The new vacation DVD


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Anybody know where I can get a copy of the Magical Gaterhings one? The first one I ever got was the HCOE one which I still enjoy because it was much fun. Last years was quite boring. The whole clouds and stories aspect just didn't show the fun and excitement of Disney to me. I'd love to get my hands on every one that was ever produced however. If anyone has some older ones and wants to sell them, I'd be willing to pay a reasonable price for them.


Well-Known Member
Anybody know where I can get a copy of the Magical Gaterhings one? The first one I ever got was the HCOE one which I still enjoy because it was much fun. Last years was quite boring. The whole clouds and stories aspect just didn't show the fun and excitement of Disney to me. I'd love to get my hands on every one that was ever produced however. If anyone has some older ones and wants to sell them, I'd be willing to pay a reasonable price for them.

I've seen 2003 and 2004 on mousebits... I'm not sure about where to get the actual DVDs though.


New Member
I miss erin,dave,luke and stacy!

Okay - like ninety percent of the time - I could write a book on this subject, and I really, really, really, really, really, really want to, but I will refrain, and say only this: PLEASE BRING DAVE BACK!!!! :cry:

P.S. If Luke will stop the “happy weed,” he can come back too. :lol: :lookaroun
P.S.S. “That was on the hook!” :ROFLOL:

I AGREEEEE!!!!!! That was soo good! Haha. Those guys were so cute! :sohappy::D


New Member
I hated the HCOE DVD, I just find bad actors and cheezy jokes annoying. I liked the Magical Gatherings DVD SO much more, a heartfelt narration just seems so much more effective than bad actors, jokes, and talking about things that have nothing to do with the park.

I also liked the Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Tip-For-Today WDWTV stuff than all the Top 5 or 10 or whatever kind of CRAP they're tossing our way now.

Disney has forgotten to advertise magic and heart in favor of franchise and pop :hammer:

Oh well, can't complain about something that free.


I love the HCOE DVD. I watch it all the time (this past weekend). I love Dave and Erin. The new DVDs are unimaginative! Bring back the cheese!!


Well-Known Member
*Sigh* Why can't they bring back the Fab Four of The HCOE Dvd's..Sure we all don't like Luke but...Meh..He still brought a side of thrills to the Dvd.

My kids loved HCOE and hated YOMD. I agree.

But what's with the Luke bashing? I loved Luke! He's one awsome dude, man! ("Be sure to eat lunch AFTER ToT, not BEFORE!":lol:)

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
You know your a Disney Nerd when you actually watch the planning DVDS for fun.
I like the HCOE better than the current YOAMD, which I find a bit too hokey.

Really?I love the YOMAD one...It reminds me of the 2000 one which is my Personal favorite.I actually have that one on video LOL!

My family misses Dave. There, I said it. We miss Dave.

Erin? Not so much. But Dave, you betcha.

I'd like to refer to it as...a floating bench.

LOL,Luke too!


New Member
My kids and I actually watched the HCOE dvd so many times that when we were there in 2005 and ran into Stacy, Luke, and Dave you would have thought my kids saw the the best person in the world. I don't know why Erin wasn't there. They were filming in front of toon town fair. They all seemed very nice to me. Bring them back!!!!!! I liked the Magical Gatherings one also, it makes me cry. The new one is just a little off, too business like.


New Member
I ordered mine at the beginning of the year and haven't received it yet :lookaroun. My son loves to watch it and we do too. It helps get us ready for our next trip and remember what we loved about the past ones.

Hoping it comes soon....:lookaroun:lookaroun:lookaroun


Active Member
Did anyone get the new DVD in a plastic DVD case? I was so disappointed when mine came in a cardboard envelope. Am I the only one?

That's how I received it as well. Just more cut backs on the disney front.

I was amazed at how nice there previous DVD's were packaged. Really made me feel like they wanted me to come and I wasn't just some "generic" person.


Aw come on.... I love the floating in the clouds one. I love the music from that (it's the Flying music from the live action Peter Pan movie). That music just says "Disney" to me without needing words or anything.

I prefer my planning videos to be led by a narrator anyway rather than having to follow a "personality" around the park. I don't need to be amused, I just like to find out the info.

and yes, Luke is tremendously annoying.
Do you think Disney knows that a lot of people who order the free planning DVD need no help planning. Myself , like most of us on here, use it as sort of a souvenier, or a way to get a little Disney fix from our Disney Withdrawl Syndrome.(DWS should be officially recognized by the American Board of Psychiatrists) I have to say the DVD we just got in the mail does neither of those. This ones too much like an actual planning vidoe for someone who may never been there and needs help planning it Disney's way. Oh, well, we always have are actual personal videos and pictures i guess.


Well-Known Member
i got mine today and it came in a cardboard pull out. fun to watch, but same movie with minor changes

i just luv watching it


Well-Known Member
My kids and I actually watched the HCOE dvd so many times that when we were there in 2005 and ran into Stacy, Luke, and Dave you would have thought my kids saw the the best person in the world. I don't know why Erin wasn't there. They were filming in front of toon town fair. They all seemed very nice to me. Bring them back!!!!!! I liked the Magical Gatherings one also, it makes me cry. The new one is just a little off, too business like.

Very cool! My kids would have LOVED that. Me too! You are so lucky.


Well-Known Member
Do you think Disney knows that a lot of people who order the free planning DVD need no help planning. Myself , like most of us on here, use it as sort of a souvenier, or a way to get a little Disney fix from our Disney Withdrawl Syndrome.(DWS should be officially recognized by the American Board of Psychiatrists) I have to say the DVD we just got in the mail does neither of those. This ones too much like an actual planning vidoe for someone who may never been there and needs help planning it Disney's way. Oh, well, we always have are actual personal videos and pictures i guess.

I think that they know that in spades, and they issue this DVD to have the dual purpose of informing people who don't know about WDW and keeping us addicted!


You are alll sooo right. They let us get these just to make us salivate. I watch this and just can't wait. I am looking forward to an all new video next year. Yes mine came in cardboard.

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