The misunderstanding of the Theme Park...


Well-Known Member
Ain't that the truth!!! My husband had never been before the first time I took him in 2013, he now has 6 trip under his belt lol!!!
Lol nice. I went the first time with family in 2006 at 18yrs old. My then GF (now wife) went on our first trip in 2009, we've been 15 times since then. It's not bad, I just like to try new places.
When you ask this question I literally just think Disney because that's ALL.WE.DO. Disney is a whole 'nother world. Nothing compares to Disney. You go to Seaworld, 2 hours later you say to yourself, "why didn't we go to Disney?"

Escaping from the day-to-day, reality, and just having family time where everybody can feel like a kid again. Nobody is ever judged here. You let loose, forget about everything that you're stressed about, and enjoy family time, even if for a day! You are engulfed in the magic, the mouse, and the love of Disney.


Well-Known Member
What makes me choose Disney?
Well, it's one part nostalgia: My father took the family to WDW the year it opened and it will always be that special place my father took us to for that reason.
That experience... I was not much of an amusement park or carnival fan as a kid. Didn't like them much at all.
But Disney?
Of man!
I was amazed.
Amazed I tell you!
I couldn't believe what they had designed and built there.
The detail, how clever it all was!
Haunted Mansion for instance. I didn't like haunted houses.
But Haunted Mansion was a place of awe, of genius.
So, I've passed this along to my own family, who love it too.
I'll take EE with its static Yeti over any coaster I've ever been on.


Premium Member
What makes me choose Disney?
Well, it's one part nostalgia: My father took the family to WDW the year it opened and it will always be that special place my father took us to for that reason.
That experience... I was not much of an amusement park or carnival fan as a kid. Didn't like them much at all.
But Disney?
Of man!
I was amazed.
Amazed I tell you!
I couldn't believe what they had designed and built there.
The detail, how clever it all was!
Haunted Mansion for instance. I didn't like haunted houses.
But Haunted Mansion was a place of awe, of genius.
So, I've passed this along to my own family, who love it too.
I'll take EE with its static Yeti over any coaster I've ever been on.

You had me up until that last line. I was this close to "liking" your post. lol


Well-Known Member
Definitely nostalgia. Remembering previous trips with the kids when they were little and then the grandkids. Now it is my husband and I and we still love Disney, for the new things and for the memories. We also like the "bubble effect". We stay onsite for it. My husband does not like to drive in Florida, and I don't like to cook while on vacation, so we are both happy with ME and meals in the parks. It's a time to forget all the nonsense in the world and just to focus on each other and having fun. Age doesn't matter because it's all still Magic to us:)
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Surfin' Tuna

Well-Known Member
Walt wanted to build a place where parents and their kids could have fun together. Some of us go without our children. Some of us don't have children. Yes, I think it comes down to escapism. It's a place where we can and should leave the real world behind. As a local I know that I sometimes forget that and take the cell phone, email, and work with me. After reading this, I need to remember, no work in the parks. Be in the moment. Escape. The wonder is there whether you are 8 or 80. We (adults) might not get the same sense of awe when we see Mickey, but it's because we don't let ourselves. We are too busy being grown-ups. The details from the lanterns to the windows to the stone chips at the base of a statue in SSE are all there to make it immersive. Escape! It might make us live a little longer. Until someone decides to take 50 pictures with his flash on a dark ride...hard to escape that. It is why we all love Disney enough to post on a forum, and it is the difference between the amusement park and the theme park.

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
I think without a doubt there is a place you can go where you feel separate from the rest of the world. You especially feel this at WDW because there literally is nothing else surrounding you thanks to the massive land. Disneyland does this better than I thought (keeping you separate from the real world) despite being surrounded by things. But the thing is, you never feel like you are in a theme park. I go to Darien Lake or a Six Flags and I know I am in an amusement park. There isn't the intention to keep you separate from anything. You go on a high roller coaster and you can look out into the parking lot. Not terribly immersive. Disney isn't like that.


Well-Known Member
I don't really have anything unique to add. I am a combo of the fore mentioned...
  • Nostalgia
  • Escapism
  • Stress Reduction
  • Vicarious Joy

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