Oh no, there is ambling down Main Street upon entering the Magic Kingdom. First, to say Hi! to Roy and Minnie, second, to drink in the view of the Castle and third, to enjoy the smells - yes, Main Street has that delicious aroma mix of popcorn, candy and whatever other fragrances Disney is pumping out from those storefronts. Then its wandering through the Emporium, looking at what new things we just have to buy, walking out at the end of the store, taking in the Castle view again and giving a nod to Walt and then head off to our first fast pass....
Upon leaving, we do it in reverse. Says a word of thanks to Walt, wander through the stores on the other side of Main Street (and try to avoid temptation in the candy store), cross back over to the Emporium to buy whatever we saw earlier in the day, say our goodbyes to Roy and Minnie, turn around for one last look at the Castle (usually with a lump in our throats and sadness, especially if we are leaving WDW the next AM) and head to our bus/monorail/boat to go back to our resort.
After Wishes and most of the guests have left the MK, I like to linger, looking at the Castle and the lights on Main Street and the quiet and nearly empty park. All while my DD is pulling me towards the front, saying she's tired and we need to leave. My dream is to sit on the benches around the Hub in the early morning just before dawn and it is quiet and peaceful and watch the sun rise over the Castle. Unfortunately, the 24 hour party wasn't the quiet and peaceful sunrise I thought it was going to be. I wanted it to be just me, my DD, Walt and Mickey.....