The Great British Ghost Tour is located at the backside of the U.K-Pavilion in World Showcase. If you walk down the dead-end street to the west at the moment you get to a town square that is open to the north-west and south-west where trees seal of any optical intrusions.
This square is now changed to open on two sides to the park of an English manorstyle-house in a little distance, a mixture of tudor and elizabethan style-elements dating back to the 16th century. This manor is the entrance-building to the GBGT. The guests enter the park through a sinister looking gate inspired by the gate from Robert Wise’s ghost movie classic “The Haunting” and walk up to the entrance. The once representative park is now run-down and delapitated, the manors facade is decaying, everything has a aura of negligence and sometimes you even see (or believe to see?) some disturbing things in the park (queueing line).
Storyline: The manor is the century-old residence of the Lords of
Howevershire, in the last decades the old family had suffered from financial problems (and some private turbulences) and the present Lord, the last of his family, lacks the fundings to keep the manor in order.
To save himself from losing his ancestors home, he finally decided to do guided tours through the manor. Quite appropriate to make these tours interesting for tourists his family is infamou..I mean known for…lets call it odd behaviour, strange and mysterious incidents and…some disappearances. And the manor and surrounding countryside is called the most haunted house and region in England.
Lord Howevershire has called for the tourists to visit his haunted manor and arranged a ghost tour through the manor and even further..
From the queueing line in the park there are 2 different areas visible were the waiting guests can see (or at least believe to see?) some disturbing things. The main facade of the manor features a lot of windows and sometimes there are, for only a second or less, ghostly, hooded shapes, dark shadows with some backlighting or just a pair of glowing eyes visible behind these windows. To the right of the cueing line is an overgrown and decrepit grove with old statues visible were similar sightings are possible, especially after dusk.
When the guests arrive at the entrance hall they enter without the interruptions at the entrance door of the HM, doors are always open, they just walk in. Real chills come later..
Main Entrance Hall:
The entrance hall, which is a mixture of several interior architectural styles and a little run down, was altered to include a small reception for the check-in of the guests. At the reception these are now seperated by the CMs into 5 different groups of the same size, 15 persons. When a group is complete a CM dressed as a butler or a maid greets the group and leads it away from the reception area to the elevators at the end of the hall. There are two elevators and they all lead to a complete set of rooms with the same storyline so up to two groups can do the walkthrough-part of the tour simultaneously.
The elevator arrives and the group gets in. The butler closes the door and the elevator goes up.
When the elevator comes to a screeching halt, the doors open on a long corridor with a lot of doors that is completely quiet and dark to its end for a few seconds while the group leaves the elevator.
Suddenly there are some flashes of lightning and a thunder. At the far end of the corridor we see now some windows which were lighted up by the lightning. While the sound of thunderstorm outside echoes through the corridor the group follows the CM who tells the group that he will bring the guests to their rooms now.
He walks ahead for about the half the length of the corridor. Suddenly, like being blown open by the storm a door to his left or right side (depends on the version of the set we are in) slams open. The CM asks the guests to enter the room. They enter a very old room with paneled walls, a fireplace, some furniture including a chair and a bed, a candle on a table, the only window is covered with old curtains. The only light in the room is the fire in fireplace and the candle on the table.
Suddenly the door slams shut again. The noise of the thunderstorm is gone.
The CM tells the group that this will be their room for their ghostly vacation and they should please for their own safety remain after midnight in the room under any circumstances! And they never should...but before he brings the sentence to an end, a bell rings and he says “Pardon me, I am back in a moment”, opens a door in the wall and is gone.
When the guests are alone in the room for about 10-15 seconds the fire in the fireplace is beginning to grow smaller and smaller and finally goes out, the only light remaining is the candle. Then the candlelight grows smaller and smaller, the guests are in complete darkness...but suddenly they realize they are not alone...
to be continued (really!)
This square is now changed to open on two sides to the park of an English manorstyle-house in a little distance, a mixture of tudor and elizabethan style-elements dating back to the 16th century. This manor is the entrance-building to the GBGT. The guests enter the park through a sinister looking gate inspired by the gate from Robert Wise’s ghost movie classic “The Haunting” and walk up to the entrance. The once representative park is now run-down and delapitated, the manors facade is decaying, everything has a aura of negligence and sometimes you even see (or believe to see?) some disturbing things in the park (queueing line).
Storyline: The manor is the century-old residence of the Lords of
Howevershire, in the last decades the old family had suffered from financial problems (and some private turbulences) and the present Lord, the last of his family, lacks the fundings to keep the manor in order.
To save himself from losing his ancestors home, he finally decided to do guided tours through the manor. Quite appropriate to make these tours interesting for tourists his family is infamou..I mean known for…lets call it odd behaviour, strange and mysterious incidents and…some disappearances. And the manor and surrounding countryside is called the most haunted house and region in England.
Lord Howevershire has called for the tourists to visit his haunted manor and arranged a ghost tour through the manor and even further..
From the queueing line in the park there are 2 different areas visible were the waiting guests can see (or at least believe to see?) some disturbing things. The main facade of the manor features a lot of windows and sometimes there are, for only a second or less, ghostly, hooded shapes, dark shadows with some backlighting or just a pair of glowing eyes visible behind these windows. To the right of the cueing line is an overgrown and decrepit grove with old statues visible were similar sightings are possible, especially after dusk.
When the guests arrive at the entrance hall they enter without the interruptions at the entrance door of the HM, doors are always open, they just walk in. Real chills come later..
Main Entrance Hall:
The entrance hall, which is a mixture of several interior architectural styles and a little run down, was altered to include a small reception for the check-in of the guests. At the reception these are now seperated by the CMs into 5 different groups of the same size, 15 persons. When a group is complete a CM dressed as a butler or a maid greets the group and leads it away from the reception area to the elevators at the end of the hall. There are two elevators and they all lead to a complete set of rooms with the same storyline so up to two groups can do the walkthrough-part of the tour simultaneously.
The elevator arrives and the group gets in. The butler closes the door and the elevator goes up.
When the elevator comes to a screeching halt, the doors open on a long corridor with a lot of doors that is completely quiet and dark to its end for a few seconds while the group leaves the elevator.
Suddenly there are some flashes of lightning and a thunder. At the far end of the corridor we see now some windows which were lighted up by the lightning. While the sound of thunderstorm outside echoes through the corridor the group follows the CM who tells the group that he will bring the guests to their rooms now.
He walks ahead for about the half the length of the corridor. Suddenly, like being blown open by the storm a door to his left or right side (depends on the version of the set we are in) slams open. The CM asks the guests to enter the room. They enter a very old room with paneled walls, a fireplace, some furniture including a chair and a bed, a candle on a table, the only window is covered with old curtains. The only light in the room is the fire in fireplace and the candle on the table.
Suddenly the door slams shut again. The noise of the thunderstorm is gone.
The CM tells the group that this will be their room for their ghostly vacation and they should please for their own safety remain after midnight in the room under any circumstances! And they never should...but before he brings the sentence to an end, a bell rings and he says “Pardon me, I am back in a moment”, opens a door in the wall and is gone.
When the guests are alone in the room for about 10-15 seconds the fire in the fireplace is beginning to grow smaller and smaller and finally goes out, the only light remaining is the candle. Then the candlelight grows smaller and smaller, the guests are in complete darkness...but suddenly they realize they are not alone...
to be continued (really!)