The "Get Me to the Mouse" September Trip Report

You are cordially invited to the "Get Me to The Mouse" Trip Report.
Who: DH Dennis, age 42(aka "Mousefreak"), LeAnn, age 41(aka "SweetEvangeline"), and our sweet daughter, Grace.

When: September 2-8, 2012

Where: All Star Music Resort


This is our third trip to Disney as a family, but our first with just the three of us. In previous trips we have travelled with family or friends. Our original plans were to meet with some friends who lived in the Orlando area, but shortly after the trip was planned, they moved back to Pittsburgh.

A little bit of background on our family. Grace was adopted from China in 2002 and is the absolute joy and light of our lives. She has some significant developmental delays and suffers from a degenerative vision condition that limits her night vision. She loves Disney and this trip was to honor our 10th "Gotcha Day"... the day we became a family in China.

So without further adieu...Get Me to the Mouse!


Active Member
What a great TR. Grace is adorable. My DH & I adopted our 3 children (Foster to Adopt Domestic) 5 years ago. We call our day "Family Unity Day", because all 3 adoptions were finalized on the same day from 2 different biological families. We took our kids to WDW last year to celebrate, and the CM were amazing! My kids felt like royalty from the attention. I hope Grace has many more magical trips with her amazing Mom & Dad!


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What a great TR. Grace is adorable. My DH & I adopted our 3 children (Foster to Adopt Domestic) 5 years ago. We call our day "Family Unity Day", because all 3 adoptions were finalized on the same day from 2 different biological families. We took our kids to WDW last year to celebrate, and the CM were amazing! My kids felt like royalty from the attention. I hope Grace has many more magical trips with her amazing Mom & Dad!
What an awesome family story!! Thanks for sharing!


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Tuesday Sept 4...It's Epcot Day!


We began our Tuesday bright and early for EMH at Epcot. So much to see and do! The crowd levels were amazing! We talked with a CM who told us that they usually have between 25,000 and 30,000 people per day but this week they were averaging about 5,000. Not sure how accurate that was, but it sure seemed like the numbers were down.

We arrived at the gate at about 8:15. We headed directly for The Land Pavillion for breakfast at Sunshine Seasons. Our plan was to grab fastpasses for Soarin' first, but there was literally no wait that early in the morning so we decided to take our chances. It worked because after we ate, we walked all the way through the queue with no wait at all. Soarin' is still my favorite attraction in all of the parks, I think, even though it does need some work. We took advantage of the low crowds and walked on Living with the Land, Nemo, Turtle Talk with Crush, and Spaceship Earth all within the first couple of hours. We couldn't believe it!

We spent some time at MouseGear, and Dennis did Mission Space while Grace and I took a break. It was finally time for lunch and we had been looking forward to this since our last trip...La Hacienda counter service. I loves me some nachos and tacos. And we tried the churros for the first time. Those things shouldn't even be legal! Wow! What a great value for a counter service. Two meals fed the three of us with no problem at all.

We visited the Three Cabelleros for a boat ride, and then headed to the American Pavilion to listen to the Voices of Liberty and The American Adventure. Grace took advantage of the 30 minutes of cool, quiet time to catch a nap. Smart girl! :) We indulged in some sweet treats from Karamell Kuche and a soft pretzel and strawberry slush for our girl who doesn't eat candy. She's the only 10 year old I know that doesn't eat chocolate.

We were not impressed with our first visit to Ellen's Energy Adventure, but we did enjoy our character meet and greet at Innoventions thanks to our Disney Visa. Minnie and Goofy made a huge fuss over Grace's Gotcha Day button.


Grace really does smile for a picture once in a while. Just not when we need her to!


Later in the afternoon we headed back to Mousegear to visit a friend who just became a cast member about a month ago. We met Cara and her husband through a mutual friend during our trip in December. They are both in wheelchairs and moved to Disney last Spring specifically to get jobs at Disney. She works for Mousegear and Bob is a concierge at Pop Century. They are super sweet people and although we unfortunatly didn't get to see Bob, it was great to briefly catch up with Cara.

