Trip Report The “More SunPass than the average Florida resident/Can you believe this is happening?” Trip Report.

This is my first trip using a GoPro as my primary form of image capturing. With this comes some trial and error that I learned along the way so I do apologize for the occasional fuzzy picture as well as the excessive amount of pictures I am about to bombard you with. Additionally, I am not known for my wordsmithing as I favor the 1’s and 0’s over the A’s and B’s so I apologize ahead of time for the inevitable grammar and spelling typos that will surely come your way. That said, I do hope you enjoy the following!

So here we are, Surf ‘n Turf trip number four! For all the funtivities about the who/what/when/etc have yourself a nice read here:’s-time-for-some-surf-n-turf-action…-again.915877/

So after about five and half hours of sleep I was up bright and early at 04:00 with the DW soon up to follow. The DMIL, who was staying over to watch the DD, saw us off and we ended up pulling out of the house around 04:40 to avoid the madness that is Atlanta traffic. We had to make a quick stop to fuel up first:

We chose to avoid eating until we got through downtown because I didn’t want to risk getting caught in anything the ATL could conjure up. Soon we were on the south side and ready for some breakfast. We passed a sign for Truett’s grill, Chick-fil-A founder, and thought this sounded good, I love me some spicy chicken biscuit action! We took the exit and made our way to the grill only to find out that they didn’t open for breakfast until 06:00!! Alas, it was only 05:45 and I was on a mission to not waste time so we hopped back on I-75 and made our way south. We ended up dining at a Chick-fil-A in Macon only to learn that the spicy chicken biscuit has now become a regional item!! I pressed the server to make sure she knew what state we were still in and that the idea of a spicy chicken biscuit not being available in Truett’s home state was just plain nuts! So the DW and I settled for a pair of chicken biscuits but had the fortune that a Dunkin Donuts was right across the street so we were able to secure some good coffee for the trip.

True story: I actually met Honey Boo Boo at this very Dunkin Donuts during the state wrestling tournament about three years ago. Now aren’t you jealous!!!



We would only stop one more time for fuel and restroom access during our travels. We did, however, pass a most entertaining car fire as we entered into Florida. I felt a bit bad for the folks watching their car crisp up and even worse when we eventually passed the FD traveling north about 5 minutes later. What, amazingly, felt like a short seven-hour ride, we had arrived!

We navigated our way from Western Way to MK’s main gate. Needless to say I was ready to get to the Poly. Here the DW nabbed a pic of me without knowing, it wouldn’t be the last she would get of me.



Soon we were in the Poly’s lobby talking in the wonderful sights and smells.

We made our way to the front desk to learn our room was not ready. We anticipated this and packed our bathing suits and some libations in a tote for an afternoon poolside before our early evening fastpasses. We made for our car and moved it to the DVC parking lot when we got the call…


Well-Known Member
Now way will she be surrounded by kids if she goes with you, it would be difficult to not see any kids during the cruise but there are plenty of adult only areas to spend time in when one doesn't want to be around the kiddies but really aside from the family pool area

I second the remarks made by @Mrhappyplace. You can pretty much avoid kids for most of your trip. We stayed in the adult areas most of the time and the only time children were present were shows, dinner, and walking the ship. It's a great adults-only experience.


Well-Known Member
We parted ways with our service crew letting them know we would see them again in the morning for breakfast before disembarking. We made our way to the photo area of the ship to see if there were any pictures we may be interested in. We may have had about 6 pictures in our folder but nothing looked worthwhile so we passed. We then made for Evolution for the trivia challenge. We arrived a little early but the room was starting to fill up. We had to bring our A-game so that meant…you guessed, it:

We settled down and waited for the game action when we learned this would be a team competition where the room was split into two teams. It would be Team My Little Ponies vs. Team Cabbage Patch., MLP 4 life! This trivia contest had a few different challenges. There was either a team question, physical challenge, or a beat the buzzer question. We started out with a few team questions where I had to educate MLP that E.T. was in fact the highest grossing movie of the 1980’s. The emcee mixed in a few physical challenges which included the best dance ensemble, I sat that one out. This was followed by a few more questions followed by a physical challenge. This time the physical challenge was who could do the best “Worm”. Team MLP went silent; I could not believe NO ONE would step up. So I stepped up and did my best worm impression. Let’s just say, it was horrible. We then moved on to the buzzer beater questions where we would hear a snippet of a song and have to race up to grab out idol to answer the question. I’m happy to say I nailed Queen’s another one bites the dust and Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5!



Finally…the moment came. The final physical challenge was announced. To win the trivia portion of the 80’s trivia challenge each team would need to recreate their best “Risky Business” scene. Bonus points would be awarded for being most authentic….Again, crickets from Team MLP. I was pushing others hard to get up there and perform as I had already embarrassed myself plenty with my lack of The Worm skills. Once again NOBODY would step up! Well I’m too competitive to not go for it. SO…I had to represent The Risky which meant the shorts went down and the shoes came off! While I was doing this a lady behind me slapped some sunglasses on my face and cheered. Well, I went for it and thanks to the sunglasses and me disrobing Team My Little Ponies won! Proof below is just how far I will go to win!

We had an awesome time but it was approaching midnight and we were tuckered out! We made for our cabin and called it a night.

Morning came fast and it was time to wake for breakfast. We had already arrived at port and the weather was still looking wonderful. We had set our luggage out the night before so the staff had taken it to customs for us already and all we would need to take to breakfast was our carry-ons.

One nice thing about the dining rotations is whatever restaurant you dine in on your last night is the same restaurant you will have breakfast at on disembarking day, if you choose to eat breakfast. So we made our way to Royal Palace to meet our crew and hand out our gratuities. As you can imagine they offer a fine variety of breakfast options. We each started with a pastry, juice, and a coffee. Laura had oatmeal and bacon while I went with some eggs, sausage, hash browns and an English muffin. Breakfast was excellent.





We said our goodbyes to the staff, thanked them, and hoped to see them soon. We made for customs but grabbed one more picture of the tree on the way out.

From the time we left the boat to the time we reached our vehicle it wasn’t twenty minutes. They really have the process of getting out of port down. So we were on our way to AKL for our final night!

Still to come: AKL, Tiffin’s, and Yachtsman.

You have me laughing out loud. Way to take one for the team!

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