And sadly, you can't even cleanse your palate on the Spirit of Washington wine train anymore.
Funny Story: Several decades ago I had an elderly aunt that got hit by the Spirit of Washington wine train as it rolled through an armless grade crossing on a two-lane back road in Bellevue. Luckily, the train was going slowly and she was driving a giant Mercedes-Benz sedan that was built like a bank vault and she walked away with only minor scrapes. But the wine train was ruined for that evening, and they had to bus the passengers back to the station after dessert was served.
In her defense, she'd lived in Bellevue her entire life and that rail line had been mostly abandoned for decades until the wine train starting using it in the early 1990's. Her accident was only a year or two after the service started on that abandoned line.
She actually joked about it for several years afterwards until she passed away.
She'd proclaim... "Hit by a dinner train full of drunks! What a way to go!"