I'm kind of bored with Survivor this season (I think I've said that for the past few seasons, actually. Lol)
I just don't really care who wins. I have people that I hope don't win (Alicia and Sabrina) so I guess I am kind of rooting for Kim, Chelsea and Tarzan.
I could not be happier that Kat got voted off - especially after not picking Christina or Tarzan to go with their loved ones. And so happy they did the auction a few weeks ago...BEST reward challenge to watch! Although I enjoy when they cover the item and won't say what it is - then they bet like $400 and it's a bowl of rice.
Best ever was China when someone paid a boatload of cash for "bat soup" and was disgusted and then James (the gravedigger that later got voted out with 2 idols in his pocket) ATE it!