Tuesday, February 25th, 2014 continued...
After Brad's haircut we meandered down main street. We hit up a few photopass photographers to get these gems:
On the way we had a discussion about how few rides we had managed to get on. It was lunch time on the second day and the ride count was at 3 for Boogie and 2 for Kinsey! Anyway, we decided to remedy that. In rather quick succession we rode it's a small world, prince charming's regal carousel, and peter pan's flight (which we had fastpasses for thanks to a few clicks on the app).
We then decided to eat lunch. Now, this is where we went a bit askew. If you read my pretrip report then you saw that I managed to get a fastpass for lunch at be our guest. Well, in my sleep addled brain Tuesday turned into Thursday and I thought the lunch was for our second day at Magic Kingdom. So yeah- add that up and you get that we didn't go to eat at be our guest.

We tried to eat at Cosmic Rays but they were enforcing the no seat till you have food thing. That doesn't work when the way you are having to do things is to have one person take the babies to the table while the other person and Boogie get the food. I don't know why that is so hard for people to understand? Anyway, that issue meant we were headed over to Columbia Harbor House. Not only did they understand the way we handle things but they encouraged it! Woohoo!
Hubby and Boogie had the lobster roll and shared with Brad. They all seemed to really enjoy it!
Kinsey and I shared the fish and chicken plate. Good as always.
My favorite was this delicious little blueberry cobbler thingy. Soooo good!
It's Brad approved!
As our meal was ending the discussion of what to do next came up. Of course that lovely little house across the way was our decision. Now, we know Kinsey gets scared of things. (I have recently discovered that Boogie has been playing a Halloween sound effects tape while Kinsey is sleeping so that may explain a few things!) Anyway, we figured that if we avoided the stretching room then we could convince him that it is a funny ride. Yeah, even in the ecv they ushered us straight into the stretching room.

I tried my best but by the time we were in the doom buggy he was sufficiently freaked out. He was sobbing. So, I did what any good mom does

, I asked if he wanted to hide under my extra shirt. He quickly decided that was a good idea and the crying stopped. In fact, I am pretty sure he fell asleep for a minute under there.
I felt pretty bad about the whole haunted mansion thing so, without even checking with my hubby (sorry Hubs) decided the next thing we did would be just for Kins. We checked the wait for Tiana and Jasmine (ugh no!) before ending up on the Magic Carpets of Aladdin. Kinsey LOVED it. I know it gets a lot of flack because it is just a spinner but seeing his eyes light up makes that ride a major winner for me.
(OK, I have to include this. All day I kept telling Hubby he was giving Brad a wardrobe malfunction and he would blow me off. I finally took this picture to show him how bad it was. That is one complete baby butt cheek!)
Boogie's sad face because even at Disney World when you use a turnstile to smack your brother in the face you get a talking to...
We were going to follow that up with a ride on the jungle cruise BUT... when we got down there there was this really huge line. I mean HUGE! I tried to ask my hubby where the fastpass line was and this guy informed me, really angrily, that that was the fastpass line. So, we switched fastpasses and ran away from there. In retrospect I think that perhaps that was one of the huge ugly lines to make fastpass selections and not the line to ride jungle cruise. At least I hope that was the case.
We opted for Pirates of the Caribbean instead. Pirates is one of the rides that Kinsey had watched videos of online in advance. I wanted to know if he would be interested in it. When we watched the video he would squeal everytime he saw Jack Sparrow. So, I knew, call it Jack Sparrows ride. He was stoked. Then my husband starts talking about all the pirates. That was almost the end right there.

Luckily I managed to shut him up before it fully caused a fit and we were cool to ride along and hunt for Jack Sparrow. The couple in front of us giggled every time Kinsey called out, "Yay! It Jack Sparrow!" Whatever works, right folks?
When we got off of Pirates we realized it was time for our Big Thunder mountain Railroad fastpasses. We be bopped our way over because we only had about 4 minutes left in our window. Because Hubby had gotten to ride tower of terror the day before and I hadn't we decided I would get the first ride this time. We got to the start of the fastpass line with literally one minute left in our window. And there stood two women a third of the way up the line (with no one in front of them) just standing there talking. I said excuse me. No response. Boogie said excuse me. No response. Boogie said , "Please let me by!" No response. At that point I said, "sorry Hubby you'll have to take care of the scooter." and shoved it to the other side of the rope and began ducking the ropes to get up there in time. Those women never acknowledged our pleas to get by but they sure managed to give us a nasty look about ducking under a rope to get around them! And for the record I saw three more groups have to do the same thing because those women continued to stand there in line.

They either weren't real bright or they were real... anyway, moving on.
When I got back from my wild train ride Hubby was super mad. He apparently ran over his own foot trying to move the scooter.

I think he was scared to try and drive it for the first time with so many people around looking at him. Alas, we had another fastpass to catch over at space mountain so he hobbled on over with us. We got there in plenty of time this time around! Now, even with a fastpass this line always seems to take forever so instead of trying occupy the babies with peekaboo for 20 to 30 minutes I said I would take them on the TTA. Well, this was the one cast member who would not allow my hubby to get the ride swap fastpass without interrogating me and since I wasn't about to carry the babies from TTA to space mountain again we just let that one go. It's not really a complain just a warning to other people. Some cast members are sticklers!
Oh well. To TTA we go...