The Spa at Saratoga Springs?


New Member
Hi folks...

I'm brand new here...what a fantastic site!

I'll be heading down to WDW with my wife and daughter next Wednesday night (through Sunday). This will be our fourth trip down (unfortunately, all of our visits are on the short side...2-3 days).

We're staying at the Saratoga Springs resort, and I was hoping to get some feedback from all of you. Specifically, I'd like to know if the spa is comparable to the spa at the Grand Floridian. My wife always likes to spend a few hours there while my daughter and I race around the Magic Kingdom!

Thanks in advance for your feedback..


New Member
I was at WDW in January and purchased massage for my wife at the Spa at Saratoga Springs for Christmas. She absolutely loved it. She's been to a couple of different spas (a couple of top 10 ones) around the country and she said that the Spa at Saratoga Springs was of the best treatments she's ever received.

Or, was it great because while she was relaxing, I was chasing our 4 and 9 year old girls around the Animal Kingdom:animwink:
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Its a lovely spa. And you will love Saratoga!

I'll have to tell my hubby there are others like him out there. Only he prefers I go to Periwigs at the Beach Club and get my hair "fixed" rather than spa it. He likes the multi-color highlights that they just don't do well here in the Blue Ridge, so he gladly watches the kids for a couple of hours (and forks over a lot of $$$) for me to look citified!
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Craig & Lisa

Active Member
Short and simple, the spa at SSR was written up in a big magazine as one of the top 5 in the world, and in Nov the wife and others will be enjoying some of what they have to offer. Hope this helps. By the way, welcome to the boards!
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New Member
Original Poster
Thanks very much for the replies!

As I type this, me and my daughter are listening to WDW Park Music at (the "Buena Vista Radio" station). We are totally pysched for our trip. Four more days!
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