The Sorcerer's Apprentice Season 5 - ENDGAME


Well-Known Member
Another (late) Guest review:

Team Warriors:

I'm gonna say right away I'm a bit biased, as Cedar Point is my home park and I have adored Cedar Downs since I was a kid. So you kinda had me at "horse race." But even setting that aside, I think it makes perfect sense in Disney Springs, especially with its proximity to the other upcharge attraction in the area. Love the backstory (lots of horse raising going on just north of Orlando in central Florida) and the execution, even the donation thing... although even 50% would be admirable. But great tie-in adding the specialized gift shop - makes even more sense in Disney Springs.

Team Princes:

A fine concept; and while yes, re-using/re-inventing an established red platform is a Disney tradition, I might have looked for other inspiration other than the Tea Cups. Dug the ad, though. Nice work there.

D Hulk

Well-Known Member
Original Poster


Oogie Boogie just rolled a snake eyes. Thanks to his bad luck, the project's due date has now been extended to Thursday, March 14th, at 11:59 PM EST.

If this causes schedule conflicts for anyone, particularly for the mandatory Cursed Courtroom following this Stanza, please let your cohosts know.

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Stanza XI: The Court of Miseries
Thursday, March 14th – Friday, March 15th
Stanza XII: Port Unfortunate Souls
Saturday, March 16th – Sunday, March 24th
Stanza XIII: Mistress of all Fantasy
Monday, March 25th – Monday, April 1st
Mysterious Finale
Tuesday, April 2nd – Friday, April 12th

So, I'm gonna be on phone only so not able to do much for Stanza XII. Other than that I should be good. But wanted to let people know I'd be pretty inactive from March 15th - March 26th




A crisp, clear day at Universal Studios Hollywood
Gave way to an ominous event, inviting all the darkness it could.
Halloween Horror Nights, a seasonal time so wrapped in fright
It covers all corners of the park that are in sight.
At the entrance a tall man stood still...


Phantasm awaits, it'll give you a chill...


Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
You guys aren't going to want to miss @Pi on my Cake and I going head to head in an epic war of words on the latest and greatest installment of "Disney Debates"! This time were trying something new and have three different judges on the panel which means each judge has the power to vote for their favorite. If you guys chime in on the chat you can also influence who wins each round.

Questions this time have a loose Oscar theme to them and are as followed...

  1. What is the all time greatest voiceover performance in a Disney or Pixar animated movie?
  2. In honor of Green Book, pitch a buddy road trip movie starring two Disney characters from different movies.
  3. In honor of Captain Marvel, what was the best Disney animated movie of the 90's (so basically best Renaissance film except Little Mermaid isn't part of the equation, haha.)
Going live a little after 10PM Eastern/7PM Pacific TONIGHT!

Going live any moment!


Well-Known Member

Bendy and the Ink Machine

The Newest Halloween Horror Nights maze coming to Universal Studios Hollywood in 2019


Check out the teaser trailer for the house!

And here's a map of the location of Bendy (as well as all of the other houses this year.



  • Bendy and the Ink Machine- Team Princes HHN.pdf
    2.3 MB · Views: 285

D Hulk

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
A little something to tide you over...

While Gaston's Bar Brawl has offered an opportunity for smaller projects & quick-thinking, sometimes those challenges can be too niche or outside of someone's comfort zone. To compensate, we present an additional, optional challenge on the cusp of Act III.




Who is your favorite Disney villain?

Design an attraction for that villain!

  • This attraction doesn’t have to be for a specific location. It is entirely Blue Sky.​
  • This challenge is optional. You don’t have to complete this to move forward. (Though at the end of Stanza XIII there is a pinch point, and players’ passion here might serve as a “tie breaker” if needed.)

  • This challenge is solo. It will consist entirely of your own work. (With that in mind, we don’t expect the same skill sets from each player. If you’re a talented writer but a poor map maker, use your writing to your advantage.)

