Hey everyone!
So I had some thoughts over the last few days and weeks. I was wondering if I could share them here with you
To start, I truly enjoy this place. In fact this place offers an "escape" from work and stress of the real world, which I find to be a helpful break. And over the last few months I've seen this community grow in numbers and creativity exponentially. I'm happy to be a part of it.
I want to try and offer more for this community and I want to do it with all of you if you want. I gravitated here because I could sense a genuine exuberance and comradery among the members with tons of community events like podcasts, newsletters, updates, social media, websites, and so much more that ties the community together, which to me, makes it stand out. Let's put the summer heated discussion behind us. There was no right or wrong that came from that, and there's no reason to really change much. I'm perfectly fine with the setup. There are always some things to tweak and I think those will work themselves out with time.
But as a whole... I like the TAFI, ICS, Elite Eight, etc and I think everyone does. Just look back around this time last year on the forums when all of these ideas were starting to pick up steam. So much excitement and enthusiasm. That's what I want to see around here now and I really wish to be a part of it. With that said...if we want to really carry on these awesome ideas into the future, I think, together, we should try and execute a lot of the ideas that started and have faded over time.
For instance, the TAFI website. The last update was Nov 2014. If possible, we should try and keep it updated consistently . Plus every time it's updated someone can post it here and we can all see the awesome additions. Especially with the Hall of Fame annual vote coming up.
Also, the TAFI Imagineering Twitter page. Awesome idea...but according to Twitter we are at the final 5 of SA

My personal favorite, the TAFI Newsletters. I loved those...but there hasn't been one since like April. So much as happened, and so much happens over a week or two that it would be great to give updates on not only the competitions, but also a shot out to the newer members posting great ideas throughout the forum. I love writing...so I would be honored if I could do one of these, not only to be more involved, but also keep up the newsletters coming weekly or bi-weekly.
The 2015 ICS Season is coming to a close...it's been very well done . Look back at 2013/2014...there's a huge growth and execution difference. That's not something to be taken for granted. Every competition has finished...every competition has had new members join...and there's already more lined up for next year starting in January with
@RMichael21 's The Sole Imagineer Season 2 - Redemption Island. Gonna be a great start. And also on a personal note, I'm going to be entering more contests as a contestant. I've done the whole host/judge thing enough. I enjoy it no doubt, but I also like doing projects as well as interacting with fellow imagineers and I want to do more of that.
The 2015 Elite Eight is less than a month and a half away ...let's get excited?! I'm on the border right now, but regardless of whether I make it in or not (hope I do) this is the year-end event for the top imagineers on the board. Let's get pumped!!
@Sam4D23 is doing the year end awards...which I watched last years again. It was so cool! Can't wait to see what he has in store for this year and for years to come.
Basically...what I'm trying to say is...this place is great and that I really want to see its true potential become a reality!
Thank you all for reading!