Thanksgiving Week Trip - Craziness???


New Member daughter was selected at her cheer camp to be able to travel down to Disney World and walk/perform in a parade at Magic Kingdom on either the day before Thanksgiving or on Thanksgiving Day itself. We are long time visitors to Disney World (20 visits in the last 21 years) but never during Thanksgiving. We've experienced high crowds many many times but wondering how it compares to other holidays. We did New Year's trips for several years (probably 5 or 6 visits) and have been there on NYE and NYD multiple times.

Just curious to how Thanksgiving compares to New Year's Eve & Day.

We'll arrive on that Tuesday and will leave to come back home on Saturday. Any input is appreciated.


Is that who I am?
Premium Member daughter was selected at her cheer camp to be able to travel down to Disney World and walk/perform in a parade at Magic Kingdom on either the day before Thanksgiving or on Thanksgiving Day itself. We are long time visitors to Disney World (20 visits in the last 21 years) but never during Thanksgiving. We've experienced high crowds many many times but wondering how it compares to other holidays. We did New Year's trips for several years (probably 5 or 6 visits) and have been there on NYE and NYD multiple times.

Just curious to how Thanksgiving compares to New Year's Eve & Day.

We'll arrive on that Tuesday and will leave to come back home on Saturday. Any input is appreciated.
Looks like crowds will be slow based on summer attendance. You are good. The weather should be nice.
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Well-Known Member
Hard to tell at this point. Its being reported by all that numbers are greatly reduced and expected to stay that way. Dis is trying to bump up with future deals and offers. In the past Thanksgiving has been on the crazy crowded side with guests getting in on early holiday decorations and events. Certainly not as bad as NYE shoulder to shoulder crazy but still huge lines and waits.
I'd keep watch on how things progress as summer goes on and see if and how they can attract people to the parks and resorts to get a better feel of whats to come.
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
The one thing you have on your side is that the insanity between post-COVID travel and the 50th anniversary celebrations have died down. Thanksgiving often is pretty busy, people will take their kids out of school since it's only Monday and Tuesday and often a half day Wednesday or even the whole day off (and if memory serves, not a lot gets taught, or learnt, those days, haha). But that period is, historically, very busy, to the point where certain parks (at least MK) will close down to any guests who aren't in the park yet.
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Well-Known Member
We have been on both thanksgiving week ( including thanksgiving day) and New Year’s Eve. It definitely is crowded, but nothing like New Year’s Eve. We still did everything we wanted to do at thanksgiving and many things more than once with the right planning.
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