Active Member
You know, I really should just stay out of this, but my BIGGEST pet peeve in the world are people who do not have children trying to give parenting advice.
I think you are being extremely judgmental.
I still do not understand where on earth you are getting the idea that stroller use=fat and lazy kids and parents. Do you not realize that just becuase you see a kid in a stroller at the mall or at WDW it does not mean they live in that stroller and are never allowed to get out of it? Because your post sure makes it sound that way. Do you have any idea how many hours each week my kids are running around the yard (and the house, for that matter)? Do you have any idea how many outings my family makes where no stroller is involved (like the park, etc)? Do you have any idea the number of sports that my "lazy" child participates in weekly? If anything, my kids are TOO active!! Sometimes we just wear them and ourselves out! :shrug:
As a stay at home mom without ANY help from family, etc as far as babysitting goes, I HAVE to take my toddler with me everywhere I go. So if putting her in a stroller because I need to Christmas shop at the mall for a couple of hours makes me fat and lazy in your eyes, then so be it. And if putting her in a jogging stroller everyday so that this "lazy" mom can exercise is wrong in your eyes, then so be it. And if putting my two year old in a stoller while walking down Main Street with the masses at park closing makes me lazy, then so be it. And if letting my six year old take a little break in his stroller after WALKING for 6 hours straight in the hot sun at Disney World which is the only place on earth he ever occasionally uses a stroller makes me lazy in your eyes, then so be it.
Again, I say....someday if you have kids, you or your wife WILL use a stroller at some point. That is unless you want to be house bound for the first few years of their life. I know you will deny this, but TRUST me. You will use a stroller.
I wish I could ride around WDW in a stroller for adults like my sons.....