Trip Report The ONE for dinner?

Jambo Magicians and Witches (@MickeyCB 😉) It has been some time since I have had a trip to report on and I am totally taking liberties with the definintion of trip right now.

I have not been to WDW since last April!

Where we had fun with some friends..

Let’s start at the beginning because I know you all love drama, when it is happening to someone else.

I usually go for my birthday in mid march so when my son’s lacrosse schedule came out and he had a game in “Orlando” the Friday of my birthday weekend I was tempted. The schedule literally had Orlando as the venue and the time was tba. It was a neutral sight game so it wasn’t at the home or away team’s school. “Hmmmm” I thought, if I book a hotel in north Orlando the game will undoubtedly be in the south. If I book east it will be west and so on. My husband was flying down on March fourth for games on the fifth and seventh while I took my youngest on a recruiting trip to Charlotte. Instead of my husband (Ant or Rig-a-tone thanks to @wdisney9000 ) flying home just to fly back down two days later he stayed down in Florida and visited some work people.

We are DVC so I booked Old Key West for three nights as it was the only thing available. I waitlisted Riviera and it came through, but it was a small tower studio and since this was a resort only stay I did not want to be stuck in a small room. (Resort only because we still did not have a time or location for the game so could not make plans, although I did make several ADRs).
I decided to waitlist the Polynesian and a deluxe studio at the Riviera. Both rooms became available within hours of each other and DVC actually called me to see which I preferred. I really wanted to try out the Riviera but, come on, fireworks on the “beach”. Over priced dolewhip? A second shower that doubles as a urinal? Who could say no to all that???
The Polynesian it was.

On Thursday March 10th I got off work at 2:30 and headed home. My flight was at 5:30 out of our local airport that is only 15 minutes away. Then I got the notification that the flight was canceled, followed two minutes later by a notification that it was delayed.

Confused Gary Coleman GIF

I called Frontier and it was canceled. I rebooked myself on the 8:30pm. Which was then delayed until 11:00pm. My 18yo son was driving me to the airport and he had to get up really early to go on a ROTC training camping type weekend thing so at 8 I had him drive me. I would just sit and read my book in the airport. No biggie.

Except I get to the airport and there are only three flights on the screen and two have been canceled and I am not going to West Palm! I call my son, “come back!” I go to the desk where the same gentleman who helped me two weeks prior when I went to Savannah was working. He tells me, “I can get you out Saturday morning”. The game was Friday. We were flying home Saturday night. I took the refund.

I called Ant to tell him he didnt have to pick me up at MCO then I got online and I tried every airport and every airline for a flight out the next morning. The problem was his game was at 11:30, 45 minutes north of Disney. I only had MCO and Daytona to land into and hope to make it to the game in time. There was nothing. Not even the $900 Delta flight would get me there in time.
I was canceled. My birthday trip was canceled.
role playing burn GIF by Hyper RPG

On Saturday when my husband attempted to fly home guess what happened
.yep, canceled. They got him to Baltimore where he slept in the airport overnight then got out at 6 am Sunday morning. And he was one of the lucky ones!!!

I celebrated my birthday a few days later the best way I know how


Tacos and margaritas!

This brings me to the present. Saturday, March 19th my son had a game in Lakeland. When we booked our flights we decided to fly out on the 6:00 am Frontier on Saturday morning. And we booked our return flight for Saturday night at 10pm. Due to heavy spring break traffic this is the way it worked out. Plus we had assumed we would both be away the previous weekend and didn't want to leave the younger two alone so much.

The day after my birthday I realized my family didn't get me a present. My husband suggested we go to dinner in Disney Springs after our son’s game and on the way back to MCO. Instead of DS we booked Boma and Sebastian's. We had missed a Boma dinner the previous weekend when I was canceled so this seemed like the most logical choice. We kept the Boma and canceled the Sebastian's even though our buddy @Loco_driver raved about it.

“You know, we have time to stop for breakfast after our plane lands,” Ant boasted. And I stupidly made a reservation for brunch at the House of Blues.

