My son turned 4 on our last trip and we would say "do you want to go on such and such ride?" his answer would be no to practically everything. So we decided to stop asking and just say we are going on this ride and 9 times out of 10 he ended up liking it, if he looked a bit scared we would make jokes or say things that he would laugh at like "the crocodile is biting Captain Hooks butt" for distraction and he would yell things back at the rides like "Meanie, Capt Hook!". But the other thing that worked for him was he got a sword at Cinderella's Royal Dinner and he would bring it with him everywhere saying I can use this, if I get scared. We skipped things, we knew would freak him out like the HM and figure someday he'll want to go on it. You just have to be flexible and he might just surprise you, my son who is extremely apprehensive about new or different things absolutely insisted on going on Thunder Mt. and I must have asked him 50 times if he was sure, b/c I knew he wouldn't like it. But he insisted and I took him on, now he did want to get off pretty much immediately but I held on to him, since getting off was not an option, and just kept telling him it would be over very soon and kept talking to him and he made it thru without even crying. He then told me, I didn't like the fast train but maybe I will when I'm bigger and I told him he probably would. I would say don't force him on anything it will only make it worse, gently coax and if still doesn't work then skip it. You're there to have fun and what you think is fun just maybe not be his idea of fun yet.