What did Steve Jobs do besides hire people to build him the iPhone? Does Mark Zuckeberg write every single line of code for Facebook? Both are featured alongside Elon in the montage.
It takes visionaries to direct people towards their vision, and it's often the 'crazy ones' like Elon and Steve who ultimately go down in history as successful in moving their fields forward. Obvious Elon isn't going to singlehandedly build Starship or Falcon 9, but it is his vision that drives forward the incredible innovations in space travel that SpaceX is responsible for, including making space travel sustainable and affordable. He's also responsible for making electric cars 'cool' and accessible, was pivotal in the invention of peer-to-peer online payments by helping to establish PayPal, and is helping disabled people walk and hear again through Neuralink.
One day, possibly sooner than we think, we may plant the American flag on Mars because of his vision. No, not because he's out there with his toolbelt tightening bolts and welding steel, but because he was crazy enough to say that humans can get to Mars.
If they remove him from the montage, it would certainly not be because they were wrong to include him initially, but likely motivated by his political views and involvement with the current administration.