    To repeat this is an optional bonus challenge and you don’t HAVE to do it! It’s here for players who would enjoy doing this. What do you feel like creating? Follow that muse!​

This optional challenge is due at the same time as Stanza XII

Good fortune to everyone as we transition into Act III!​

D Hulk

Well-Known Member
Original Poster



“You play a good game, Warriors, but the game is finished. Now we review.”
- The Tall Man

Okay, up front, I LOVE PHANTASM!

For an obscure cult oddity, Phantasm is a phantastically realistic choice! USH has a trend of reviving ‘70s & ‘80s horror gems, from The Exorcist to The Shining to An American Werewolf in London to Poltergeist, and Phantasm fits perfectly with that crowd. It’s the 40th anniversary, Angus Scrimm recently passed, Ravager was recently released, J.J. Abrams restored the original, Joe Bob Briggs hosted a Christmas marathon …You know, I'll give even odds this’ll be a REAL 2019 maze. (Another wholly serious prediction: Killer Klowns from Outer Space.)

Both teams experienced similar setbacks. Only 50% of players know horror at all, and only one person knew any given IP. On Team Warriors, PM and wordsmith extraordinaire @James G. was our “phan” – that’s the actual term for Phantasm phanatics. He faced his spheres (heh!) and spearheaded this endeavor, handling the entire maze walkthrough and quite honestly nearly everything else.

That walkthrough is faultless. (“You come to us” – wonderful Phantasm II nod!) It grasps how HHN mazes operate, effectively phitting Phantasm to that phormat. Pulsing “mourners” is a smart touch, especially with the secret “scaractors.” That helps to juice the scares. This is crucial since Phantasm’s bizarre imagery – Jawa monks, silver spheres, giant tuning forks – is more abstract than overtly horrific. It would be a unique tone for HHN, but still very much in their wheelhouse.

I wonder how this comes across for Phantasm novices (probably my cohosts). Me? I know these flicks! I love them! I understand the maze. Some stuff I miss: alien bugs, spine monsters, chainsaw-wielding Gravers, zombie policemen, the Hemicuda, the hearse… But the basics are there! The progression ever deeper into the Tall Man’s mortuary fits the maze phormat perfectly.

The presentation falls very flat unfortunately.

You discussed stuff which you didn’t add. There is no music – and Phantasm’s score is one of horror’s best. The Google Doc feels unfinished, raw, bare. A simple elegant forum post would’ve worked, something in the style of your exceptional Exposition Downs. The ice cream is a welcome addition (yay Reggie!), the logo is good, but this could’ve used plenty more custom touches.

I’m saddened. Done right, a Phantasm maze would have been – for me –an automatic winner. There’s squandered potential. @James G. did his damnedest, and it’s a shame his passion wasn’t more infectious.



Compared to Phantasm, I am only vaguely familiar with Bendy. This gives Team Princes a different challenge, to win me over with a largely unknown property.

HHN hasn’t delved into video games very much yet, and Bendy is not the obvious choice. (Both teams debated Five Nights at Freddie’s early on.) Artistically speaking, though, it is a strong IP choice. The visuals would be wholly unlike anything previously seen at HHN, yet still doable if their bizarre 3D mazes are anything to go by. The vintage animation studio setting would let Universal take the out of Disney (something you only acknowledge very indirectly, but it’s baked into the premise). In typical Princes fashion Bendy is a risky choice, and in typical Princes fashion it’s a choice which has paid off handsomely.

Your maze walkthrough is pretty much on-par with Warriors’. Both teams grasped the scare maze concept and did a good job of “painting with words.” This would be a technical marvel, particularly with the fusion of puppetry and projections.

While I could go on praising the walkthrough, I’d rather highlight the many, many other areas where the Princes of Presentation once again took the crown!

Let’s get the negatives out of the way. There are minor formatting issues. Also I downloaded your PDF, which was awkward, though I gather that issue was immediately resolved.

Onto the good stuff: The video! You set that spooky Bendy tone instantly, you tied it into Universal…it feels real.

