Trip Report The "We Wrote a Trip Report just because we went to Disney World" trip report.

This year our big WDW vacation was in the spooky month of October when the weather finally cools off to at least tolerable temperatures (or so we hoped).

Our tale involves a cast of two: me (Tweedledum) and Lyn (Tweedledee). This is our story...

Magic bands arrive (actually...forgot to take pictures of them, these are from our last trip)


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No more agenda for us. Just need to enjoy the night air and do some nighttime sight-seeing. Which we did. A lot of it, too. Went back over to Seven Dwarfs where I decided to see how well my new camera would handle some even darker conditions. I can do a pretty good job hand-holding a camera in low light, but the stabilization on this Sony is really good!


So good in fact, we had to try more
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Really good actually. For fellow photogeeks these two are at 1/10-second and 1/8-second respectively.
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Darkness really falls and things start to really come alive around the park. We enjoyed it. Went on the Peoplemover and relaxed, then walked around more
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Incredibly, the "Incredibles" were doing dancing stuff.
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Our short evening tour was rapidly coming to an end. We were coming back the next day anyway, no sense in overdoing it the first afternoon. Back through the new hub though. What a difference. The new "hub" really seems to do away with the congestion. All these people would have been jammed into the old hub.
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Tweedledee! Wait! Picture time! Have to get a night picture of the castle!
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Park exit that way, so that way we shall tweedle-go!
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Hold on! Not so fast! Don't forget the Emporium. Have to see if there's something we want to keep our eyes out for the next day! Don't need a mouse, but they looked like they needed their picture taken.
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Bus! Time to head back. On the bus. The Bus was ok but the down-side slapped us right in the face. Almost every bus trip was standing-room only. Tweedledee was very lucky to have seats most of the time (she's so Tweedledee-adorable that guests were giving their seat up for her). Not a big deal though. We made it back to Tweedlevisit another day!
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Next up in our Tweedlesaga: day two. Will we survive? Wait and see!


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Day two: We go bussin' to The Magic Kingdom and break the Fastpass system

Day two and boy do we have plans. Big, extravagant Tweedleplans have we. 58ish days earlier we planned out this day to be a mostly relaxing visit to MK. Contrary to most popular advice we decided to use a Fastpass for the Festival of Fantasy Parade. That created an issue I'll talk about in a bit. For now, here was our plan:



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First on our list is to go Tweedlehaunting on the Haunted Mansion before 10:40am. After standing around waiting in line at Pop Century we and a mob of our closest not-friends squeezed our Tweedleselves onto the bus, then after a short ride made it to the Magic Kingdom. By 9:30 we found ourselves walking down Main Street in not too bad of a crowd. Touringplans estimated a crowd level of "2" that day. I'd say it was a little higher than that but it wasn't bad.

With the darkness and evening crowds gone we finally could see the new hub area for real. To me it makes everything feel a lot bigger than it was before. Walking is more enjoyable and less like being on a pushy city sidewalk.

Then we met a horse, of course.

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More orange stuff!
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...and one of the vehicles you don't see unless you're at MK fairly early
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Cinderella Castle with some of the new hub details without hoards of people standing around

Then walked around to the "wishing well". Have to say, it seems like they cleaned this area up a lot over the years. Several years ago they had a "smoking area" just down the path from it. When the air was right it was like standing in an ash-tray. Romantic it wasn't. Of course I didn't take a picture of the well itself. Silly Tweedledum are I.


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Back around to wander through Liberty Square where we explored the Christmas Shoppe in great depth.

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We also pondered food at Sleepy Hollow
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...and kept pondering...

...then pondered that we would wait...but here's the Liberty Tree!
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No crowds yet. It was nice. Weather was nice too - only about 74 with a high of 80. Would have prefered it a lot cooler but really couldn't complain.
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Edging our way around to do some Tweedlehaunting at the Haunted Mansion with our first Fastpass of the day. Even with the lack of crowds I think the line was 30 minutes. Fastpass got us right in, no problem.

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Short tale about the Fastpass system is in order here. Like many of us on the forum we've used the Fastpass+ system since it came out, and the old paper Fastpass system before that. For the most part we haven't had any issues with it and in the parks it's been flawless.

As well as it's worked for us, apparently some guests have had a difficult time understanding the concept of the Fastpass system. When waiting to scan our Magicbands at the Haunted Mansion we waited behind a family that was trying to get into the FP line but their bands wouldn't scan "green". The castmember(s) were pretty helpful though and discovered that this family's FP+ reservations were for later in the day. Well...the concept of having a time-slot reserved apparently made absolutely no sense to the (I assume) father. He got very testy about the whole thing and insisted that making FP+ plans meant they could go whenever they wanted and they wanted to go right now.

The Castmember calmly and professionally explained how the system worked but the (again, I assume) father was starting to cross the line from testy to belligerent but quickly backed down. Not sure whether it was true ignorance about how the system worked or if we'd witnessed someone trying to push their way into the short line by bullying the CM.

With that small drama behind us we enjoyed a visit to the Haunted Mansion. It was fun but a ghost ripped my flippin' head off. Nasty ghost!

After Haunted Mansion we strolled over to Peter Pan's Flight to do some Tweedlepanning. It had been quite a while since either of us had been on it. A simple ride but a really well done one. We both enjoyed it.

