3 months… It’s hard to believe that myself, along with so many others, have been creating, inspiring, and having fun for 3 whole months. But, today, my time in the Sorcerer’s Apprentice Season 2: International Edition may come to an end. These past 3 months have been an amazing journey with ups and downs like no other. I would like to start off by stating that single sentence that I mean with all of my heart...
I deserve to stay in this competition, I deserve to be in the final four and I have shown that I deserve it!
I'll back up this statement for a multitude of reasons. Firstly, I have amazing
leadership skills. I am able to lead my team through losses, wins and challenges even when our numbers are low. An example of my leadership skills is my Project Manager career in this game. Both of the challenges in which I was Project Manager were 24 hour challenges. Severely, upping the stakes through not just the time constraints, but the 20 sentence limit. We may have lost Challenge 3, in which I still feel that my leadership skills were great, we came back and won the next 24 hour challenge (Challenge 7).
A second reason why I deserve to stay in this competition if because
I take my time in my work and
work well under pressure. I try to think things through as much as I can and point out flaws in my work. This could help me in the long run and help me/my team avoid silly mistakes that could hurt us. A huge example of me working under a large amount of pressure is my role as Project Manager in Challenges 3 and 7. Because we were under a very small time limit and a tiny word limit, there was quite a bit of added pressure. However, our team did pretty well both times (Even if we lost one) and the critiques were almost all positive.
A third reason why I deserve to stay is that I put my best
effort in my work. These past few months, I have shown that I will put time, effort and detail into my work. For example, in this challenge, I spent a good 2-3 hours on just the map of the area. I kept checking back in with my team and asking them to critique it. Another example of this is during Challenge 2, when I put an extreme amount of detail into the ride description and we ended up not losing a player for the second week in a row.
A fourth reason is that I have a
variety of skills that help me in this competition. I can describe things in detail, draw or make artwork, find pictures that complement our proposal, design a website or two, write/flesh out the ideas of my teammates and help in the brainstorming process. I have done many different things to help out my team and mold my abilities in order to adapt to my team’s skills and weaknesses. In addition, I am willing to step
outside of my comfort zone and create or
try something new. An example of this would be in the most recent challenge where I created the map for the area. I hadn't done much of the artwork for the competition yet and wanted to add a new skill to my portfolio.
A fifth reason that I deserve to stay in this competition is that
I help my team out whenever they are in need. I will step up to the plate if one of my team members is not able to fulfill their duty, or if they simply need help or more ideas, I'm happy to help. An example of this from Challenge 10 is when I volunteered to do a large multitude of jobs for the proposal. From making the map, to doing a ride through description, to making a general area paragraph, to creating rough drafts of the attraction track layout. Another example of me helping out another team member was in Challenge 2. One of my fellow Team Land members needed some help on part of the description. So, I gladly volunteered to help!
A sixth reason is that I am
creative with my ideas and come up with many different aspects of our proposals that help out greatly. An example of this was the idea to include the cameos of all the Doctor's in the secondary queue. This added a nice feature to an otherwise boring section and also gave the other Doctors some screen time. Another example of this is from Challenge 8. We knew that we had to step up our presentation level by a few notches, but we didn't know how. Then it hit me, BAM! We could create a creepy, scary, and spooky poem that would really convey the haunted message to the reader. An example from this challenge is that
A seventh why I deserve to stay in this competition is that I am willing to
familiarize myself with a topic that I am not familiar about. An example of this would be in the most recent challenge (Challenge 10). I honestly knew nothing about Doctor Who and had never seen a single episode... So, I spent my time and money researching Doctor Who and watching different episodes. I now call myself a Whovian Initiate and am a full-fledged Doctor Who fan. This is because I was willing to familiarize myself with Doctor Who and it's related topics to help my team out in the challenge.
An eighth reason is that I can
accept critique and use it to make my future ideas and proposals better. Also, I can take my team's critiques and adapt my ideas to them. An example of this is from the most recent challenge. I was in charge of the map for the pavilion area changes. I went through about 7-8 drafts, 5-6 of which I shared with them. From changing the colors, to adding a key, to shifting the gift shop a little bit to the left and widening the pathways, I took their comments and made the map better. Another example of this is our presentation. We took the
other team's critiques from last week and focused a large portion of our time to presentation this week, making sure that the ride-through would work just right.
A ninth and final reason why I deserve to be in the final four is because I bring a
positive and optimistic attitude to Team Land. I am often in a positive attitude, through ups and downs alike. An example of this is when we won Challenge 9. My positive and optimistic attitude carried over from that challenge and into this one. I'm still in a good mood now, even though we lost. I know
for a fact that our concept was outstanding and that's all that counts.
I would like to thank a large sum of people! First, I would like to thank
@Twilight_Roxas ,
@Wikkler ,
@Matt7187 ,
@ctxak98 ,
@JokersWild ,
@tcool ,
@Voxel and
@MonorailRed for being outstanding competitors this season. Next, I would like to thank
@Matt7187 (again),
@BryceM ,
@LittleGiants16 , and
@Sam4D23 for being great advisors/judges. Your critiques and comments really helped me grow as a person! I would also like to thank
@englanddg and
@MA Screamin' for being amazing enemies/teammates, it's been great. I would like to give a HUGE round of applause to
@jdmdisney99 for hosting what I think is one of the best competitions this board has ever seen. And last, but most certainly not least, I would like to thank
@Robert Butnarasu ,
@Sam4D23 (again),
@IDInstitute and
@Zweiland for being phenomenal original Team Land members. All of you were so amazing and I hope I get to work with all of you again some day.
In sum, I deserve to stay in this competition because of my leadership skills, how I work under pressure, I put effort into everything, I bring a variety of skills to the table, and I help out my team. Also, I am creative, positive and optimistic, I familiarize myself with the subject, I take my time with my work, and I am able to accept critique. I deserve to be in the final four of The Sorcerer's Apprentice Season 2: International Edition because I believe in myself (as cheesy as it sounds)
and I believe that I can help bring our team out of this loss and to the finish line!
I hope that these reasons prove to you that I am worthy of not just staying in this competition, but becoming the next Sorcerer's Apprentice!
Good Luck to
@Zweiland and
@englanddg in the Boardroom!
My name is
@RMichael21 and I approve this message!