The park map! All the other alternate universe mazes are hysterical. This is absolutely, utterly, entirely believable…except…a Leprechaun scare zone?!?!?!! Ha HA!!! Leprechaun is silly! (And hey, there’s that Killer Klowns maze we’re all predicting.)

The maze map! Yeah, you guys GET mazes. Details like the grey walls for jump scares, that’s wonderful attention to detail.

With your use of color and font and proper Universal logos, this feels like a genuine HHN proposal. It’s more than the sum of its parts, and it’s an impressively coherent feat considering how few Princes knew Bendy early on. This presentation was made with one voice, showing Team Princes at the top of your game.​
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Well-Known Member
Disclaimer: I am not familiar with any of these IPs, so lucky for you all, I cannot be impartial to either.

Additionally, for this review I have decided not to format my review to keep both groups separate, but compare and contrast the two directly.

Right up front, I must say I am incredibly impressed with both groups, and I was even more-so impressed with the widely different directions that both groups went. Warriors went with a time-tested classic horror film, and Princes with a new IP that appeals to younger generations. In terms of the best choice in IP though, I will have to go with Team Princes. Bendy is a great choice, and a great contrast to a certain company that Universal is set up right next door to. The story is easier to digest in the time-frame of the maze, as opposed to Phantasm.

With the content/layout of the actual maze itself, I cannot pick a winner. Warriors had the great idea to include actors within the guests, and their elaborate sets impressed me. The story was very structured and faithful to its source material. On the opposing side with Princes, the idea of guests stepping into a cartoon world, a hellish version of MMRR, is equally exciting. The content of both was incredible and the mazes would terrify all.

Now onto the layout and design of the presentations themselves... and it goes without saying that Princes knocked this portion out of the park. The PDF and clip were laid out great, an incredible idea that I believe should be inspiration for all participants to keep in mind going forward. The PDF and its layout gave the feel of a real proposal coming from a consulting firm, and I appreciated it immensely. Though the clip was basically a reiteration of the intro of the paper, and I would've appreciated something new, I still liked it. Warriors, your content was on par with Princes, and your presentation was in-line with what both groups presented last week... but Princes stepped up their game. Hopefully this gives you the inspiration to take two steps next time and put them to shame ;).

In conclusion: A great effort by all parties involved, but Princes went the extra mile, with a more inspiring IP and got the job done.
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Well-Known Member
Reviews? Reviews!
Being honest, I saw a mention of Metroid or Castlevania and I was disappointed you didn't go with that. Knowing that Phantasm is a cult film, it's a tough sell. On one hand, you'll have a rabid fanbase eager to see a fantastic recreation of their favorite films, on the other, you'll have to introduce the concept to those not in the know. I think you did a decent job at this too with the Haunted Mansion-esque introduction. And that's a big thing. I got a very first half of Haunted Mansion vibe and it works surprisingly well. I think it's also a somewhat pleasant change from the typical darkly lit and physically terrifying maze by a large portion of the maze being lit bright and some psychological terror with the plants. However, there were some little things here and there and I think they kind of underwhelmed. The writeup's pace feel like the scares don't begin till about halfway through. On top of that, no giant rolling ball set piece, which is probably the one thing most people know abut the series. It was fine, but underwhelming.

I am unfamiliar with this IP too. In fact, I thought it was an original creation and was about to dock realism points due to Hollywood mostly using IP for mazes. However, I did some googling and found out it was a video game. And I think video games are an untapped market for IP mazes. They're both participatory mediums and you got that across stunningly. Abandonment is always a good way to add creepiness and twisting it further by making an animation studio is a great idea that you just stunningly made feel real. There are some really cool, creative costume designs for the creepy characters people will encounter here. There was a bit more detail here, much appreciated and I liked the food and beverage proposed here. The reception was a nice touch, as well as Pi's plug which got a giggle out of me. Just a really good job and a fun, tight experience that gets the video game experience and transforms that into a horror maze quite well.


Well-Known Member

To start off, I love the inclusion of the trailer as a refresh to those who have seen it and a quick snapshot for those who aren't familiar.

