Sweet, but Fuddy Duddy Spouse


New Member
Hi Everyone!

I will be going to WDW for four days in July for my *gulp* 40th birthday. My DH is a very sweet man but he doesn't exactly think Disney parks are 'fun'. :rolleyes: He hates the crowds and isn't a light-hearted type. I can just hear the "I'm hot.... I'm tired.... My feet hurt...." :hammer: I have gently suggested that he doesn't have to go in the dead of summer with me and the kids. We live in FL and can go anytime. But anyone else have to deal with the unenthusiastic spouse? In relation to WDW? :lol: ;)



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lborne said:
Ususally, it is the husband (or male) who does not like Disneyworld
yeah, i'm seeing that on this thread, hmm
in my case, my wife doesn't dislike Disneyworld, its just not really her thing. she went as a kid and enjoyed it, but it didn't stick with her like it did with me. i think that if i can convince her to come with me, she'd understand.

however, her health isn't the best, and she couldn't do multiple days of walking and strenuous activity, so my next trip will be this fall with some friends.
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Adevereaux, you are preaching to the choir! :lol:

Last year I posted a thread just like yours, practically word for word. DH doesn't like Disney either and oddly enough, in part it is for the same reason that your husband said. Of course, my DH is a cop so he can't escape reality it seems, the poor dear.

Last year I took him for July the 4th, once again, oddly enough, just like you! I had a very nice time, believe me, BUT, the park was INSANE that day! I think they actually stopped letting people in around 11 AM. It was sooo hot, so miserable, poor DH was NOT happy. What saved the day was that we went back to our hotel around 3 PM and stayed until 6:30 PM. Just waiting for the sun to go down. It was perfect and around 7 PM we went to the Poly to see the fireworks and then afterwards, strolled over to MK. Everyone was leaving! It was like a mad exxodus out of the park. My point is take a break, it might just save your day. Personally, I don't think I'll ever do the MK on July the 4th again. Too many people for me.

Well, as for DH, I've tried all sorts of accomodations, nicer hotels, cheaper hotels, cold time of year, warm time of year, everything. Our last trip was less then 2 weeks ago. We had a GREAT room at the Contemporary because I thought transportation ease would make him love Disney, no cigar. Though he does admit it was better, he wasn't too thrilled about paying $250 + a night for a hotel. Mind you, that is a GREAT rate for us FL residents, but he doesn't get it.

Well, now I know that NOTHING I do will ever make him love Disney but he does tolerate it for me and the kids. All I can do is make it as fun as possible. For him that means going to the parks no earlier than 3 PM so it's not too hot, taking LOTS of breaks in the cool AC, don't wait in line for a ride longer than 30 minutes, TOPS (FastPass is your friend), alcoholic drinks depending on the park we are at, seperate bedroom for the kids, and yes, the promise of some good lovin' when the day is over, :lol: . Works like a charm! He also knows it is OK if I want to do something else in the morning that is more "Disney" while he does nothing at all or rents a boat or jet ski. With him, the biggest point is take it slow and don't overplan.

Perhaphs this will help you with your DH? Oh, I also found a couple of conferences in the coming months in Orlando that my boss would like me to attend and it seems that if my boss is picking up our hotel and transportation expenses, he doesn't mind so much. :rolleyes: So keep that in mind!

If that doesn't work, we'll get the 2 sour pusses together and leave them at a bar while the two of us go do the park thing!:lol:

Monica :wave:
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I'm so glad I'm not the only one with a less-than-enthusiastic husband when it comes to Disney!!! When I get ready to plan my vacation, i get so excited and I'm searching all over the internet for good deals, new info etc. I'm constantly looking on ebay for new stuff, and the people at the disney store all know me by my first name!! He thinks i'm crazy, but it's so much fun!

He'd probably try to lock me away if he even knew half of the Disney stuff I'm doing on here!
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blackerbys17 said:
... and yes, the promise of some good lovin' when the day is over, :lol: . Works like a charm!
Monica :wave:

Ummm yep - that pretty much sums up the character of every guy - Disney fan or not. Heck - I'd ride Jungle Cruise all day and laugh at the jokes everytime if I get that promise.
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lborne said:
Ummm yep - that pretty much sums up the character of every guy - Disney fan or not. Heck - I'd ride Jungle Cruise all day and laugh at the jokes everytime if I get that promise.

What can I say, a happy hubby = happy everybody so why not give the man what he wants? :lol:

Now, if I could only get him to wear matching Disney t-shirts like the rest of us on our next trip.

hmmm..... what would I have to promise to get him to do that? :lookaroun

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Original Poster
Good Advice!

Hi Monica! :wave: Thanks for your great reply!!! I live in Florida, too! Lucky enough to be only 4 hours from the Magic. :sohappy: I'm considering buying a seasonal pass. ;)

Interestingly, you wrote that your hubby is a cop. Mine is a firefighter and that might have something to do with their being unable to immerse in the fantasy of Disney. *ponders this*

Anyway - you had GREAT advice in your post. I am NOT going to the MK on July 4th, though. :hammer: We're doing EPCOT on the 4th and my birthday is on the 5th so that is when we're going to the MK. I know, I know - it will still be insane but by God, if I have to turn 40 - I'm doing it in the Magic Kingdom. :p

blackerbys17 said:
.......and yes, the promise of some good lovin' when the day is over, :lol: . Works like a charm!

You know that is just the plain truth. I should already know that from being married 20 years but I'm going to make sure I say something to that effect. Maybe they just need a reminder that they are special, too. :king: *Hearts*

I like this idea A LOT! :

"If that doesn't work, we'll get the 2 sour pusses together and leave them at a bar while the two of us go do the park thing!:lol: "

Monica, I'm with you! We should schedule a weekend for all the wives with hubbies who don't like Disney and meet up. They can hang at the pool and we can scream on SM til we're sick! :sohappy: :lol:
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New Member
ADevereaux said:
I'm considering buying a seasonal pass. ;)

Ditto! But with the seasonal pass, I can't go for my birthday which oddly enough, is right before yours on June 17th! so, that won't work for me. Have you considered buying like 7 days of park hopper days and add the no expiration option? That way, you can go whenever you want and it is still WAY cheaper than regular FL. Resident admission prices. :animwink:

ADevereaux said:
Mine is a firefighter and that might have something to do with their being unable to immerse in the fantasy of Disney.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that has A LOT to do with it. Poor guys don't know what they are missing. :cry:

ADevereaux said:
We're doing EPCOT on the 4th and my birthday is on the 5th so that is when we're going to the MK. I know, I know - it will still be insane but by God, if I have to turn 40 - I'm doing it in the Magic Kingdom. :p

:lol: You are just like me! I'm turning 30 :cry: (sorry, big number to me, I still feel 15!) and if I HAVE to do it, then I'll do it at the Magic Kingdom too! :lol:

ADevereaux said:
Maybe they just need a reminder that they are special, too. :king:

Agreed, it lets them know they can get their way too!

As for scheduling a weekend for all the wives with hubbies who don't like Disney to meet up, I'm SOOO there! All I need is an hour's notice! :animwink: :lol:
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