We took our princess to meet some other princesses at Akershus for dinner. Last year she loved the princesses at CRT...this year, not so much. We didn't end up with any decent pictures although we did enjoy our meal.

After one more trip around World Showcase, we were hot and tired so we decided to find a spot to watch Illuminations. We found a great spot along the fence and took advantage of the time to sit an enjoy an occasional cool breeze. It had been a long, hot day. Dennis mentioned that the sky looked like rain, and sure enough about 15 minutes prior to show time the skies opened up! We were prepared with ponchos, but even then we were soaked very quickly. We opted to head for the busses rather than watch the show in the rain. It was disappointing, but we did manage to beat most of the crowd back to the bus.

We decided that next time, Epcot should probably be a 2-day park. There is just too much to see to cram it into one day. We managed to get almost everything in that we wanted to do, but not quite. Oh us something to look forward to during our Disney depression, right?


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Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2012

Life has gotten in the way…sorry for the delay.

Where were we? Oh, yes….our first day at our favorite park, Magic Kingdom.

We began our morning with a delicious breakfast at Chef Mickey’s. We took the bus to the Magic Kingdom and hopped on the monorail to The Contemporary. With Grace’s indifference at our last character meals, I was concerned that she wouldn’t enjoy this one either. Boy was I wrong. She seemed to really be excited to see the fab 5!






With full bellies and finally some smiley character pictures on my camera, we took the monorail back to the Magic Kingdom. As we entered, an older couple entered behind us. They were both wearing Anniversary buttons. I congratulated them on the special occasion and she proceeded to tell me they had been married for 64 years!! I asked her secret and she made the sweetest comment. “God brought us together and has kept us together. We just rely on Him!” They live close to Orlando so she said they come to the parks quite often. So heartwarming!


Even though the park had been opened for a while, the crowd levels were amazingly low. After taking in the first obligatory deep breath while staring down main street, and snapping a few pictures, we headed for Fantasy Land.

We grabbed fast passes for Peter Pan, and received bonus passes for Philharmagic. We didn’t end up needing either set. Within the first hour or so, we had walked on Peter Pan, Pooh, Small World and Philharmagic. Soon after we had taken in Dumbo, and then rode the train from the circus area to Frontier Land. We waited a very short time for the Tiki Room and then indulged in a Dole Whip and some corn dog nuggets from Casey’s. I have a confession to make…I can’t believe I am going to admit this…I spent 5 days in Disney parks and never consumed a Dole Whip float! There, I said it...but I still can’t believe it. It seems like such a crime. Dennis enjoyed his orange dole whip and I did enjoy my first experience with a citrus swirl, but I left my beloved Dole Whip Float behind. I will just have to make up for it next time by eating more than one, right?!


We enjoyed a voyage on Pirates, (minus the idiots in the boat behind us talking loudly and taking flash photos..grrrr!) and had the absolute BEST CM experience at Haunted Mansion. The CM that led us into the stretching room was more “in character” than any CM we have ever seen. He was amazing! I wish we would have gotten his name so we could have mentioned him to guest services. We talked about him for the rest of the trip. Unfortunately we weren’t so lucky on the Jungle cruise. I wish I would have gotten our skippers name on this ride, too, but not for good reasons. He went the entire ride without ever turning and looking at the group in the boat. We were sitting at the back of the boat so we couldn’t really hear him very well either, but his attitude was horrible.

By this time we were getting hot and tired and headed to Main Street to catch the parade. Dennis made a quick stop at the bakery to get an afternoon indulgence…a warm cinnamon roll! Yummy! The parade was awesome. The fairy Godmother made a very direct point at us and blew us a kiss. So sweet!

