Sam's Critique:
Wow, where do I begin! This is hands down the best proposal this team has come up with. Maybe it is my love for Madrid and Barcelona, but the decision to go with a Spanish Colony was absolutely perfect. In order to cover such a large and detailed proposal I will divide my critique into four parts: Shops, Rides, Restaurants, Land itself. Additional sections will be devoted to the site and overview thoughts.
Shops: I felt that the balance of shops and food options was terrible. The land in total only had two shops, but multiple food options. The balance gave the impression that there were so many ideas for restaurants that you guys decided to put them all in. The shops themselves were very unique and appropriately placed, however, the lacked detail and as I said earlier were too few. Another thing that irked me was the location of Buccaneer Bay's shop. For me it was too far from the main portion of the mini-land. Overall the theme gave you the opportunity to have very unique shops, but I feel this was not capitalized on.
Restaurants: YUM! I honestly think that if this were real and I visited I would gain 50 pounds. I want to try all the food. I have two problems with them though. The first is the overabundance of them the second is that the cuisine is tailored too much towards American Palates and not Chinese. This is a big problem. Overall though, the restaurants and food carts sounded very delicious, but did not really fit with Chinese tastes.
Rides: All of the rides were fantastically detailed and unique. One thing I liked is that the lands were built around the rides. In my mind that is key to a good project and I'm glad you all did that. The next thing I would like to say is that I loved how unique but cohesive all the attractions were. You guys took what some may see as a very limited IP and expanded on it making it something unique.
Land: I'm just going to say that I love the Spanish Colony. I mean it really was fantastic, other then that the land was very well put together, from the beautiful harbor concept to the cave entrance. You could tell that this was well thought out and put together.
Overall this land was well done. Monorail Red's art was gorgeous (as usual), but I wished her facade art had been used more on the site. Those were the most beautiful pieces of art I think I have ever seen her create...well except for those logos [Red will know what I'm talking about

]. The site itself could have been much better. It felt very plain and simple, too rugged for me. The map could have been better as well. The music was a nice touch, but the site could have been better.
Englanddg I know you can build a better site, we all saw it with LOTR, but this was not your best work.
Great job Team Sea...I see good fortune in your future.