Trip Report The Rain Never Bothered Us Anyway - June 2024

Hi! We're back and I'm sort of settled back into our routine, so I thought I would try to get started on this report. There were lots of ups and downs, but we had a good trip! And as my title suggests, the torrential rain and flooding they were calling for did not happen and we were not bothered by the rain that did happen! I'm going to start with some general thoughts in this first post before jumping into the actual trip, so please bear with me.

I really struggled this trip, and not just the way you would think I would and definitely not just the way I thought I would. It was definitely hard going back without Lily, but I really struggled physically this time too. I've always been blessed with a good metabolism and have stayed pretty much the same weight I was in high school (things just shifted a little after having kids), but I'm going to be honest here and tell you all that I've been pretty lazy and sedentary since Lily's accident and we haven't had the best eating habits. Combine that with the hormone changes that happened almost like a light switch went off when I turned 50, and I'm carrying 15 more pounds than I am used to. My legs and feet hurt like they never have before on a Disney trip! By the end of our 5th day, my left ankle and foot were swollen and the top of my foot looked like I was getting the "Disney crud" on it. I wore the same shoes on our first day that I have always worn on Disney trips and that I wore all weekend in Des Moines and have never had any issues with, but I had pretty bad blisters on my left foot by the end of our first day. Luckily, I had plenty of blister band aids and such and was able to treat them and not have them give me much issue. I was just not able to tolerate the heat like I used to be able too either! All of this was very frustrating to me.

My heart was literally breaking the first day watching Owen struggle. He and Lily were so close, and he thought he would be ok, but he really wasn't. He was almost crying in the lobby of CBR first thing when we got there. Then later that day, as we talked about the schedule for the week, he commented that he wasn't planning on swimming when we were at Typhoon Lagoon. He and Lily always hung out together in the wave pool and lazy river at the water parks. I asked before scheduling the After Hours at TL and he was excited about it. Just not when it came right down to it. He did end up enjoying his time there with Logan, but, man, it was hard watching him work through it.

But you know what was the hardest part? I never would have thought of this ahead of time, but the first time they asked how many in our party and I had to stop myself from saying 5 and say 4. It hurt every single time I had to say that.

Not gonna lie, I did cry a little on the plane on the way down, but once I got myself under control again, there was a rainbow outside the window. It was hard to catch with the camera, but it was definitely there! It made me stop and smile.



I promise, the rest of the posts will be more upbeat!


Well-Known Member
It's too bad the room assignments didn't go a bit smoother for you all but in the end it all worked out. I loved all your pictures from your walk around CBR which were so colorful! Your t-shirt quilt is so adorable!!!


Well-Known Member
I love the way your pictures take us on a journey from place to place! And I've been trying to figure out what to do with my 3 trash bags of t-shirts that have logos on them from places I've been, that I just don't want to give up. Usually, quilts are what people suggest, but I live in SW Florida where I don't really need one, but seeing yours is making me rethink the situation 🤔 Can't wait for more trip report!


Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry it was so hard, especially for Owen. That must have been hard to watch.

CBR doesn't seem to be very good with room requests. We stayed there a couple times and I never got what I requested. The last time we stayed there, I had gotten a room for my brother's family and one for ours, and I had requested ground floor because I have some mobility issues sometimes, and I had asked for connecting rooms. They gave the ground floor room to my brother when he checked in, and they put us in the room directly above theirs, which meant having to lug all our stuff up those stairs, and having to go up and down the stairs every day, and sometimes carrying a suitcase full of laundry. We didn't arrive until after 9pm, so they should have had plenty of time to get 2 rooms on the ground floor ready. I get it if they couldn't swing adjoining rooms, but they could have at LEAST put us on the ground floor.


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LOVE the refurbished rooms at CBR! I’m glad they were able to make things right and get you into connecting rooms!
I really liked the way they looked and functioned too!
Alcohol tastes better at Disney LOL

Room pics were awesome! Sorry you had issues getting them :confused:
Thanks! It definitely should not have been so complicated!
It's too bad the room assignments didn't go a bit smoother for you all but in the end it all worked out. I loved all your pictures from your walk around CBR which were so colorful! Your t-shirt quilt is so adorable!!!
Thank you!
Cool idea with the t-shirts!