The heat and fatigue were catching up with us, so we decided to head out and go back to the resort for a rest and some dinner. The crowd was still very light but sometimes no matter how many people are around, we manage to end up next to someone who does not know how to move forward without either stopping suddenly, or stepping directly in front of Grace’s wheelchair. I think I mentioned it before, but Grace has vision and mild mobility issues so we have no choice but to rent a wheelchair for her at the parks. Her night vision and depth perception is extremely limited so without the chair, we would not be able to navigate the queue areas of most of the rides at all. We are very cautious about bumping into people and try very hard not to use her chair as an excuse for being rude. However, for some reason, many people do not seem to understand that a 130 pound human in a chair with wheels cannot be stopped on a dime. As we were exiting the park, we were walking down main street directly behind a non-English-speaking family. They were all over the doggone road in front of us, letting their kids run all over the place and there just wasn’t any way to get around them carefully. As we approached a balloon vender, I could tell that their young son was going to make a beeline for the balloons. I loudly began to say, “excuse me, excuse me”…growing louder each time. They were walking slower and slower and I could tell that sooner than later we were facing a sudden stop and I was surely going to run into the back of their legs with her chair. I was trying to give them fair warning that we wer behind them. Sure enough, as I am loudly excusing myself, their son came running from out of nowhere and came within inches of running right into the side of Grace’s chair. By this time I as very irritated and also concerned for her safety and his, so as we passed them I loudly said again…”EXCUSE ME!!” I assumed they didn’t speak English but I was wrong, because Mom’s response was “Oooooo…mean lady!” Amazing. Your son almost took out my child in a wheelchair because you have no control and I am the mean lady??!! I am pretty certain that if I had not been paying attention, your young son would have had his feet run over by a 130 kid in a wheelchair…or worse! This line became the quote of the trip. DH has now deemed me“Mean Lady” for rest of my life, I am afraid. We laugh about it now and it will always be something we remember from this trip. I am just glad no one got hurt!

We rested for a while and caught the bus to downtown to have dinner at Earl of Sandwich. It’s one of our favorites and such a great value. We thought we might head back to the park, but it started to rain so we opted to go back for a night swim and turn in early to rest up for day two at Magic Kingdom. Mean Lady was ready for some sleep!


Well-Known Member
That photo of Grace and Mickey at Chef Mickeys has FRAME WORTHY written all over it. Truly a beautiful picture. So glad you guys had a great time.

And about the wheelchair story - isn't it funny how foreigners can't speak English when following instructions but sure can speak it when it comes to insulting others. Glad no one was hurt and it didn't ruin the trip!

Can't wait to read more!


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That photo of Grace and Mickey at Chef Mickeys has FRAME WORTHY written all over it. Truly a beautiful picture. So glad you guys had a great time.

And about the wheelchair story - isn't it funny how foreigners can't speak English when following instructions but sure can speak it when it comes to insulting others. Glad no one was hurt and it didn't ruin the trip!

Can't wait to read more!

Thanks! I am so glad we captured that shot. It is definitely my favorite of the over 400 pics I took. That girl loves to eat, and in her mind the characters only interrupt that process. LOL! Fortunatley, she loved seeing Mickey!

And yes, it is is amazing what people can understand and use appropriately when they need to. Never ceases to amaze me!


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Since we missed rope drop on Wednesday due to our breakfast with Mickey, we knew we had to make it happen on
Thursday. It just isn't a Disney trip without a rope drop ceremony at Magic Kingdom. It was another hot day, but thanks to the clouds and a slight breeze, it was more than manageable. We started off with breakfast at Main St. Bakery. Nothing like a big ole sugary, fattening cinnamon roll to start your day. We had hit so many of the main attractions on Wednesday that we really just took it slow and repeated the rides that we love most.

Since we had missed the teacups on Wednesday, DH and Grace decided to start there. Last year Grace was a little bit scared of the the teacups. Not sure why, but we decided to try it again. Boy, what a difference a year makes. Instant smiles and giggles from my girl when that cup started to spin. I can't ride on anything that goes in circles like that, so this fun belongs to a Daddy and his little girl. I thoroughly enjoy standing behind and taking photos and videos and watching the two of them have fun. Dennis laughed so hard when the ride stopped and the door started to open. Grace yelled "NO!" and tried to close the door. She didn't want to get out. So, off they came and right back into the line they went. They didn't have to wait at all, and Grace was a happy kid!