Saturday March 19, 2022
My alarm went off at 3:45am. I showered, dressed and we were out the door by 4:15 am for our 6:00am flight. There was no traffic and we made it to the airport in about 14 minutes, found a parking spot in the resident lot and headed inside to a fairly long line. We have TSA precheck but they do not have a separate line. Once you see the agent then you are sent to the metal detector instead of the body cavity scanning device.

Closed😞no early morning hops and barley for me.

We boarded the plane and pulled away from the gate at 6:03. We had not gotten 10 feet away from the gate and a young man two rows up pukes in the aisleđŸ€ą
We pull back into the gate.
Then we wait for a vacuum. And wait. And wait. The vacuum arrives but now the young man and his brother must deplane so the young man can be checked by the paramedics to make sure he is ok to fly. (Btw there is a stomach bug going around, my son had it. It lasted about 8 hours then he was fine.)
But wait, the flight attendants make an announcement, and I will paraphrase, but, in this day and age you can not have someone deplane and leave them behind.


So we wait.
And wait.
And then the young men return, with cans of gingerale. Yay!

Take two: It is now about 7:20. Will we make the House of Blues reservation we have for 10:15? It will be very tight but we can go directly to our rental car and all we have are our small little bags. I might note here, when we were packing our day bags with a change of clothes for dinner I advised my husband to pack a tooth brush and an extra pair of skivvies. Just in case! I also packed a pair of warm cozy socksđŸ„°

About half way through the flight a gentleman in his 60’s or so was walking down the aisle to the lavatory. Just as he gets to us he passes out. Full on face plant in the aisle. Flight attendants come running. Announcements are made asking for doctors or nurses to head to the rear of the plane. He ended up being ok. I am not sure what happened but a woman a couple rows up from us was a medical professional who went back to help and when she returned to her seat she told her husband he was ok.

We land. I immediately get on the MDE app to modify our brunch reservation. Our reservation is for 10:15 but if I can change it to 10:30 we should be ok. Then the announcement comes: please stay seated, we have to wait for the paramedics to board.

Seriously, what?
Why not let the ill gentleman deplane first and meet the paramedics inside so we can get off this plane???

But we sit and wait. I dont have wifi or anything close to it. I dont even have 1G. I am trying to modify our reservation and the minutes are ticking closer and closer to 10:15. I can not even get onto MDE. I am trying to log in but they keep emailing me a verification code but I can not get email bc I dont have wifi! We finally deplane and it’s 10:12. No wifi. We keep moving. No wifi. I am in line for the ladies room, it’s 10:14, I call the reservation number.

I give up. Charge me the no show fee.

We headed to Lakeland.

We did get breakfast/lunch
Instead of a breakfast burrito and cheesy grits and drinks with fancy names we had:

Wawa and cheap beer. Two for $3.25!
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
That would be me, too. My husband handles the vomit because otherwise he'd be cleaning up after 2 of us.

I don't understand why they didn't just get the gentleman off the plane to see the paramedics. That makes no sense!
Does your husband not have a phone that he could have tried to change the ADR? I'm the tech squib, so my husband usually ends up doing that stuff....of course, he also usually has more advanced tech than I do, because he knows how to use it, so if my phone isn't doing something, it might just be because it doesn't have the capability to, and his does.
It wasn't the phone per se but the lack of service. Besides he was getting the car. Divide and concur. Not to mention I am the Disney literate person. If he “did it” I would end up doing it anyway. Like when the kids “vacuum”😂


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
So sorry to hear about your flight issues but I am super happy to be reading your trip report! YaY! Have fun! And a belated Happy Birthday!
Thank you for the belated happiness. I can take all I can get!
Flights have not been my friend recently. But I am not alone. I think about my kids, what if they were traveling home from spring break and this happened to them? The airlines are really no help.
Absolutely love Wawa!!!! Wawa has very high quality food for a convenience store!
Right? We do not have any near us so they are still a special treat!


Premium Member
It was projectile so I wonder if it snuck up on him???

