Swan and Dolphin teensie-weensie questions?


New Member
These questions probably seem stupid (because they are), but I got to ask.

My family is planning our annual trip to the 'world' for this coming July. And, we love the EPCOT resort area, just not the EPCOT resort area prices. So, with wdwmagic's promotion with the Swan & Dolphin, we were considering a stay at one of the two resorts.

Now, I know that the hotels themselves are not run by Disney and I'm well aware that you still get Disney-ish perks (early entry, Disney Transportation, etc).

Still,this begs a couple of questions. When we get room keys, are they still the same plastic keys (that also serve as park tickets) that you get at all the other Disney resorts? Do Swan and Dolphin have their own mugs? Is the staff employed by Disney or by Westin, the parent company (like Rainforest Cafe)?

Any other information the experts could provide would be super. Thanks!:sohappy:


Active Member
Our keys to the room were normal room keys (we are APs so that might be why) and the staff was all Weston employees but were still super nice. As for mugs, i dont think they have them since they only have 'nice' restraunts there.
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New Member
Your room keys can not be used as park passes or for charging. also Magical Express does not go to either hotel. Besides that they are awesome hotels.
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New Member
Original Poster
msberrigan said:
Your room keys can not be used as park passes or for charging. also Magical Express does not go to either hotel. Besides that they are awesome hotels.

Well, I don't really care about magical express--I never plan on using the service, as we rent a car. But, the "key" issue has me wondering? Does that mean we have to get the paper tickets?
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New Member
No, you don't have to get paper tickets. I order ours online usually and they are a plastic card just like the room key only with a Disney character on them instead of the resort logo, etc.

I stayed at the Dolphin several years ago and really liked it. I am staying there in June because of the prices and location. For the location it is a GREAT value, especially in comparison to the other Epcot area hotels which you can't get for less than $300 a night in summer. I also think that most people wouldn't even realize that they aren't Disney hotels.
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Premium Member
There are refillable mugs available, refilliable at the 24 hour food area called Tubbies.

The staff are Westin, however, I would put them on the same level as Disney CMs in terms of guest service. There are actual Disney CMs running the Disney Gift Stores however.
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New Member
Original Poster
We just booked last night! Dolphin here we come :)

Lastly, since they are not Disney hotels, I have a feeling that we can't use Disney Visa Rewards towards the room rate. However, we can still use rewards on park tickets, right?
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New Member
imagineer99 said:
Well, I don't really care about magical express--I never plan on using the service, as we rent a car. But, the "key" issue has me wondering? Does that mean we have to get the paper tickets?

Who cares? A ticket is a ticket!!
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Well-Known Member
imagineer99 said:
I believe so. $189 a night, right? That's a great price for such an awesome location.

Cheaper than Disney charges for Moderate Resorts during certain times of the year.:rolleyes: And you get to walk into Epcot and MGM, fewer busses to be crammed like a cattle on!!
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