Well-Known Member
I wonder how much stock you would have to buy to get on the board of directors? Is half a Billion even enough?.....LOL
TDO wanted outside investors for PI....well welcome back Adventures! Seriously, I would buy a house on Golden Oak and manage the property. How cool would that be? I would travel all 50 states. Foriegn land? sorry....not me. Foriegn goverments are more corrupt then our own. No way am I going to be on TV begging Mr Obama to please release the prisoners in Quantanamo...
No give me Mickey Mouse and the red, white and blue. No Delorean for me... I am a simple man. I have worked so hard my entire life I would be afraid it would be gone as fast as I won it. Sure I would live better, Dress better etc. But I wouldnt go crazy.....I think.
TDO wanted outside investors for PI....well welcome back Adventures! Seriously, I would buy a house on Golden Oak and manage the property. How cool would that be? I would travel all 50 states. Foriegn land? sorry....not me. Foriegn goverments are more corrupt then our own. No way am I going to be on TV begging Mr Obama to please release the prisoners in Quantanamo...
No give me Mickey Mouse and the red, white and blue. No Delorean for me... I am a simple man. I have worked so hard my entire life I would be afraid it would be gone as fast as I won it. Sure I would live better, Dress better etc. But I wouldnt go crazy.....I think.