He's always been that way. At age 4 he would tell me that I am "not using my manners" if I don't stop and look at him when he's talking to me. I have to explain to him that doing the dishes and listening to someone at the same time is not rude. It's called multitasking.lol.
I had no intention of renting a stroller that trip. But, pretty much every one of my friends told me that I will be crazy not to. I've always hated strollers. I was a huge fan of baby wearing for as long as I could, and worst case I would use the lightweight stroller...I've been to a zoo, amusement park, outdoor mall, etc, many times without a stroller when he was 1, 2, and even 3, and I regretted it after about 10 minutes. I just don't like dealing with them though, one time I actually had the big stroller at a zoo, mistakingly left my DSLR (in bag) in it while we walked inside an exhibit..came out and it was gone. My fault, but at least I can't forget something if I don't have a place to set it.lol
I gave in at Disney because of the weather forecast, but we would leave it parked in one land, go do another, and come back for it a few hours later. I made a huge mistake with this in Epcot.
Thanks. It was a little embarrassing to type that all out.. but maybe some "new to Disney" person will read it and not make the same mistake. I need to relive it every once in awhile so I won't make that same mistake again.