No worries. You're totally right on the money about everything. Gollum will absolutely be part of the ride. We can include Beorn the shapeshifter, who fits geographically, as his home isn't far from the Misty Mountains. Radagast could make an appearance in the queue, and possibly save us from the goblin tunnels near the end. The only thing we can't really include is the Lonely Mountain. I know it hurts lol but it's far to the east of the Misty Mountains, and doesn't really make sense in terms of realism. The ride is very true to Tolkien's map of Middle Earth, and I can't see us breaking that realism, even if it would have been cool to visit a sleeping Smaug. At any rate, here are some roles I have up for grabs.
This one is important. If someone can whip up a track list of some music for the Rivendell queue, that would be great. If someone could do a ride mix (about 3.5 minutes long) that would be spectacular.
Concept Art:
I've got the exterior down, but if anyone can do any art, any at all, that would help make the project more versatile.
Presentation Website Setup:
I don't have any idea how to do this. If anyone wants to help put the entire project into a website format, that would be great.
Ride Scenes:
I could use some descriptions for the ride scenes. I'll have to edit them toward the end, but just take a look at the descriptions I put up, study the movies a bit, and come up with something that would work. Remember, when we get the to Misty Mountains, we're picked up by a Cave Troll and the ride becomes like Forbidden Journey.
Any other contributions are appreciated.