Edging our way around to do some Tweedlehaunting at the Haunted Mansion with our first Fastpass of the day. Even with the lack of crowds I think the line was 30 minutes. Fastpass got us right in, no problem.
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Short tale about the Fastpass system is in order here. Like many of us on the forum we've used the Fastpass+ system since it came out, and the old paper Fastpass system before that. For the most part we haven't had any issues with it and
in the parks it's been flawless.
As well as it's worked for us, apparently
some guests have had a difficult time understanding the concept of the Fastpass system. When waiting to scan our Magicbands at the Haunted Mansion we waited behind a family that was trying to get into the FP line but their bands wouldn't scan "green". The castmember(s) were pretty helpful though and discovered that this family's FP+ reservations were for later in the day. Well...the
concept of having a time-slot reserved apparently made absolutely no sense to the (I assume) father. He got very testy about the whole thing and insisted that making FP+ plans meant they could go whenever they wanted
and they wanted to go right now.
The Castmember calmly and professionally explained how the system worked but the (again, I assume) father was starting to cross the line from testy to belligerent but quickly backed down. Not sure whether it was true ignorance about how the system worked or if we'd witnessed someone trying to push their way into the short line by bullying the CM.
With that small drama behind us we enjoyed a visit to the Haunted Mansion. It was fun but a ghost ripped my flippin' head off. Nasty ghost!
After Haunted Mansion we strolled over to Peter Pan's Flight to do some Tweedlepanning. It had been quite a while since either of us had been on it. A simple ride but a really well done one. We both enjoyed it.
Oddly enough we witnessed another FP+ situation at Peter Pan's Flight. The couple in front of us were trying to scan their tickets and they wouldn't work go "green". Again, the CM tried to help. It appeared to me that there might have been a language issue between the CM and this couple which
could explain a lot...but in any case, apparently the couple thought they had to scan their tickets in order to get on a ride (as if FP+ scanners were a modern version of the old ticket-book system). Unlike the previous experience, this couple was very polite and made their way to get help at a FP+ terminal. Still, it was interesting to see.
At this point in our story I'm realizing I didn't take all that many pictures of the attractions. I guess the Tweedletwins were having just too much garsh durned fun doing stuff! Tweedletee-tweedlehee!
Up next...we have a Tweedlelunch, go Tweedlecruising, and buy a Tweedlepurse. Stay tuned!