Even so, don’t you always know it’s coming (even if you try to talk yourself out of it?). I was traveling on a transatlantic flight and literally threw my under 2 yo into the arms of a flight attendant so I could get myself into the toilet to toss my cookies. She more or less watched my kid for several hours because I was in no condition to do so myself.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Even so, don’t you always know it’s coming (even if you try to talk yourself out of it?). I was traveling on a transatlantic flight and literally threw my under 2 yo into the arms of a flight attendant so I could get myself into the toilet to toss my cookies. She more or less watched my kid for several hours because I was in no condition to do so myself.
Wow. That sounds awful. Throwing up is nasty business. Doing so in an airplane lavatory? It’s like a vicious cycle. The grossness of it would make me want to throw up so I would, then the thought of where I was, or more precisely, where my face was, would make me sick again. On and on and on.
Also, what an awesome flight attendant! That must have been in the old days



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Saturday March 19th cont

We checked our emails for any flight notifications. We agreed if we had a problem we would stay at AKL, if they would have us. Nothing. Must be smooth sailing right? I mean , it’s a Saturday. It’s not like it’s Sunday!!!

I got a text from a good friend sending me a cheers. I sent him this


Look how happy we are driving to the airport in our cruddy little rental car.

We returned the car and headed into the airport. Upon entering the first thing I noticed were people. An enormous amount of people. I stopped to take it in. They were all in line for Frontier airlines but no red flags went off because they all had suitcases. I assumed they were checking their bags. I made eye contact with one man and his eyes were dead, joyless, without hope. I shuddered and moved on.

We stopped to check the huge arrivals /departure board to make sure of our gate. Getting on the wrong tram would be a bummer!

I stood to the side while Ant looked.
“It says its canceled.”
He is messing with me. Stay calm. Why would he mess with me? Stay calm. There is no way he would mess with me because this is not funny. Stay calm.
I check the board

“Did you get an email or notification?”
“No. Did you?”

We know knew what the long line at the ticket counter was about and we were NOT getting on that line. We decided to head to the gate to see what we could find out.

We head to TSA precheck only to be told it closes at 8:00. An agent sends us to the far side where the lines are much shorter. We get to the agent who check ID and he says “you have precheck”. “Yes”, I say, “but it closes at eight.” (How does he not know this? Is it his first day?)

Two conveyer belts to xray the bags are in front of me both with enough people that I can not get in to put my bag on. So I wait. To my right is the body scanner


To my left is the metal detector. That agents booms out, “Is anyone precheck?”

“I am”, I say, thinking this is how they handle precheck after 8:00.
“Precheck is lines two and three!” He answers sternly.

A) why the hell are you asking then?
B) I answer, “They close at eight.”

I head to the other line where the agent there also gives me a lecture that I should be in the precheck line (you know, the one that doesnt exist because THEY CLOSE AT 8:00!)
To her I simply say, “they told me they were closed and sent me here. In an airport I find it best to follow directions. I will take my shoes off. Not a big deal. But, THEY CLOSE AT 8:00!”

Seriously, how do they not know this??
Also, there are thousand of travelers in the airport, why close at 8:00?”

Excuse Me Reaction GIF by Bounce

We head to our gate area. There are people in lines everywhere. Every desk has a huge line. Ant starts getting all New York, I see the frustration building when he realizes there is no one at our gate desk. A woman who says she is also on the Long Island flight says she has talked to a few of the gate agents and no one know anything.

Stay calm

Ant checks his email again and there it is. Our flight has been cancelled.
Full House Eye Roll GIF

I grab Ant away from the fray and we go sit down to read the email. It is not like the last cancellation email I received. That one had options to rebook. That one had a phone number. This one said we would each get a $100 voucher and up to $500 to use on another airline, train or car rental within the next 24 hours. In other words
Will Smith Reaction GIF

I suggested we book another flight before these hoards of people calm down and do the same. It was 9pmish so too late for anything that night. So we booked the Southwest flight for 6:50am. I did that while Ant called the airport hotel to ask about availability. None. We also checked in for our SW flight. C44 and 45👎

I got on the Hilton app and where it asked ‘hotels near’ I typed in Orlando airport. Buyer beware. It took me to the hotels near Orlando EXECUTIVE airport, not Orlando INTERNATIONAL airport. Either way, the closest hotel was over eight miles away in downtown Orlando, although the Hilton app said it was .86 miles away. Huge difference!
Julia Roberts Shopping GIF by SundanceTV

Uber estimated $65. Taxi estimated $45
It was $43

I had screen shotted the address of the hotel and sent it to Ant for the Uber app
luckily! Because my phone froze. Completely froze. I had tried to face time my son to make sure their bus had gotten back ok and my screen went black. I could not close out of face time or open any apps or shut down my phone. What if I had been at the airport trying to get on a flight or through security? What if I had been alone? I wasnt so I asked Ant to google what to do. Any of you with an iphone please either google or pay attention because this could happen to you and if your phone is not responding you can not google!
You hit the volume up button then the volume down button then the off button on the other side of the phone.
Crisis averted. And my son had made it back ok.

