she did). She was able to switch things around so my mom could go in her place so it ended up working out well. E doesn't visit this site but I am really going to encourage her to read your TR. After reading this I think she made the right move. Of course, you had the extra drama with the sickness going around so that didn't help matters for sure.

I hope your next trip is a lot more fun & has a lot less stress involved!! I'll be looking forward to it!!

Thanks so much!

Tell E she made the right decision for sure. I thought about canceling multiple times, and I probably should have. It's just SO HARD to stay away when you've gotten used to going multiple times a year. I really just need to learn how to sacrifice my own desires for her needs, and this was a big lesson in that area!

Next trip will definitely be better. We can only go up from here :hilarious:

Awww man, so sorry the adults got sick! You mentioned trying to take LP in a year, I've gone with nieces and nephews at 1 and 2 years old, they were pretty easy, seemed to enjoy just chillin in the stroller all day.

Bummed you didn't like FW, it's one of my favorites, but then again I didn't care for the Cheshire Tail, so maybe we're just Disney opposites 😂
I imagine she'll be a much happier kiddo next year! More wake time, less frequent'll be nice, and she'll hopefully enjoy all the sights and the rides we can take her on.

I can see the appeal of FW, but it's just not for us. The inconvenience of having to travel to get any kind of food or supplies was a huge strike against it. Plus is reminded us both of the state park that we have been to hundreds of times :hilarious: We like the park, but's right down the road, we don't need to travel to Disney World for that. I will say the cabin itself was VERY nice. We loved the room.

I know it's counter-intuitive, but we've had the most luck with longer trips when we travel with my girls. We started when the oldest was 6 months and we've been on seven trips since then (oldest is now 4, little sister is 1). The longer the trip, the slower you can go. We're in the parks for about four hours twice a day with a nap in between. That means there's only need to nurse or feed once per "session."
We might look into longer trips eventually. We are usually ready to be home after about 4 days though 😕 Maybe that'll change with the kid in tow.


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Thank you all for reading! I think I've replied to everyone now. I am glad you guys appreciated my honesty. It was a bad trip, but nothing Disney did (other than ruining my Orange bird sipper... :cautious:) so of course we're still eager to get back and try again.

We're still thinking we're going to travel without LP next time and let her hang back with the grandparents. Both of our moms live within an hour and will be THRILLED to keep her, so we are thinking of having them each take her for a few nights. And if we decide later that we want to take her with us, we can just add her to the reservations with no extra cost, so no big deal.

I've purchased plane tickets for Oct 19-24, so those are our tentative dates! It was between that and Nov 4-9 (my birthday is the 9th), but that's Jersey Week and I hear it gets crowded. Hotel costs were also slightly higher that week, so we went with Oct. Now I gotta decide where to stay!

We're thinking 3 nights at Coronado and 2 nights at the Contemporary. I'm DYING to stay at the Contemporary, but I can't justify it for a whole trip. I think balancing it with a moderate will help. It will all depend on AP discounts if/when they happen come out this year, but that's the tentative plan.


Premium Member
I know it's counter-intuitive, but we've had the most luck with longer trips when we travel with my girls. We started when the oldest was 6 months and we've been on seven trips since then (oldest is now 4, little sister is 1). The longer the trip, the slower you can go. We're in the parks for about four hours twice a day with a nap in between. That means there's only need to nurse or feed once per "session."

Our first trip with A, she was 2.75 but it was Christmas week. We only planned on 4 hours in the parks at a time, tops. It was perfect. We stayed on her sleep and eating routines with the exception of the last night when we stayed out for fireworks.

Last year she was 3.5 when we went and we didn't respect her sleep or eating routines at all. It made everything harder, and her emotions unstable.

So I think this advice is solid. Plan to go for as many days as it takes to do everything you want to do, but do it within the available time frames of their routines.


Premium Member
Thank you all for reading! I think I've replied to everyone now. I am glad you guys appreciated my honesty. It was a bad trip, but nothing Disney did (other than ruining my Orange bird sipper... :cautious:) so of course we're still eager to get back and try again.

We're still thinking we're going to travel without LP next time and let her hang back with the grandparents. Both of our moms live within an hour and will be THRILLED to keep her, so we are thinking of having them each take her for a few nights. And if we decide later that we want to take her with us, we can just add her to the reservations with no extra cost, so no big deal.

I've purchased plane tickets for Oct 19-24, so those are our tentative dates! It was between that and Nov 4-9 (my birthday is the 9th), but that's Jersey Week and I hear it gets crowded. Hotel costs were also slightly higher that week, so we went with Oct. Now I gotta decide where to stay!

