I don't think there's that much of a problem with TT as a ride itself. The problem lies in what they did to the WoM pavilion as it relates to the overall theme of Epcot and FW.
Personally, I had problems with the original FW East because both UoE, Horizons, and WoM were really one attraction pavilions when the ones on the west side were not. UoE always got away with being a one-attraction pavilion because of the scope and length of its presentation.
However as much as I liked both Horizons and WoM as long AA omnimover rides, I also always felt a bit jipped because I wanted more than one main attraction. And for those of you who are saying, what about SE there was Communicore attached as part of communication.
The overall pavilion that is currently TT blows in its overall schematics, particularly what it lacks for pre-show. Yes, there is a story about what you're doing for the TT ride. It's not very deep or moving, but there is a story. You're gonna be the test track dummy. Bare basic, it works.
But what would've made the whole pavilion feel complete and make WoM fans happier? How about a pre-show, or whole other ride, dedicated to the back-seat driver.
Picture this--a pre-show or attraction "A" that either does the omnimover thing or a multi-media show like Cranium Command that discusses man's fascination with creating transportation. And with this fascination comes risk--someone has to test the bloody contraptions to see if they'll really work. Hence, an inherent danger factor! Our hosts could be a test track dummy and Jiminy Cricket (Disney's original back-seat driver). And we would see and/or experience a few known failures before certain modes of transporation were successes.
And then we can segue to specatular crashes--think NASCAR pile-ups--and how certain drivers actually survive these things when they should be dead.
Cut to: the modern back seat-driver, always fearful, always nagging about what isn't safe, and use this to segue into safety measures within modern transporation. Hence, what test track dummies go through to make automobiles not be four-wheeled death traps.
Show ends and people can move onto the Test Track ride (as it exists today) or use the "chicken exit" to go to the display area. But either way, they leave with an understanding of why TT is there as well as still retaining the orginal WoM history of transportation theme.
As it is now, TT lacks in theme. The auto parts and assembly machinery in the que area does nothing for this ride. And the existing pre-show is fine way to set one up for the TT ride, but it doesn't provide enough for why this ride exists at Epcot.
And then wheh you add the Exhibit area and souvinier shop--which to me is nothing more than stuff you see at most decent auto shows--all they've done is help bring the pavilion down rather than complete any kind of intended theming.
But...that still doesn't make TT a bad ride. It's just that Disney didn't think "pavilion" on this one. It's kind of what they also did to screw up Imagination. Scary when you think about it, since several other pavilions are up for "rennovation."
Let's hope and pray someone at Disney gets a clue.