The future of videogames

Which will you get

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Well I just was wondering when all the next systems come out which one will you get??

I voted 2 of the 3. I'll get Xbox360 when it comes out and nintendo whatever maybe like 6-12 months after?


New Member
I'll get one eventually, it won't be a top priority or anything might even wait for a price drop until I get one. I 'm one of those people who doesn't need a game/system when it comes out, I patiently wait for the price drops. :cool:


Well-Known Member
I know I want to get the PS3 when that comes out. I can't say for certain about XBOX 360 or whatever they call the new Nintendo system, just because I really didn't like the controllers for the XBOX and hadn't found enough games that I was really interested in that I couldn't get for PS2. And there is always the bonus of backwards compatibility, which since I don't have XBOX or Gamecube, doesn't make that much difference for me with the newer systems from them, but does make a big difference for me where the PS3 is concerned.


XBOX360. Period. Microsoft has the best online gaming out there, and thats where the future is. And being able to rip music off ipods and PSPs is brilliant. Sony is banking too much on selling games purely on graphics, and Nintendo is still in the stone age when it comes to third party support. By the end of this generation, Nintendo will be a pure game developer because it will be either Microsoft's or Sony's property.

Although I love Zelda and Mario, so I'll buy Revolution when it is $100 or so.


New Member
I’ve always considered myself to be an avid X-Box supporter. Heck,
I’ve argued until my face was blue informing my friends about its
incredible features (internet capabilities, superior graphics, superior
hardware, adaptability, etc.) Currently, it’s the best console—bar none.

So, come May 12th, the day of Microsoft’s much publicized “reveal”
of X-Box 360 on MTV (yeah, that makes no sense), I must say I’m left in
utter disappointment. Quite frankly, what was Microsoft thinking? Here
we are at the dawn of a new era—X-Box has obtained a massive fan base
and the current console is looking better than ever, and what do we
get?--A machine that looks like an expansion pack to our current black
box. It’s not X-box 360. It’s X-box 1.5. From the coverage I’ve seen
of E3 (as a lowly commoner from the East Coast actually attending the
Expo is just but a dream), I’m just not impressed. In their press
conference, Microsoft spent a majority of the time talking about the
bonus features of their new “all-inclusive-entertainment” device. Well,
call me crazy, but downloading movie trailers or creating sellable
merchandise just doesn’t strike me as that cool.

I’m a gamer. I want to play games. A video game console’s primary purpose should be just that. Sure, bells and whistles are neat, but when that becomes the focus, something is wrong. Give me a plug and play game machine. My PC can do the rest.

I feel annoyed. Here I am, the X-Box cheerleader, and I’m more
impressed by Sony’s Playstation 3?! Crazy! Sony did it right. They
showed some amazing games (whether it’s actual gameplay is up to debate)
and they attempted to appease the hardcore gamer—not the housewives, the sisters, the grandparents, and all the other casual gamers that
Microsoft is trying to reach out to. Look at the “footage” from Killzone
2 on Playstation 3 and compare it to Ghost Recon 3 on X-Box 360.
Regardless of where your loyalties lie, one must admit that the former
was jaw dropping, while the latter looks a lot like a minor upgrade to
the previous installment.

I think somebody should let Microsoft know what somebody who PLAYS games actually thinks of their current path. Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself (Playstation 3’s demos may simply be facades of something much less). However, at this juncture it doesn’t take a rocket science to realize which company had a more impressive offering.

So, I will continue to play my current X-box and just wait to see the
true results of this upcoming war. At this point, though, I have only
one true concern. I won’t be able to play Halo 3 on my Playstation 3.


Well-Known Member
SirGoofy said:
Nintendo is still in the stone age when it comes to third party support. By the end of this generation, Nintendo will be a pure game developer because it will be either Microsoft's or Sony's property.

People keep saying that ever since the N64. I think Revolution is gonna shut a lot of them up. The way they've been talking about it, Nintendo will get all the 3rd parties they want. They're gonna be able to make better games with less money, which is always good for all involved.


imagineer99, I see where you're coming from, but Microsoft has shown some amazing games. Ghost Recon 3 is beautiful, and we know it is REAL gameplay. That's the biggest question with Killzone. Microsoft can throw out a prerendered movie if they wanted to, but they showed REAL gameplay. And you have to be impressed by Gears of War. It looks amazing.

MKCustodial, the big N can tallk all they want. I love 'em, but they are dying. They had the worst of the press confrences for the second year in a row. Sure, they showed the Revolution, but did they show any games? No. Their whole Revolution shocker was that they could download old games. wow.


New Member
It just seems that microsoft is more concerned with all the "features" of live.

From a spec. standpoint, PS3 is a more impressive system. Hands down.

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