After that, I am slightly confused about the location. You mention it's near the Globe but then further north (in the entrance?) to the left? To the left is the year-round Walking Dead attraction. Is it replacing that? The HHN Maze is in the entrance and to the right. I think a map of the location would've helped here.

I LOVE the idea of planting actors in each group to add a new dynamic to the mazes. All the pre-maze area sounds great from the queue to the entrance lobby look great!

Going on from there, the presentation feels flat. Music and sounds are a big deal in these mazes and it would have really helped in this presentation as well.

Overall, it is a very fun maze and I think it would be very successful, I just wanted a bit more presentation-wise.


Starting off, I love the teaser trailer! It is a perfect fit for the IP and challenge.

The map is helpful on where this is going but also really fun (A Jaws maze?? The Eric Andre Show instead of the Jaberwockeez?)!

The facade is a good idea and really starts the story off strong. I've always loved the "Cartoon"-esque art style and while I can't think of a maze it has been used in before, it is definitely possible and gives a fresh maze style.

You definitely weren't lying that after that initial jump scare the pace really picks up... One thing I really like is that you have a lot of creepy effects that don't rely on jump scares. It is a very nice way to do a maze (as Universal likes to do jump scare heavy mazes).

I really like that inclusion of the map at the end labelled with all of the scenes as a small reminder of how it would look.

Overall. I think Bendy was a risky IP but you definitely sold me on the idea of using a horror game for a maze.​


Well-Known Member
Guest Reviews!

Team Warriors

I suppose I'm not alone in saying I'm not very familiar with this IP :p But it was a very interesting route to take! As far as something I'm not so sure about though, I have to wonder about the secret actor element. It's certainly an interesting idea that could make the tour very fun, but the execution feels a bit off. Like, I don't think the boyfriend's performance is really going to fool anyone into thinking something bad actually happened to someone on the tour, if anything I could see that taking people out of the immersion (At least it would for me). That was really my only qualm about the story, otherwise it seemed very solid and well thought out from the details to even the deserts. Overall, it's clearly an elaborate maze with a lot of interesting special effects, and one that would make for an exciting addition to the lineup.

Team Princes
Another IP I'm not very familiar with (and by that phrase I mean know nothing at all about), but you guys did a great job of helping me out with that right away. The video set the scene immediately, and I can tell that this is a very unique and intriguing atmosphere for a HHN maze. On top of that, your presentation all over was super well done, from the video, to the map, to the slideshow (though- the reception section was a bit weird, like you're giving a history of and reviewing your own project :p Also, they already do have media events like described with plenty of youtube vloggers). As far as your maze itself, while none of the effects seem like anything exceptionally groundbreaking, it still sounds like a lot of fun and that the theme is carried out well. Which, after all, is often all it takes to give a good theme park experience!


Well-Known Member

I'm going to preface both (Princes listen up) of these reviews by saying that I don't do well in horror situations. I rarely go to Haunted Houses, and I often leave them terrified. That being said, I am familiar with the backstage development of the mazes, as I designed a Stranger Things Haunted House for my university's chapter of Theme Park Engineering. Also, for the record I was almost completely unfamiliar with both IPs (completely on Warriors, some experience with Princes)

As for IP choice, I thought Phantasm seemed wise. Horror Nights lends itself to creating these attractions based on all sorts of IPs, so going old school was fun.

Presentation-wise, a google doc which doesn't take advantage of the uniqueness of the document format (changing background colors, cool image formatting) seems unnecessary. A forum post would achieve the same effect. Also, there wasn't a header for the ice cream station, so that transition was jarring.

The idea of having plants in the group is such a cool gimmick, and would lend itself perfectly to adding to the horror, because no one would expect it to happen. That being said, I worry about some logistics - especially trolls trying to interfere with the scene.

Overall, a great project with a great IP that just fell a tad short on the presentation.

As with Warriors, I was a huge fan of your IP choice. You took it in the completely opposite direction - a new modern IP. I know the game from somewhere - I think I watched a Game Theory where he analyzed Bendy and Mickey's relationship.