We checked in got our cookies (double tree) and bottles of water and headed to the elevator, where we rode up and down a couple times. Every time we hit our floor, the button would illuminate for a second and then
unilluminate. Finally a nice couple explained we had to tap our room key to get the elevator to work. First of all, EW! Where the heck are we? Second of all, the guy at the front desk didnt think this was important to share?

We got to our room. No pix, standard Hilton room and I desperately wanted to jump in the shower and go to bed. But, no shampoo. There was conditioner and body lotion but no shampoo.

I was done. Any of these little things are just annoying but it was one thing after another. Everything was a problem. Everything was an issue.

Ant called down for shampoo while I ate my still warm cookie in three bites. I had tried to brew a cup of tea to go with it but

I will just leave it at that.

I forgot to mention, back at the airport I was going to buy a long sleeve shirt to sleep in. The boys had not bought me a birthday gift and told me to get something at Disney Springs. Ha! Anyhow, the super busy (@Billy6 😉) MCO with hundreds of thousands of people seems to shut down at 8:00 pm. No shirt for me.


Well-Known Member
Saturday March 19th cont

We checked our emails for any flight notifications. We agreed if we had a problem we would stay at AKL, if they would have us. Nothing. Must be smooth sailing right? I mean , it’s a Saturday. It’s not like it’s Sunday!!!

I got a text from a good friend sending me a cheers. I sent him this

View attachment 628200
Look how happy we are driving to the airport in our cruddy little rental car.

We returned the car and headed into the airport. Upon entering the first thing I noticed were people. An enormous amount of people. I stopped to take it in. They were all in line for Frontier airlines but no red flags went off because they all had suitcases. I assumed they were checking their bags. I made eye contact with one man and his eyes were dead, joyless, without hope. I shuddered and moved on.

We stopped to check the huge arrivals /departure board to make sure of our gate. Getting on the wrong tram would be a bummer!

I stood to the side while Ant looked.
“It says its canceled.”
He is messing with me. Stay calm. Why would he mess with me? Stay calm. There is no way he would mess with me because this is not funny. Stay calm.
I check the board

“Did you get an email or notification?”
“No. Did you?”

We know knew what the long line at the ticket counter was about and we were NOT getting on that line. We decided to head to the gate to see what we could find out.

We head to TSA precheck only to be told it closes at 8:00. An agent sends us to the far side where the lines are much shorter. We get to the agent who check ID and he says “you have precheck”. “Yes”, I say, “but it closes at eight.” (How does he not know this? Is it his first day?)

Two conveyer belts to xray the bags are in front of me both with enough people that I can not get in to put my bag on. So I wait. To my right is the body scanner

View attachment 628202

To my left is the metal detector. That agents booms out, “Is anyone precheck?”

“I am”, I say, thinking this is how they handle precheck after 8:00.
“Precheck is lines two and three!” He answers sternly.

A) why the hell are you asking then?
B) I answer, “They close at eight.”

I head to the other line where the agent there also gives me a lecture that I should be in the precheck line (you know, the one that doesnt exist because THEY CLOSE AT 8:00!)
To her I simply say, “they told me they were closed and sent me here. In an airport I find it best to follow directions. I will take my shoes off. Not a big deal. But, THEY CLOSE AT 8:00!”

Seriously, how do they not know this??
Also, there are thousand of travelers in the airport, why close at 8:00?”

Excuse Me Reaction GIF by Bounce

We head to our gate area. There are people in lines everywhere. Every desk has a huge line. Ant starts getting all New York, I see the frustration building when he realizes there is no one at our gate desk. A woman who says she is also on the Long Island flight says she has talked to a few of the gate agents and no one know anything.

