Gonzo: *Running around in circles* Oh no!!! who did that? And what's fake hair? Like a wig? The killer was wearing a curly blonde wig!! That's it, it must be! *looks around suspiciously*
Basil: Perhaps our villain does intend to outwit us with a wig! Yes, of course, that's it, ah-ha! Then again, it could always be a synthetic hair from a coat of sorts as well. This is all very interesting!
Judge Doom: Well, my friend Gonzo, perhaps you'd like to taste the dip for yourself. There's not much horseradish in it, but it packs quite a punch. *chuckles evilly*
Perhaps the hair is a hair from the head. However, which one of us has fake hair on our head? Perhaps one of us is not a real boy?
Judge Doom: Suspicious, eh? Are you slandering an official of the law, Gonzo? Be thankful we're not in Toontown. I'd have you slapped in irons for an offense like that in my jurisdiction.
Zazu: I found Dr. Jumba dead in his lab. The poor fellow was hit on the head. And another interesting clue... A burnt piece of, what looks like, thread.
Nala: This is getting out of hand! Detectives, if you find anything, please let us know.
Scar: Oh dear, this is terrible.... (laughs evilly)