The whole mocking Mickey theme seems sooo universal. Huge points for realism there. the Bendy Ice Cream Bar is perfect and adds so much.

Also, I loved that you invited YouTubers to opening day. That was a really logical and creative touch. They are the main people who people goto for news about videogames after all. It's a great marketing strategy.

Your map was awesome, and I can tell that you factored in practicality to your proposal. Having built one of these, I appreciate this.

The write up was really nice. I thought everything was greatly executed, and I don't have any comments on this, but praise.

Overall, phenomenal work Princes of Presentation!

D Hulk

Well-Known Member
Original Poster

Halloween Horror Nights is about as far from Disney's family-friendly tone as Armchair Imagineering gets, resulting in a challenge which thrilled some and repulsed others. Each team selected a fascinating IP and developed a strong maze around it, but only one team truly nailed that wild Universal tone.

Team Warriors
What Warriors did well: An inspired choice of IP which led to a fun maze walkthrough, one which effortlessly used the maze format to fit the Phantasm style.
What Warriors did poorly: The presentation itself fell flat, incomplete and unfocused, likely stemming from many Warriors' unfamiliarity with the source IP.

Team Princes
What Princes did well: Effectively fashioned a unique and appropriate scare maze from an unlikely source, with a presentation which feels like it came directly from Universal Creative.
What Princes did poorly: Minor formatting stuff.

Congratulations! You are one star closer to completing Yen Sid’s hat!


Cheers to our heroes for unraveling Oogie Boogie's plans!


Gaston's Bar Brawl is now over. Act III looms on the horizon.

Brer Oswald

Well-Known Member
A little something to tide you over...

While Gaston's Bar Brawl has offered an opportunity for smaller projects & quick-thinking, sometimes those challenges can be too niche or outside of someone's comfort zone. To compensate, we present an additional, optional challenge on the cusp of Act III.




Who is your favorite Disney villain?

Design an attraction for that villain!

  • This attraction doesn’t have to be for a specific location. It is entirely Blue Sky.​
  • This challenge is optional. You don’t have to complete this to move forward. (Though at the end of Stanza XIII there is a pinch point, and players’ passion here might serve as a “tie breaker” if needed.)

  • This challenge is solo. It will consist entirely of your own work. (With that in mind, we don’t expect the same skill sets from each player. If you’re a talented writer but a poor map maker, use your writing to your advantage.)

    To repeat this is an optional bonus challenge and you don’t HAVE to do it! It’s here for players who would enjoy doing this. What do you feel like creating? Follow that muse!​

This optional challenge is due at the same time as Stanza XII

Good fortune to everyone as we transition into Act III!​
Wasn’t “Friends on the other Side” ft. Facilier the ride we did 2 years ago for a comp @spacemt354 ? I can’t remember if it was the one we scrapped or not?

D Hulk

Well-Known Member
Original Poster



With Prince Philip, Robin Hood and Mr. Incredible eliminated, our players are stranded without leaders and without teams!

You stand upon the brink of the abyss. On the other side is Act III. To get there, you must prove yourselves worthy before a panel of villainous lawmen. All your Imagineering acumen will be needed in Act III. For those who have been trying new things and developing your skills, hopefully you’ll have the experience needed to propel yourself forward towards the title of Sorcerer’s Apprentice.

Everyone enters the Cursed Courtroom as an individual. There are no teams here. Everyone must stand alone before the Judges.

Defendants, your task is to reply to the Judges’ questions in the Cursed Courtroom

Link to the Cursed Courtroom

  • This is a solo round. There are no teams and there are no Guest Reviewers.​
This Project is due Sunday, March 17th, at 11:59 PM EST.
Good luck.

Time Zones

Pacific Standard Time - 8:59 PM
Eastern Standard Time - 11:59 PM
Barbados Party Time - 12:59 AM
Greenwich Mean Time - 3:59 AM
Central European Time - 4:59 AM​

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