Stay calm

Ant checks his email again and there it is. Our flight has been cancelled.
Full House Eye Roll GIF

I grab Ant away from the fray and we go sit down to read the email. It is not like the last cancellation email I received. That one had options to rebook. That one had a phone number. This one said we would each get a $100 voucher and up to $500 to use on another airline, train or car rental within the next 24 hours. In other words
Will Smith Reaction GIF

I suggested we book another flight before these hoards of people calm down and do the same. It was 9pmish so too late for anything that night. So we booked the Southwest flight for 6:50am. I did that while Ant called the airport hotel to ask about availability. None. We also checked in for our SW flight. C44 and 45👎

I got on the Hilton app and where it asked ‘hotels near’ I typed in Orlando airport. Buyer beware. It took me to the hotels near Orlando EXECUTIVE airport, not Orlando INTERNATIONAL airport. Either way, the closest hotel was over eight miles away in downtown Orlando, although the Hilton app said it was .86 miles away. Huge difference!
Julia Roberts Shopping GIF by SundanceTV

Uber estimated $65. Taxi estimated $45
It was $43

I had screen shotted the address of the hotel and sent it to Ant for the Uber app
luckily! Because my phone froze. Completely froze. I had tried to face time my son to make sure their bus had gotten back ok and my screen went black. I could not close out of face time or open any apps or shut down my phone. What if I had been at the airport trying to get on a flight or through security? What if I had been alone? I wasnt so I asked Ant to google what to do. Any of you with an iphone please either google or pay attention because this could happen to you and if your phone is not responding you can not google!
You hit the volume up button then the volume down button then the off button on the other side of the phone.
Crisis averted. And my son had made it back ok.

We checked in got our cookies (double tree) and bottles of water and headed to the elevator, where we rode up and down a couple times. Every time we hit our floor, the button would illuminate for a second and then
unilluminate. Finally a nice couple explained we had to tap our room key to get the elevator to work. First of all, EW! Where the heck are we? Second of all, the guy at the front desk didnt think this was important to share?

We got to our room. No pix, standard Hilton room and I desperately wanted to jump in the shower and go to bed. But, no shampoo. There was conditioner and body lotion but no shampoo.

I was done. Any of these little things are just annoying but it was one thing after another. Everything was a problem. Everything was an issue.

Ant called down for shampoo while I ate my still warm cookie in three bites. I had tried to brew a cup of tea to go with it but

I will just leave it at that.

I forgot to mention, back at the airport I was going to buy a long sleeve shirt to sleep in. The boys had not bought me a birthday gift and told me to get something at Disney Springs. Ha! Anyhow, the super busy (@Billy6 😉) MCO with hundreds of thousands of people seems to shut down at 8:00 pm. No shirt for me.
Just did a search on the word "Canceled" in this TR.. PC froze due to the EXORBITANT amount of this sh****t. How you remained so calm... Respect @Darstarr..


Well-Known Member
Saturday March 19th cont

We checked our emails for any flight notifications. We agreed if we had a problem we would stay at AKL, if they would have us. Nothing. Must be smooth sailing right? I mean , it’s a Saturday. It’s not like it’s Sunday!!!

I got a text from a good friend sending me a cheers. I sent him this

View attachment 628200
Look how happy we are driving to the airport in our cruddy little rental car.

We returned the car and headed into the airport. Upon entering the first thing I noticed were people. An enormous amount of people. I stopped to take it in. They were all in line for Frontier airlines but no red flags went off because they all had suitcases. I assumed they were checking their bags. I made eye contact with one man and his eyes were dead, joyless, without hope. I shuddered and moved on.

We stopped to check the huge arrivals /departure board to make sure of our gate. Getting on the wrong tram would be a bummer!

I stood to the side while Ant looked.
“It says its canceled.”
He is messing with me. Stay calm. Why would he mess with me? Stay calm. There is no way he would mess with me because this is not funny. Stay calm.
I check the board

“Did you get an email or notification?”
“No. Did you?”

We know knew what the long line at the ticket counter was about and we were NOT getting on that line. We decided to head to the gate to see what we could find out.

