The feeling of leaveing!!


I must confess that after finding this site less than a month ago I have sent myself into a real state of Disney Depression. But after reading cabihler I am writing this with tears in my eyes.
:cry: My family has felt allot like yours. Disney has been like a home to us. When my mom and I would go we would spend like two weeks sometimes, once we got the vacation place we have spent three months in the area. It never never never I repeat never gets any easier to go home, well I guess I should say go away, because I feel like WDW is home and this is just an extended stay away from home.

Someone else was saying this but it is true, the beautiful gardens the happy families the music, animals, food, smells, everything is so special and you can escape almost anything. If you don't want to think about things at home you don't have to. Probably the only trip that the Disney magic was a little thin was the one we had to make an emergency trip back because my grandpa was very ill and well we won't go there...

My favorite last night place is EPCOT. I don't think I have ever left there on my last night that I wasn't crying by the time I got to the car.

The only thing that we have found that can help with leaving only slightly is to have something fun to look forward to at home. For example this trip (if we get to leave Monday there may be a glitch) we want to get back in time to be in the Mardi Gras Dog parade our city has every year and we have a new puppy to take to it for the first time. So that is something to look forward to.

But nothing can replace that empty feeling that leaving "Home" gives you.


New Member
I hate that feeling. :( When I get there, I am like ha ha to the people that are leaving, but then when my family leaves, I am like, I hate you to the people who are just getting there.

I also get very jealous when I hear other people are going to WDW. Last week in my history class I heard this one girl saying how she is going to be missing this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday because she's going to WDW with her family. :( Man, why can't I be going again?


I just had to go through the feeling of leaving this past Monday, and it was awful- one of the worst feelings there is. I was fighting back tears, and I'm someone who NEVER cries. To leave some place so magical and go back to reality is really hard, especially when you have to go back to freezing cold Massachusetts and get up to go to school at 6:30 the next morning, and because I don't know when I'll be going back. And you're right, its the worst seeing all those happy people checking in, just beginning their vacations.:hammer:


New Member
We were at WDW for a week in mid-February. On our last night, as we were leaving Epcot to walk back to YC and leave WDW, we were all very sad. We walked through the turnstiles at Int'l Gateway and my 10 year old started to cry. I asked her about it and she said, "I hear other people talking about what they are going to do tomorrow and which park they are going to and it makes me so sad, because we won't be here." This certainly brought a tear to my eye and sums up the "leaving WDW sadness" for me: no matter how long you have been there (and it had been a week for us), you always want more time.


New Member
We drive to WDW so we always stop at Downtown Disney on our way home and stay until we're exhausted and can't wait to get going. We go the same week every year and the "art festival" is going on so it's neat to see the sidewalk chalk art. But alas, it's still is very sad to go. We play our various Disney Park CDs on thw way home and that helps.


New Member
My wife always cries twice -- when we leave the main gate heading back into the real world, and when we cross the state line leaving Florida. :( :(

My tip for easing yourself away from the magic is to stay offsite for the last night of your stay. There's nothing worse than getting up on the last morning and turning on the tube only to hear about all the wonderful things going on today at the World ... knowing that you're packing up to leave and you're gonna miss it!

And don't suggest I leave the TV off ... we gotta have our DisneyTV, even if it does repeat itself after only a little while! :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by disneyparrothed
And don't suggest I leave the TV off ... we gotta have our DisneyTV, even if it does repeat itself after only a little while! :animwink:

did you know they've changed the "Zip-a-dee-do-da Tip for today"? now it's the 7 best attractions at where near as charming as it used to be!


Cabihler, I just read your reply for the first time. Thanks for sharing.

Here's what I do to combat the departure day blues:

1. First, we always check out of the resort early in the morning and put everything in the car.

2. Second, we always do MK for half a day on the last day of our trip (usually, 9:00 to 1:00). On that day, everyone gets to choose an attraction they want to experience one more time.

3. Next, I always save one good attraction for the last day. For example, for our upcoming May trip, we are doing Goofy's Barnstormer on the last day for the first time on our trip. My kids absolutely love that ride.

4. Finally, we get ice cream on MainStreet before we leave.

5. Then we get back on the monorail, go back to the Poly and go straight to our car. We spend the entire trip home (to NJ) talking about our trip and planning the next.

Actually, the crying doesn't start til we get home and realize how much we spent. :cry:


New Member
Whenever this happens to me, I like to pretend that I am actually part of the incoming families, and just hang out with them and follow them to their rooms. Well, maybe not, but I do always wish that my trip were just beginning.:hammer:


New Member
Also, I agree with the crying about the cash. It is always heartbreaking to see my bank account after every trip. MONEY WELL SPENT I SAY!:hammer:


Active Member
I really HATE having to leave WDW. And it seems that while on vacation, the first thing that pops into my head each morning is that "I only have ____ days left!"

The only thing that makes it bearable is that, as other have written, start planning another trip ASAP. Unfortunately, that's at least a 1 or 1 1/2 years betweem visits, but planning and going to these boards help.

Now, if October 8 will just hurry up and get here!


Leaving WDW is always the hardest part- even as a child making her first visit in 1972!

My husband and I have a tradition of going to MK on our last day, taking a picture in front of the big Mickey made of flowers by the train station, walking down Main St, getting one last picture of the castle, then hitting a couple of rides. WHen we leave the park, we always board one of the boats and go back to the GF. Once back at the GF, my DH does his last minute videoing, fading to black and saying "see you next year!" I always leave sobbing, but anxious to come back. We usually start talking about the next trip down on our way home.

Thanks for making me all depressed now... wish the next trip was a little closer! Only 9 months, 22 days to go...


New Member
The worst part about leaving, is knowing that that is the longest period of time you have to wait until your next trip. I am glad to see that there are so many people out there that feel the same way I do. I thought I was the only one who resented those smiling faces walking in as I was walking out.

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