Oddly enough we witnessed another FP+ situation at Peter Pan's Flight. The couple in front of us were trying to scan their tickets and they wouldn't work go "green". Again, the CM tried to help. It appeared to me that there might have been a language issue between the CM and this couple which could explain a lot...but in any case, apparently the couple thought they had to scan their tickets in order to get on a ride (as if FP+ scanners were a modern version of the old ticket-book system). Unlike the previous experience, this couple was very polite and made their way to get help at a FP+ terminal. Still, it was interesting to see.

At this point in our story I'm realizing I didn't take all that many pictures of the attractions. I guess the Tweedletwins were having just too much garsh durned fun doing stuff! Tweedletee-tweedlehee!

Up next...we have a Tweedlelunch, go Tweedlecruising, and buy a Tweedlepurse. Stay tuned!
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We've been two years in a row (in 18 days it will be our third time!!) and I'm sure we've noticed guests that are really frustrated and dramatic but once I'm home, I totally forget about them. I'm glad you mention it though because it makes me realize just how hard the cast members all work for all of us. We all plan our vacations and spend a lot of money and have high expectations but Disney makes it pretty easy to roll with the punches (ie: fastpass not available until 3 pm, etc). One of my friends went this weekend and a cast member accidentally knocked his coffee over (he'd set it by his son's stroller) and she felt bad and gave him a free coffee voucher. Those unexpected extra magic touches are truly amazing!


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Annoying guests can be worth a laugh after the fact. Aggravating stuff happens. Sometimes it's worth getting really steamed about but usually it isn't. But really? Getting into a verbal altercation with a guy manning a theme park ride because you don't understand or don't agree with the way the system works? And then do it in front of the wife/girlfriend/kids/family?

Takes all kinds :)


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Day two continues: we're tweedlelunching, tweedlecruising, and more

We're off to lunch...but wait, what's this? I spot a curious new (to me) vending machine between Frontierland and Adventureland. A Sim Card machine? Yes. There was one. It sells prepaid phone and sim cards. That seems like a great idea in a place with so many tourists (I assume this is targeted mostly to foreign tourists). Kind of the last place I'd expect to see one of these machines, but there it was.


Now lunch! Going to Casey's had been mentioned many months before the trip so we went. We had simple plain hotdogs but they were good. Some of the really loaded 'dogs people were getting looked great though!

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On the subject of "theme park food" (particularly quick-service places): I always get a laugh at some of the food blogs that rip into these "meals" as if it's fine cuisine. It just isn't. It's the simplest of fast food. The other options like the Chili-Cheese dog and BBQ Slaw Dogs looked good and fresh, and were loaded up - no skimping on the extras. The fries were fresh and hot, and good. Pretty much what I'd expected.

Everything hit the spot and the moderately low crowd level meant we had no trouble getting a table!

With lunch behind us it was time to go to Pirates of the Caribbean, our next Fastpass on the itinerary. Great! We get to sit down, ride in the cool shade and relax a bit after lunch!


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Pirates? Ummm no, Tweedledum. That isn't happening. Approaching Pirates we see that it's closed and we're turned away. No riding for us. We were in luck though! The FP+ Gods already gave us alternative Fastpasses on other rides! As it turns out we didn't have to do anything, just go to one of the other rides and get on as if we'd intended to get passes for that ride in the first place.

Among the list of available rides was Jungle Cruise. Sure...why not? Haven't done that in quite a while. So off we went, Tweedletwins skipping our way along from a Pirate cruise to a Jungle cruise. Let's do it!

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In line the tension slowly builds as we try too guess which of the boats is going to carry us off into the Jungle...

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Will it be this one? Bomokandi Bertha?

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Yes! It is! We settle ourselves in and Bertha's mighty engine revs and whirs then we're off on a mighty adventure!

Yeah I know it's only the Jungle Cruise :)

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Whew. Just made it. Escaped from crazed gorillas, eager elephants, snakes, even saw the breathtaking back side of water.


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I'm enjoying seeing your pictures! Even though we're going for a day trip this weekend, it's still nice to look at MK pictures during the day...makes work seem less


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I'm enjoying seeing your pictures! Even though we're going for a day trip this weekend, it's still nice to look at MK pictures during the day...makes work seem less

I did a day-trip last weekend just to see the Osborne lights. Hopefully I'll make it at least once more before they're gone, but I don't usually stay that late at the parks.


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Here's the Swiss Family Treehouse. We didn't do that. I took a picture though.


Wait... on second though... how are you going to know we didn't actually do the tree house? Forget what I said - yeah, we did that. We walked all the way up and around. In fact we liked it so much we did it three times in a row!

Yeah we did.

Uh huh.


Eventually we saw Mary Poppins in the "hub" area. The "meet and greet" looked informal the way they used to be. Certainly they're planned, but this is a nice departure from having a pre-built special area set aside and roped off for a character.



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Still working our way around to do some shopping before the afternoon's parade. We stopped in to look in at the Crystal Arts store

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...where they were making glass stuff!


Tweedledee pointed out her tiara thing


Then we skipped along to the Confectionery to look around

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Didn't get anything but we looked a lot

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