Well-Known Member
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I love the way your pictures take us on a journey from place to place! And I've been trying to figure out what to do with my 3 trash bags of t-shirts that have logos on them from places I've been, that I just don't want to give up. Usually, quilts are what people suggest, but I live in SW Florida where I don't really need one, but seeing yours is making me rethink the situation 🤔 Can't wait for more trip report!
Aww, thanks! I used Project Repat and I like that you can order the small lap size that I got or a much larger one. The small one is much easier to store or display and is the perfect size to use while sitting on the couch if you need it.


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I'm so sorry it was so hard, especially for Owen. That must have been hard to watch.

CBR doesn't seem to be very good with room requests. We stayed there a couple times and I never got what I requested. The last time we stayed there, I had gotten a room for my brother's family and one for ours, and I had requested ground floor because I have some mobility issues sometimes, and I had asked for connecting rooms. They gave the ground floor room to my brother when he checked in, and they put us in the room directly above theirs, which meant having to lug all our stuff up those stairs, and having to go up and down the stairs every day, and sometimes carrying a suitcase full of laundry. We didn't arrive until after 9pm, so they should have had plenty of time to get 2 rooms on the ground floor ready. I get it if they couldn't swing adjoining rooms, but they could have at LEAST put us on the ground floor.
It was very difficult watching Owen struggle! Luckily, he was able to work through it pretty quickly and started enjoying himself.

I have never had an issue with CBR before and have always been assigned the island that I have requested. This time it was just not the particular building I requested, but ended up being fine. That stinks that you had such a poor experience there. It is one of my favorite resorts.


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We all ordered Magicband+ for this trip, as none of us had the pluses yet. I already have a tan line from my watch and didn't want to get one on my other wrist from the MB+, so ordered a puck holder from Etsy.

It was kind of bulky and hard to position to scan at times, but overall I liked it. The only thing I didn't like was Brian and the boys kept having their MB+ respond to the touch points or the statues and mine didn't do that without the whole band being attached to the puck.

We were exhausted, but hungry again. Nobody wanted to leave CBR, so we mobile ordered dinner from Centertown Market and headed over that way.










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Owen ordered the mixed grill platter

I had the jerk chicken bowl

Brian and Logan were boring and ordered pizza


Brian said the pizza tasted like cardboard! I wondered why they ordered it in the first place. Owen didn't necessarily care for his either. It wasn't that it was bad, he just didn't like the flavoring on the chicken in particular, but all of the meat. Mine was just ok, it was much better a few years ago when I had it.

It started raining lightly while we were finishing up. I was like, "no big deal, I'll just get my umbrella out to protect the camera and we'll be on the way." Brian was looking very sheepish at that point because he had left the backpack in the room. We just waited it out a few minutes and the rain was done so we were ready to head back to the room for an early night.







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Loving all of the light fixtures!
I loved the steel drum one @cgersic !!
It's funny that you say that! Owen was very judgmental this trip and was constantly saying "why are you taking a picture of a light", "another light picture?", "do you need a picture of that light?", etc. He also had to judge that I was taking pictures of trash cans and I was taking notes on my phone. He kept asking who wants to see pictures of lights!?! He was like, "oh, it's your forum friends isn't it!?!"


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June 13- Magic Kingdom

I was up early and purchased Genie+ before showering and getting ready for the day. At 6:55, I cleared my phone and had Brian pull up so I would be ready for the Tron VQ. There was a slight lag, but I got:
Screenshot_20240613_070014_Disney World.jpg

I could live with it. I then bought an ILL for Tron after dark. I had coordinated with Kelley and Tracey so we would have them close to the same time and be able to ride together after dinner. I then bought ILL for SDMT. I wasn't originally going to since I figured we would hit it during the After Hours event, but it was one of the rides Owen really wanted to do at MK and I didn't want something to happen and it be down at After Hours, or the line too long, or something else, so I went ahead and purchased it. While I was doing that, Brian got us a LL for BTM.

We had picked up pastries/croissants/etc the night before for us to eat quickly in the room. We had trouble getting Logan moving that first morning and we arrived at the bus stop later than I wanted. Then the bus arrival time kept changing and then just disappeared off the board when it was too full to come to our stop (we were the last of 4 stops). Luckily, they sent another bus fairly quickly that only came to our stop before heading to Magic Kingdom.

We soon arrived and made it through security with no issues. Our plan was to head to Space Mountain for Early Entry. We weren't quite as early as I'd wanted, but we weren't too far back in line and like I anticipated, a good chunk of the line headed to SDMT.








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