Imagineering Question of The Day
Adventureland at WDW is in dire need of an expansion. What would be ideal for its expansion? Ex. Arabia, new jungle island.
Favorite month: Definitely July this year because of the imminent Disneyland meetup with @JokersWild that's going to be taking place
I think if WDW expands Adventureland they should look into the Pirates movie franchise. I'm still blown away by Shanghai's Pirates ride and would love to see some of that tech implemented here in the states. Plus I think the movies have a lot to offer in terms of cool locations/creatures/characters to be translated into a theme park environment.
Not gonna lie that Insidious avatar is gonna give me nightmares
Also my Force Awakens rating has fluctuated so much, but I think it's finally down at a 9/10
It was essentially 10/10 on the first viewing. 2nd viewing probably a 7.5 just because I noticed the similarities with A New Hope...but watching it on Blue Ray I got a better appreciation for I felt they were more homages than actual plot points...and the actual plot ended up differing quite a bit so I went back up to 9/10
Dude, I'm totally with you. The in-theater experience the first time I saw it was amazing and definitely added to the overall vibe of the movie, but some of the plot points didn't really sit well for me when I sat and thought about it. Plus the ANH callbacks felt a bit too forced. I didn't mind the Easter eggs like the chess board on the Falcon, I minded the fact that they were essentially recycling story points...mostly, "droid must get to rebels and out of enemy hands because it has valuable info."
Kylo Ren I still go back and forth on. "Undercover Ren" definitely did A LOT to take some of the menace out of his character, and I still think the moments that were played for laughs when he's having his freakouts kind of messed with the tone of his character. Still I'm excited to see what they do with him going forward and recording the commentary last night was definitely the most compelling I had found Ren in my four times seeing the film.
I think the movie's three big mistakes are...
1. The recycled plots from A New Hope. Easter eggs are one thing, but it's kind of a bummer that the story also felt like a retread.
2. Starkiller Base. Simply put it was silly and didn't work. I also felt there was a lack of tension in the X-Wing dog fight at the end since everything we cared about in the movie at that point was going on in the Kylo Ren lightsaber fight.
3. Kylo Ren shows his face too early in the film. Think how effective it would have been if the first time you see his face was...
When Han Solo asks to see the face of his son right before Kylo kills him.
Seeing his face earlier doesn't ruin the character or anything, but it does bring up a pretty major missed opportunity.
I will defend to the death that by far the best moment in The Force Awakens has to be the Han Solo and Leia reunion which is ruined by C3PO in the most priceless and in-character way ever.
Dude, I'm totally with you. The in-theater experience the first time I saw it was amazing and definitely added to the overall vibe of the movie, but some of the plot points didn't really sit well for me when I sat and thought about it. Plus the ANH callbacks felt a bit too forced. I didn't mind the Easter eggs like the chess board on the Falcon, I minded the fact that they were essentially recycling story points...mostly, "droid must get to rebels and out of enemy hands because it has valuable info."
Kylo Ren I still go back and forth on. "Undercover Ren" definitely did A LOT to take some of the menace out of his character, and I still think the moments that were played for laughs when he's having his freakouts kind of messed with the tone of his character. Still I'm excited to see what they do with him going forward and recording the commentary last night was definitely the most compelling I had found Ren in my four times seeing the film.
I think the movie's three big mistakes are...
1. The recycled plots from A New Hope. Easter eggs are one thing, but it's kind of a bummer that the story also felt like a retread.
2. Starkiller Base. Simply put it was silly and didn't work. I also felt there was a lack of tension in the X-Wing dog fight at the end since everything we cared about in the movie at that point was going on in the Kylo Ren lightsaber fight.
3. Kylo Ren shows his face too early in the film. Think how effective it would have been if the first time you see his face was...
When Han Solo asks to see the face of his son right before Kylo kills him.
Seeing his face earlier doesn't ruin the character or anything, but it does bring up a pretty major missed opportunity.
With JJ at the helm I was expecting something along the line of Into Darkness and with the Prequels, if they did something wacky and new, and wasn't received well, the entire franchise would have been in trouble.
I will agree on Starkiller just a bigger Death Star was lame...but it did have one spectacular scene
That would have been a good reveal with his face at that moment...I wonder though if there's a reason why he revealed it with Rey...I mean my money is on them either being cousins or brother/sister...but that's a whole other debate
The only major recycled stuff I found to be unnecessary was the lackluster trench run...(at least I think they should have spent more time with the X-wings if they are gonna do one of those...or at least make it difficult like in ANH. And Starkiller base...which could have easily just been a Star Destroyer....or they could have been constructing Starkiller have it down the line.
I also think the Rathar scene is terrible and should have been cut from the movie. You get the people from Raid to be in the film, and you don't even use them...instead you use CGI
I loved the other stuff...the droid with the map, Desert planet opening, chess, a wacky restaurant, and overall...having Han and Chewy act as the "Ben Kenobi" role was nice...and I thought Finn was a really original character
Imagineering Question of The Day
Adventureland at WDW is in dire need of an expansion. What would be ideal for its expansion? Ex. Arabia, new jungle island.
With JJ at the helm I was expecting something along the line of Into Darkness and with the Prequels, if they did something wacky and new, and wasn't received well, the entire franchise would have been in trouble.
I will agree on Starkiller just a bigger Death Star was lame...but it did have one spectacular scene
That would have been a good reveal with his face at that moment...I wonder though if there's a reason why he revealed it with Rey...I mean my money is on them either being cousins or brother/sister...but that's a whole other debate
The only major recycled stuff I found to be unnecessary was the lackluster trench run...(at least I think they should have spent more time with the X-wings if they are gonna do one of those...or at least make it difficult like in ANH. And Starkiller base...which could have easily just been a Star Destroyer....or they could have been constructing Starkiller have it down the line.
I also think the Rathar scene is terrible and should have been cut from the movie. You get the people from Raid to be in the film, and you don't even use them...instead you use CGI
I loved the other stuff...the droid with the map, Desert planet opening, chess, a wacky restaurant, and overall...having Han and Chewy act as the "Ben Kenobi" role was nice...and I thought Finn was a really original character
The sad part is the accuracy in this film though.. Everyone harps that no government would build a failed project 3 times, but it happens all the time.