We're thinking 3 nights at Coronado and 2 nights at the Contemporary. I'm DYING to stay at the Contemporary, but I can't justify it for a whole trip. I think balancing it with a moderate will help. It will all depend on AP discounts if/when they happen come out this year, but that's the tentative plan.

When you book your dining, book for 3 instead of 2 if you think there's any possibility of bringing her. You won't get charged anything if you show up as a two-top, but it can be difficult adding a third to the reservations at the last minute.


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When you book your dining, book for 3 instead of 2 if you think there's any possibility of bringing her. You won't get charged anything if you show up as a two-top, but it can be difficult adding a third to the reservations at the last minute.
We probably would end up changing all the dining if we bring her. We're going to do stuff we normally wouldn't bring a baby to since we probably won't do as many adult-only trips moving forward. I'm thinking at least 2-3 signatures! 😍


Premium Member
We probably would end up changing all the dining if we bring her. We're going to do stuff we normally wouldn't bring a baby to since we probably won't do as many adult-only trips moving forward. I'm thinking at least 2-3 signatures! 😍

That's a really good plan. Like a babymoon but after baby, LOL. Catch all the late night shows too. And go on all the thrill rides. All the things you'll be longing for when you're waiting in princess line after princess line, LOL


Well-Known Member
Is it possible that she was so fussy because she caught the same bug you had? You were nursing her, so maybe she was just feeling rotten like you were. I'm sorry it was not fun, but I think it will be easier when she's older. We took our kids when DS was 2, and it went really well. He slept really well in the stroller, so when he got tired, he'd conk out and we'd just take turns doing rides and such. DD was 4, and she was in a stroller, too, but we had friends with us, so we had enough people to push strollers and take turns waiting while the others rode. No, you can't do as many rides, but just being there is fun, and when she's old enough that she gets excited for the characters and parades, you will enjoy seeing it through her eyes.


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Sorry your trip was not ideal. I think you both did a fantastic job with bringing the baby, who is super adorable by the way. Awesome that your friend was there to be of some help. Thank you for sharing your journey! :D
Haha thanks we did our best! Yes it was nice having an extra set of hands, and we enjoyed getting out just the two of us those two nights.

Is it possible that she was so fussy because she caught the same bug you had? You were nursing her, so maybe she was just feeling rotten like you were. I'm sorry it was not fun, but I think it will be easier when she's older. We took our kids when DS was 2, and it went really well. He slept really well in the stroller, so when he got tired, he'd conk out and we'd just take turns doing rides and such. DD was 4, and she was in a stroller, too, but we had friends with us, so we had enough people to push strollers and take turns waiting while the others rode. No, you can't do as many rides, but just being there is fun, and when she's old enough that she gets excited for the characters and parades, you will enjoy seeing it through her eyes.
I definitely think the bug was part of it. I'm sure my milk suffered from me not eating for two days! She never threw up or had out-of-the-ordinary poops, so I don't think she got the actual virus. She was also just overtired while we were out in the parks. I hoped she'd nap in her stroller better, but she was fighting sleep so hard 😬 She's been an angel since we got home! Every baby is different, and our baby definitely likes consistency. She hasn't been napping good at daycare either because she can't wear her swaddle. Hopefully she'll adjust! Bless her heart, she comes home so tired.


Well-Known Member
First, She is just precious!!!
I watched your stories on IG, and I was like "No!!" when I saw everyone was sick. I'm so sorry! That would be such a bummer, but you look like you still got a lot done all things considering! Harper was 15 months on her first trip, and it was definitely stressful! I can't imagine a baby, you guys did it!


Well-Known Member
What a crazy trip!! Sorry it wasn't super magical, but you'll be going back a million times with LP and she'll be able to enjoy it much more and it will be more fun for all of you! Getting sick on vacation is the absolute worst! :hungover: Sorry you had to deal with that!

YAY! @Tuvalu and the grandma voice! Here's hoping the redone EPCOT security lines don't have LP fussing when she's ten because the lines are THAT Awful! (I'm 33 and I fuss in that line!) :bored:

Artisan de Glaces is always an important stop in Epcot! I've noticed when I'm not feeling well, ice cream really helps soothe the throat. The beer from Austria sounds delish! I went to Salzburg and stopped in that very brewery, STIEGL.

Everyone raves about Homecomin' and we aren't southern but do like Southern food so someday, we may try it. There are just so many other amazing dining options! However, the drink looks epic!
This is a Honey Lavender - Fresh strawberries and raspberries muddled with rosemary lavender vodka, lemon juice, honey syrup, and garnished with rosemary and a lemon twist.

It was VERY good!

So sweet of K to watch LP a bit for Couples time and here's hoping your October trip is simply magical!!

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