The fate of M:S?


Original Poster
M:S takes place in 2025, right? And, it's also training for the first manned mission to Mars, right? Well, what do you think will happen in 2025, or when humans land on Mars, whichever comes first? Do you think they'll just change the preshow, or change the planet entirely?


Well-Known Member

If anything the concept will be changed to somthing else. I don't even see that happening. The general public isnt going to Mars for about 50 yrs or so. If not more. So I dont see them changing it :)


New Member
I cant remember where I read this, but anyhow, Disney designed the ride to where if they wanted to change the mission to another planet or something they could simply load a different version of the software they're using now. Granted, its more complex than I just made it sound, but its not an enormous undertaking either. So if they decided they wanted to change the planet to Saturn or something fictional, they could do so without overhauling the entire ride/show building.


New Member
We've barely walked on the moon, and that was over 30 years ago. The way NASA has been since funding was tightened, i don't see a MARS landing in the near(20 years) future. That's the shelflife of many rides as it is, so WDI may replace/upgrade it for a newer style attraction regardless of the reality of NASA's launches.

Science Fiction has always dwarfed science fact.


Well-Known Member
The year is 2036, much farther than 2025. Also, only in a few places is the year and occasion marked. It could very easaly be changed to 2050 or so. The pre-show dosn't say anything about the year.


Original Poster
2036-I thought that it was earlier than that. There will probably be a different ride there by then, anyway.


New Member
Originally posted by Walter
M:S takes place in 2025, right? And, it's also training for the first manned mission to Mars, right? Well, what do you think will happen in 2025, or when humans land on Mars, whichever comes first? Do you think they'll just change the preshow, or change the planet entirely?

Thankfully, I don't think we need to worry about this just yet. :D In 30+ years, this ride will either be a 'class attraction' up there with the Haunted Mansion and Pirate of the Carribean, or it will be long gone!!!

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