T3techcom18's WORLD TOUR UPDATE: Part I- 5/29/05 Edition: NOW UPDATED WITH MGM!!!!
Hey everyone!!! I'm back and reved up to go! I'm back with an all new update, and a very detailed one at that! So, without further adue, let's begin! I'm sorry, I won't have any photos for this one except for when I go to AK, as my camara is in the shop. Note: Magic Kingodm and Animal Kingdom will be covered later this week.
So, we start with Epcot:
- The Garden festival is in full swing of course, and lots of the plants of topiaries were working, except for the moving Tinkerbell in the front of World Showcase, as it got stuck in the middle of the day.
- Over in Future World, everything is nice and tidy, except the top parts of the buildings needs to get their cleaning, as grime is staying up there.
- Over at The Living Seas, Turtle Talk with Crush is getting full houses. It's an absolute smash, and if ya think that it's for little kids, your wrong! I'm 14, and I went in there, and it was REALLY funny. Anyone who is fans of Fidnign Nemo or of Crush the Turtle, or for anyone who wants to have a good laugh, MUST go see this!! It's an absolute riot!
- Over at The Land, Soarin' has been getting 40-60 minute wait within an hour and a half of park's opening. Be sure to get there at park opening, or get a Fastpass, as it is literally going to be busy a lot, especially with the summer months coming up. On other news, Living with the Land has been getting a lot of visitors lately, of course due to Soarin' being a hop, skip, and a jump away. By the time I left, they had a 40 minute wait. All of the greenhouses and the stuff inside has been cleaned (for the most part), and everything looks nearly brand new.
And as a little subjunction of this, here is my review of Soarin': I give Soarin' a 4.7 out of 5.0. It is a very well done attraction, and offers a great experience. I know that at some points people will say like, (because i heard this) "Oh, it's just a stupid ride with a little movie and you ride along and it's boring." NO. Come in there with an open mind, and a willingness to surrender reality. You cannot say it's just a little thing. Go in, and immerse yourself in the experience. Explore the grandeur of it; and get immersed in it. It truly is a great attraction.
- Continuing our update, Mission SPACE has gotten some upgrades, but also has deteriorated a bit. The outside queue has been great, but it's slowly deteriroating. The changing lights on the Earth already is gone, both on the logo and also the band under it as well.
Also, some of the other planets need painting, as the painting is slowly fading away. Also, another thing that is deteriorating is the capsules. The inside of the capsules are fine, but when you actually look around and touch the buttons in the capsule some of the little lights are gone, as well some of the little beeps that it makes. That, and lots of the joysticks are not shaking anymore, and the little screens between each position are not working anymore that much. They only show white screens, but nothing else. The upside though, is that they have upgrades as I've mentioned. Inside, in the main queue where the wheel is, they have added more little details in the audio above. Also, in the Training Operations hallway and in each of the preshow rooms, they have added TONS of track lighting. I think they had tons left from the Soarin' queue, so they just added tons of them to the Trainign Operations hallway and the 1st Preshow area. Also, in other news, the 1st Preshow area (at least in red centrifuge), the last monitor at the end now has CC (Closed Captioning). In the capsules, they have added little purple lights at the top of every seat. Lastly, the 1st preshow has gotten more theming and security, as the doors to the centrifuge now have digital locks now.
- Onto Test Track: There weren't that much differences from before, but there are three things that I noticed: There are two new audio spiels, one at the loading area, and one when you stop before the seat belt checkpoint, when you're going up. Also, the other difference (I'm a detail freak), is that apparently there was an upgrade to the cars. There's a part in the back of the cars that looked like several hedges coming out, and now, they put little number readouts on the back. I don't know what the numbers mean, but if I'm going again, I'm gonna go and ask the CM that's there.
- By the way, the fountain for the Garden festival between Mission Space and Test Track was not there.
Well, that's all for Epcot! Later in the day, I will post my MGM report. Thanks for reading!! :wave:
Hey everyone!!! I'm back and reved up to go! I'm back with an all new update, and a very detailed one at that! So, without further adue, let's begin! I'm sorry, I won't have any photos for this one except for when I go to AK, as my camara is in the shop. Note: Magic Kingodm and Animal Kingdom will be covered later this week.
So, we start with Epcot:
- The Garden festival is in full swing of course, and lots of the plants of topiaries were working, except for the moving Tinkerbell in the front of World Showcase, as it got stuck in the middle of the day.
- Over in Future World, everything is nice and tidy, except the top parts of the buildings needs to get their cleaning, as grime is staying up there.
- Over at The Living Seas, Turtle Talk with Crush is getting full houses. It's an absolute smash, and if ya think that it's for little kids, your wrong! I'm 14, and I went in there, and it was REALLY funny. Anyone who is fans of Fidnign Nemo or of Crush the Turtle, or for anyone who wants to have a good laugh, MUST go see this!! It's an absolute riot!
- Over at The Land, Soarin' has been getting 40-60 minute wait within an hour and a half of park's opening. Be sure to get there at park opening, or get a Fastpass, as it is literally going to be busy a lot, especially with the summer months coming up. On other news, Living with the Land has been getting a lot of visitors lately, of course due to Soarin' being a hop, skip, and a jump away. By the time I left, they had a 40 minute wait. All of the greenhouses and the stuff inside has been cleaned (for the most part), and everything looks nearly brand new.
And as a little subjunction of this, here is my review of Soarin': I give Soarin' a 4.7 out of 5.0. It is a very well done attraction, and offers a great experience. I know that at some points people will say like, (because i heard this) "Oh, it's just a stupid ride with a little movie and you ride along and it's boring." NO. Come in there with an open mind, and a willingness to surrender reality. You cannot say it's just a little thing. Go in, and immerse yourself in the experience. Explore the grandeur of it; and get immersed in it. It truly is a great attraction.
- Continuing our update, Mission SPACE has gotten some upgrades, but also has deteriorated a bit. The outside queue has been great, but it's slowly deteriroating. The changing lights on the Earth already is gone, both on the logo and also the band under it as well.
Also, some of the other planets need painting, as the painting is slowly fading away. Also, another thing that is deteriorating is the capsules. The inside of the capsules are fine, but when you actually look around and touch the buttons in the capsule some of the little lights are gone, as well some of the little beeps that it makes. That, and lots of the joysticks are not shaking anymore, and the little screens between each position are not working anymore that much. They only show white screens, but nothing else. The upside though, is that they have upgrades as I've mentioned. Inside, in the main queue where the wheel is, they have added more little details in the audio above. Also, in the Training Operations hallway and in each of the preshow rooms, they have added TONS of track lighting. I think they had tons left from the Soarin' queue, so they just added tons of them to the Trainign Operations hallway and the 1st Preshow area. Also, in other news, the 1st Preshow area (at least in red centrifuge), the last monitor at the end now has CC (Closed Captioning). In the capsules, they have added little purple lights at the top of every seat. Lastly, the 1st preshow has gotten more theming and security, as the doors to the centrifuge now have digital locks now.
- Onto Test Track: There weren't that much differences from before, but there are three things that I noticed: There are two new audio spiels, one at the loading area, and one when you stop before the seat belt checkpoint, when you're going up. Also, the other difference (I'm a detail freak), is that apparently there was an upgrade to the cars. There's a part in the back of the cars that looked like several hedges coming out, and now, they put little number readouts on the back. I don't know what the numbers mean, but if I'm going again, I'm gonna go and ask the CM that's there.
- By the way, the fountain for the Garden festival between Mission Space and Test Track was not there.
Well, that's all for Epcot! Later in the day, I will post my MGM report. Thanks for reading!! :wave: