The dreaded double stroller


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. The PhD family is all getting used to the our newest member (baby PhD born Aug 3rd 2004 :sohappy: ) So no the dreaded double stroller question has become an issue.

When ever we put baby PhD into the stoller, Little PhD (3 years old) insits on strolling too. Not bad when you have 2 adults, but I can't take them both out alone. We have a trip planed for March 2005, Little PhD will be almost 4, Baby 7 months. We want a double for this trip, but also to use otherwise. Little PhD really is little (27 pounds at 3 1/2). I know the 3 year old will want to walk a lot, but we want a stroller too and don't want to rent one.

We have reseached and narrowed it down to 2 models.

A side by side, Peg Perego Aria Twin LB (2004 model) It rolls and folds up really well, only 14lbs and is rather small. All in all a good WDW stroller. The bad thing is the car seat won't fit in it, making it not as useful for home use. (and in the winter when I don't want to take the baby out of the car seat.) Also it is rather pricey ($300) Since we have most everything for the baby already I don't mind the price too much, if it works really well for us.

The second stroller is an Evenflo "Take me too" tandom. A frount/back double stroller. The car seat fits in it, but boy is it big. It folds ok, but weights 31 pounds and is really big. Hubby can't imagine trying to sit on the bus with it. Oh it comparitly it only cost $100.

I personally can't stand the very popular graco duo gilder, but the evenflo seems a little bit better, but I just can't imagine trying to lug the big heavy thing out of the mini van, let alone around the airport and WDW.

Any advice? Anyone deal with either of these before?


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Oh, man!!!!! I wish I would of posted my troubles sooner, maybe it would of helped you avoid yours!!!!! I also wished I would of pulled out sooner, but I felt I had waited this far, it would pay off sooner or later.

I agree, there is no excuse for this poor service. They were giving me the run around with saying they were at a convention and then the changing shippers. Why should that effect my order placed 2 weeks prior to that? I was offered nothing more then a "sorry, thank you for your patince."

Who charges the cc before shipping anyway. Most places I have delt with in the past always wait until shipping.

Maybe I should start a avoid thread to warn others! :hammer:
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New Member
*puts on helmet and shoulder pads*

I plan on renting the double stroller at the parks. I realize that the price adds up and can justify buying instead of renting, but I like the idea of not having to lug it onto the transportation. Of course my situation is a bit different. . .

You see my kids are 6 and 8.

*bows head and covers up - preparing for beating*

Silly huh? I would rather pay the 15$ a day that hear them complain about all the walking. We have the pull wagon we still take to PKI. Sure they should walk, but I'll err this time on the side of Renting.
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New Member
I kept staying in because they kept saying it had shipped. Then they would say it was in their warehouse. The last one said it had not shipped from Maclaren. I then asked what their shipping system had to do with Maclaren ...they gave me another lame excuse.

Because I am a web developer and know a lot about websites I did a lot of research before I ordered and this really is the first time I feel like I was dupped. I have never had anyone charge me for a product before it shipped. I tried to look for some consumer laws on this but came up empty handed.

Oh, well. Hopefully it will work out in the end.

If my children were 6 and 8, I would probably rent a stroller, but at 4 and 18 months they still need the rest (especially the 18 month old). Our 18 month old is already 30 pounds so carrying her from the bus stop to the park entrance (she doesn't walk fast or follow well) would be hard on our backs. Our pediatrician has recommended we see a chiropractor about our backs since she is a larger child. Doctor is not concerned since she is also a tall child (34 inches). She is also our grumpy child and when tired she just passes out...our other one would go on and on never giving in.
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shari71 said:
I kept staying in because they kept saying it had shipped. Then they would say it was in their warehouse. The last one said it had not shipped from Maclaren. I then asked what their shipping system had to do with Maclaren ...they gave me another lame excuse.

I have the same question!!!!!! WOW, I really don't like ripping on people or companys, but in my opinon there is no excuse. It sounds like it wasn't just me. They most be lossing orders left and right. The women at arunningstroller said I was not the 1st person to contact her to change an order that strollers4less had messed up. I think they say they have it in stock, then get it from the manufactor. Not my idea of in stock. As of now 4 weeks from when I ordered it and 1 week after canceling the order, they have not updated my order as cancel, (it still says processed, waiting for shipment) or returned my email asking them when they will be reversing the charges. They did confirm on email it was canceled. I feel dupped by them too, I had ordered from them before and heard from others who didn't have the same problems. I will NEVER order from them again.

Good luck getting your new stroller, and I hope you really like it. I have never heard a McClearn ower who didn't love them.

I think if I had 6 and 8 year old I would rent too if needed. Since my DD are rather small, they might be able to fit in the stroller for a while. There really is a great deal of walking in a WDW vacation. My hubby and I always "train" for it and make sure we gets lots of exersize before going so we are in good shape. :sohappy:
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New Member
Glad it worked put for all of you!:wave: Oh, and thanks for the warning. I'll wear extra thick socks to protect my ankles during my next WDW trip.:lol:
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New Member
We have a single Peg Perego and love it. Perhaps ditch the stroller idea all together get a sling or a ergo baby carrier. That way you are hands free and your 4 year old wont be tempted to ride in the stroller. Or you can use your single stroller you own and alternate the baby in the carrier and stroller based on the 4 year olds need to ride..

I own a myrawrap and an ergo. Maya was great for the newborn but the ergo is wonderful. My son from about 6 months on wanted to see the world, in the ergo he can see from your eye height and wont miss anything being at street level. The ergo has a thick weightlifters style belt so the weight is on your hips not on your shoulders. I carry my 25lb baby in this and its like he weighs nothing. I have seen a mom carry her 4 year old in hers and it looked like cake.

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I was thinking about doing that, but with my luck my olderone will only want to be in the stroller when the baby is. (we still might, have to wait and see)

What is an egro? I will have to look into that. We have a baby bjorn and really like it.
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New Member
Received my Maclaren Rally Twin this evening from So far so good. I had to run off this evening on a prior engagement so I was unable to try it out, but I intend to strap them in and go for a power walk tomorrow.

Thanks for listening to me vent. Sometimes that's all I need to feel better after one of these situations.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
shari71 said:
Received my Maclaren Rally Twin this evening from So far so good. I had to run off this evening on a prior engagement so I was unable to try it out, but I intend to strap them in and go for a power walk tomorrow.

Thanks for listening to me vent. Sometimes that's all I need to feel better after one of these situations.

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Great!!!!! I hope it works wonderfully and you have a great trip. Please do a trip report! Where are you staying?

So far I really like the peg pergo and am really happy with the service from Now I need to find a side by side rain cover for it!

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Park nostalgist
Premium Member
Just to chime in:

We took our 7 month old in May, and he was just fine in a double stroller. So it can happen. :)

We brought a single stroller (it was it's 4th trip to WDW, only $28 on clearance, the best $28 ever spent on a stroller) for non-park outings, but rented a double for our park trips. Not having to lug a stroller on/off busses, back to the hotel, thru the airport, etc. is, in our opinion, worth the $14 per day at the parks. Again, whether or not this is worth it is up to each person. What works for us may or may not work for you, and vice versa. :)

One thing I would recommend for a stroller - make sure it has shocks, i.e. more of an off-road stroller. It makes rolling on and off sidewalks, over bumps, etc., so much easier!
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New Member
DisneyPhD said:
:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Great!!!!! I hope it works wonderfully and you have a great trip. Please do a trip report! Where are you staying?

So far I really like the peg pergo and am really happy with the service from Now I need to find a side by side rain cover for it!


Dixie Landings...oops! Port Orleans Riverside :sohappy: :sohappy: - we love it there. In March of 1996 we honeymooned there and that was the start of my Disney craze. Every trip afterwards except one has been there. Last year we took advantage of the stay for 7 but pay for 4 and tried out the Grand Floridian. Don't plan to go back there until the kids are grown since it is more for adults. We still had fun though.

Luckily ours came with a rain cover. The girls thought it was great when I threw it on, but quickly wanted out. :)
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New Member
Just a quick note to say finally posted a refund to my credit card today.

Tried out the stroller last night! It worked beautifully. The girls tried out all the features. Just need to practice opening it and closing it before we head out in 14 days!
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New Member
DisneyPhD said:
Hi everyone. The PhD family is all getting used to the our newest member (baby PhD born Aug 3rd 2004 :sohappy: ) So no the dreaded double stroller question has become an issue.

When ever we put baby PhD into the stoller, Little PhD (3 years old) insits on strolling too. Not bad when you have 2 adults, but I can't take them both out alone. We have a trip planed for March 2005, Little PhD will be almost 4, Baby 7 months. We want a double for this trip, but also to use otherwise. Little PhD really is little (27 pounds at 3 1/2). I know the 3 year old will want to walk a lot, but we want a stroller too and don't want to rent one.

We have reseached and narrowed it down to 2 models.

A side by side, Peg Perego Aria Twin LB (2004 model) It rolls and folds up really well, only 14lbs and is rather small. All in all a good WDW stroller. The bad thing is the car seat won't fit in it, making it not as useful for home use. (and in the winter when I don't want to take the baby out of the car seat.) Also it is rather pricey ($300) Since we have most everything for the baby already I don't mind the price too much, if it works really well for us.

The second stroller is an Evenflo "Take me too" tandom. A frount/back double stroller. The car seat fits in it, but boy is it big. It folds ok, but weights 31 pounds and is really big. Hubby can't imagine trying to sit on the bus with it. Oh it comparitly it only cost $100.

I personally can't stand the very popular graco duo gilder, but the evenflo seems a little bit better, but I just can't imagine trying to lug the big heavy thing out of the mini van, let alone around the airport and WDW.

Any advice? Anyone deal with either of these before?
We are going in a couple weeks and are borrowing my friends Peg perego Aria twin... We have borrowed it for almost every big trip we go on. It is sooo easy and light weight. I would recommend it over most others!!

We have the Eddie Bauer Double stroller and I don't like it. It is sooo heavy and my son is four and already outgrown it! He is too tall to ride in the back (it has hard molded plastic rim around the top) and too heavy to ride in the front (it won't turn with the heavier child in front). And for everyday use, I am usually by myself. It is alot to manage getting into and out of the back of the van.

Hopefully, that will help you make a decision. I would vote for the one that doesn't use an infant carrier... That 6 months will fly by and the rest of the 3 or 4 years you will want to use it, it will be more convenient to have the Perego!
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