During the course of the day we took took two more rides on Pirates, and another trip through Pooh and Small World. Later in the evening, Daddy took Grace on one last spin in her favorite cups.

We spent lunch at Pecos Bills. We shared the burger with the massive onion ring on top and Grace had the taco salad. It was all delicious.

After lunch, we decided to head back to the room for a break to swim and cool down since we had dinner reservations and wanted to stay to watch the Electrical Parade and Wishes. This is the first year we have done so much of the back and forth between the resort and the parks. It really does help to renew your energy level and keep from getting so worn out.

We had dinner reservations at Tony's Town Square so we headed back to the park. Grace's favorite foods are pasta and pizza so we knew she would enjoy this dinner. We checked in about 15 minutes before our reservation time and were seated right on time. We began the meal with warm bread, and cold pomegranate lemonade. I didn't realize how hungry I was until that bread arrived. I orderded the chicken parmesan and Dennis ordered the steak. Grace, of course, chose the spaghetti and meatball. Everything we ordered was delicious. It wasn't the most authentic Italian food I have ever eaten, and it isn't a meal I will crave during our next trip, but we most certainly enjoyed it. The atmosphere alone in this place is worth a visit. We had a table right next to the infamous statue of Lady and the Tramp in the fountain.


When it came time for dessert, I almost declined because I was so full. If I had followed my gut (pun totally intended) I would have missed out on total deliciousness. I had the tiramisu, and Dennis had the most delicious pistachio creme brulee. Grace's choices were fruit or ice cream and she had chosen fruit as her side with her pasta. Since she is lactose intolerant, I asked if she could have the green apple sorbet and they happily agreed. She absolutely loved it and I can see why. It was one of the most interesting textures of sorbet I have ever had, but it had a great flavor.



After dinner we walked to Haunted Mansion for one last scare. We were not as fortunate to have the amazing CM as we did on Wednesday, but I loves me some hitch hiking ghosts!!

By the time we decided to head to Main St to find a spot for the parade and Wishes, we were later than we had hoped for. We found a decent spot in front of Crystal Palace that wasn't horribly crowded. Although we really couldn't see the parade much, it was a good view of Tinkerbell and Wishes. I always tear up a little when the fireworks start and this year proved no different. Especially when I knew we only had one more day before the magic would end for another year.

The bus situation getting back to the resort wasn't much fun and we had to stand for the first and only time the entire trip. However, Dennis had a great opportuntity to stand next to the driver and get some great Disney transportation stats. For example, the bus we were on was one of the newer busses. It was only 7 months old and had 107,000 miles already. The driver was retired but had been driving for Disney for about 15 years. He talked about how he liked to stay busy and he loves his job. They talked about the reticulated "bendy" busses that were considered early this year. He said they can transport twice as many people but they cost about 3 times as much to operate and he doesn't believe they will ever make the switch.

It was another wonderful, magical day. Although we were sad that it was coming to an end, the memories created will last a lifetime.


Well-Known Member
I am absolutely loving your trip report. It is a joy to see your family enjoying the spirit of Walt Disney World. Congratulations on the anniversary of your "Gotcha' Day". That is definitely a reason to celebrate.

I also noticed you mentioned CMH in your report. Greetings from a fellow Columbusite (I totally just made up that word). :-). We live in the Clintonville area.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I am absolutely loving your trip report. It is a joy to see your family enjoying the spirit of Walt Disney World. Congratulations on the anniversary of your "Gotcha' Day". That is definitely a reason to celebrate.

I also noticed you mentioned CMH in your report. Greetings from a fellow Columbusite (I totally just made up that word). :). We live in the Clintonville area.

Columbusite...I love it. Dennis (aka Mousefreak) has been following your TR as well. I plan on doing the same myself today.


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Oh I am so glad you got back to the TR! Your beautiful daughter looks so happy on the cups! I love it!

I wish I could have captured the picture of her with her head back, arms outstretched and laughing hysterically. That is the image that will forever be etched in my brain! She doesn't get overly excited about much of anything, but this ride really did it for her.

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