The amazing shrinking hours?


New Member
Original Poster
This is my first posting on a forum ever, so forgive me if I break any etiquette rules!

We went to Disney in May, 1999 and decided last fall to book a trip for the same time this year. I am extremely disappointed in the hours - I still have my resort maps from 1999 (for a scrapbook I haven't done yet!) and the hours now are definitely shorter.

Animal Kingdom then was open 7-8 pm and now it's only 9-5! Even worse - Magic Kingdom then was open 9-9 and now it's only open until 6 (except for Monday and Friday). That's three hours less a day than three years ago!

Is this just a fluke or is WDW trying to save bundles of money with an overall curtailing of hours (and giving us a lot less for our vacation in return!)?

How is anyone suppose to plan when to go when the hours can be THIS short? We have the Unoffical Guide book for 2002 and it says parks can be open as little as ten hours in the slow season - but now AK is only open 8 and MK 9!

The Mom

Premium Member
Originally posted by MICKEYTD

Is this just a fluke or is WDW trying to save bundles of money with an overall curtailing of hours (and giving us a lot less for our vacation in return!)?

! [/B]

No, and yes. ;) Hours have been getting shorter for the past couple of years, and were reduced significantly after 9/11. Everyone is hoping that they will start getting back to normal soon.


Welcome to the boards MICKEYTD! I am new too. I am also going in May and I am very discouraged with the park hours. Do any of the CM's on the board know if they will be extending the hours, especially in MK, as May approaches??? Thanks all. :D


Well-Known Member
Just a note...

Lately, it would appear as if Disney is changing hours at the last minute in response to crowds. So, who knows... just because they say they will close at a specified time, by the time that week comes around, they may have extended it.



New Member
We have gone the last week in May for the last 5 years. The posted hours have always been extended in response to larger than expected crowds. I expect the same this year. In fact, as Hyperion said, the hours that were posted a month ago have already been extended and are approaching normal. AK hours are still pretty short but that may be due to the less than stellar attendance figures since the opening of the park. There's just not more than 8 hours worth of attractions.
We have to agree with you MICKYTD. We also have been going in May for the last few years and were very discouraged to see how much the hours have shrunk.

On top of that, Being DVC members, May falls into the 3rd highest season (the higher the season, the more points it costs to stay). We did a little calculating and the MK, for example, is open the same amount of hours as it was in January. Well it costs the LEAST amount of points to stay in January so we feel a little cheated.

We really are banking that they will extend some of these hours as we get closer.

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