We head to TSA precheck only to be told it closes at 8:00. An agent sends us to the far side where the lines are much shorter. We get to the agent who check ID and he says “you have precheck”. “Yes”, I say, “but it closes at eight.” (How does he not know this? Is it his first day?)

Two conveyer belts to xray the bags are in front of me both with enough people that I can not get in to put my bag on. So I wait. To my right is the body scanner

View attachment 628202

To my left is the metal detector. That agents booms out, “Is anyone precheck?”

“I am”, I say, thinking this is how they handle precheck after 8:00.
“Precheck is lines two and three!” He answers sternly.

A) why the hell are you asking then?
B) I answer, “They close at eight.”

I head to the other line where the agent there also gives me a lecture that I should be in the precheck line (you know, the one that doesnt exist because THEY CLOSE AT 8:00!)
To her I simply say, “they told me they were closed and sent me here. In an airport I find it best to follow directions. I will take my shoes off. Not a big deal. But, THEY CLOSE AT 8:00!”

Seriously, how do they not know this??
Also, there are thousand of travelers in the airport, why close at 8:00?”

Excuse Me Reaction GIF by Bounce

We head to our gate area. There are people in lines everywhere. Every desk has a huge line. Ant starts getting all New York, I see the frustration building when he realizes there is no one at our gate desk. A woman who says she is also on the Long Island flight says she has talked to a few of the gate agents and no one know anything.

Stay calm

Ant checks his email again and there it is. Our flight has been cancelled.
Full House Eye Roll GIF

I grab Ant away from the fray and we go sit down to read the email. It is not like the last cancellation email I received. That one had options to rebook. That one had a phone number. This one said we would each get a $100 voucher and up to $500 to use on another airline, train or car rental within the next 24 hours. In other words
Will Smith Reaction GIF

I suggested we book another flight before these hoards of people calm down and do the same. It was 9pmish so too late for anything that night. So we booked the Southwest flight for 6:50am. I did that while Ant called the airport hotel to ask about availability. None. We also checked in for our SW flight. C44 and 45👎

I got on the Hilton app and where it asked ‘hotels near’ I typed in Orlando airport. Buyer beware. It took me to the hotels near Orlando EXECUTIVE airport, not Orlando INTERNATIONAL airport. Either way, the closest hotel was over eight miles away in downtown Orlando, although the Hilton app said it was .86 miles away. Huge difference!
Julia Roberts Shopping GIF by SundanceTV

Uber estimated $65. Taxi estimated $45
It was $43

I had screen shotted the address of the hotel and sent it to Ant for the Uber app
luckily! Because my phone froze. Completely froze. I had tried to face time my son to make sure their bus had gotten back ok and my screen went black. I could not close out of face time or open any apps or shut down my phone. What if I had been at the airport trying to get on a flight or through security? What if I had been alone? I wasnt so I asked Ant to google what to do. Any of you with an iphone please either google or pay attention because this could happen to you and if your phone is not responding you can not google!
You hit the volume up button then the volume down button then the off button on the other side of the phone.
Crisis averted. And my son had made it back ok.

We checked in got our cookies (double tree) and bottles of water and headed to the elevator, where we rode up and down a couple times. Every time we hit our floor, the button would illuminate for a second and then
unilluminate. Finally a nice couple explained we had to tap our room key to get the elevator to work. First of all, EW! Where the heck are we? Second of all, the guy at the front desk didnt think this was important to share?

We got to our room. No pix, standard Hilton room and I desperately wanted to jump in the shower and go to bed. But, no shampoo. There was conditioner and body lotion but no shampoo.

I was done. Any of these little things are just annoying but it was one thing after another. Everything was a problem. Everything was an issue.

Ant called down for shampoo while I ate my still warm cookie in three bites. I had tried to brew a cup of tea to go with it but

I will just leave it at that.

I forgot to mention, back at the airport I was going to buy a long sleeve shirt to sleep in. The boys had not bought me a birthday gift and told me to get something at Disney Springs. Ha! Anyhow, the super busy (@Billy6 😉) MCO with hundreds of thousands of people seems to shut down at 8:00 pm. No shirt for me.
In years to come you will laugh when you tell the story. "Remember when we flew down for the game and went to Boma". :)

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