^^ Eats little kids for lunch. :eek:
Mr Bill Well-Known Member Mar 3, 2004 #2,642 ^^^ Has 1776 posts. I remember that year. Actually I don't remember yesterday.
Dizknee_Phreek Well-Known Member Mar 4, 2004 #2,644 ^ has seen Chocolat! one of my faves of Johnny Depp's!
JBSLJames New Member Mar 4, 2004 #2,646 ^^ Has asked me, yes me, to come visit at the AK (well it is in her avatar)
JBSLJames New Member Mar 4, 2004 #2,648 ^^ Will receive a visit from < in November, or is that when ants hibernate?
aim New Member Mar 4, 2004 #2,649 < Thinks ^ should change his avatar so people aren't confused and thinking he's from Kentucky. :lol:
JBSLJames New Member Mar 4, 2004 #2,650 ^^ Has been confused. Mua ha ha, my plan is working. It is working Mua ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ah. . . . What was my plan again?
^^ Has been confused. Mua ha ha, my plan is working. It is working Mua ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ah. . . . What was my plan again?
JBSLJames New Member Mar 4, 2004 #2,653 ^^ Screen Name backward is EITTIKOLOL, which is Zambian for "Up North"
JBSLJames New Member Mar 4, 2004 #2,655 ^^ Failed to look at the calender. Thursdays are Zambian interpretation days East of the Pacific Ocean. Sheesh.
^^ Failed to look at the calender. Thursdays are Zambian interpretation days East of the Pacific Ocean. Sheesh.
Mr Bill Well-Known Member Mar 4, 2004 #2,656 ^^^ Has... you know what? Just read his above post and draw your own conclusion. I can't think of the words to describe that.
^^^ Has... you know what? Just read his above post and draw your own conclusion. I can't think of the words to describe that.
figmentmom Well-Known Member Mar 4, 2004 #2,657 ^ is using the wrong code to interpret Zambian calendar; actually, Zambian interpretation days occur only on alternate Fridays in months with 27 days or less, and only in areas bordering both the Arctic Circle and Australia
^ is using the wrong code to interpret Zambian calendar; actually, Zambian interpretation days occur only on alternate Fridays in months with 27 days or less, and only in areas bordering both the Arctic Circle and Australia
Dizknee_Phreek Well-Known Member Mar 4, 2004 #2,660 ^ wishes she knew Zambian < posts too slow...but the post worked anyway