

We are planning our 3rd family trip to WDW in 2004. We have not picked a time to go yet. We have considered Spring Break. We have always gone in May. The kids are getting older and I don't want them to miss too much school.

I'm needing advice on a summertime visit! Preferably June! Is it worth the HEAT! What are the advantages.

Thanks for all the tips and advice.


Well-Known Member
Not done a summer visit. But one thing is for sure - the busier the parks, the longer the hours.
You state that you don't want to go in May with the kids missing school, isn't June still term time ?
How long a trip are you planning ? How long do the kids get off at Easter ? My findings are that the Easter break represents the best value (UK schools break for two weeks) if you can arrive about a week before Easter Sunday.
Hope this helps a little.
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Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
(PS--where are you from in Kansas? I'm in Shawnee)

Unless your kids are in high school and needing to take finals, or in 6th grade (most schools here make a big fuss over 6th graders), you might consider skipping the last few days of the school year. For the most part, they are not going to miss much academically. (we are usually out by Memorial Day, or the Tue after--but we may yet use our snow days)

But I think your best bet (and what I would do) is to go as early in June as possible--late May if you can swing it. Memorial Day weekend may be crowded--I'd try to travel Sunday or Monday, and plan on Tue as your first major park day.

It will probably be pretty hot--you know the drill re breaks, water, etc.

I think I would try to go an extra day to make up for the slower pace and potentially larger crowds.

Going in June is better than not going............
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New Member
I think it is worthwhile to go in the summer. It is hot, yes, but mostly, it is rainy. The parks are open later, but the lines are longer. You don't, however, have to worry about being cold in the lines or on the rides. You can also take full advantage of the pools and water parks. If your family can't take the heat, then you should really think twice about going in the summer. It is typical for the weather there in the summer to be high 80's with high humidity. So it's not really hot, just really humid, which can make you feel awful, not to mention sticky and hot. I love it there in the summer, I am at WDW every summer, and I wouldn't trade the heat for anything, especially for the cool, rainy spell we had there last summer. If you are going in the summer, you will want the heat over the rain, I guarantee...
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New Member
June can be very hot in Florida. WDW is very crowded. On my last June trip, my brother and I waited in line for 2 hours to ride Splash Mountain. If you do go in June, try for the beginning of June. Also carry water with you in the parks - it'll help keep you hydrated.
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New Member
It is crowded in June, because so many people think they are jumping the gun on the summer crowd, low and behold, they all are the first crowd of the summer. Yes, it is hot in June too, May is hot, too, as is August and September, usually.
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New Member
About 80% of my trips have been June-Aug. Yes it is hot and crowded but I have always had a great time. I like getting up early and staying in the park til late at night. I hate early closings - I want to get the most of my money. And every time I have gone in the summer I have been pleasantly surprised by the lines to many attractions. I have been on Space Mountain, Splash Mountatin and PoC when there has been very little if any wait. However, the Jungle Cruise line has always been insanely long. I personally don't mind the lines. I catch up on some reading or listen to music or just enjoy watching the other people. The summer isn't for everyone but there are many pluses that make up for the crowded hot days. No one will ever be able to stop me from playing in the fountains no matter how old I get. Oh and that rain - some people think it ruins the day but I look forward to the refreshment and shorter lines right after it stops raining.
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New Member
i would recommend going in early june, rather than late june. the temps will be high, but not as high as july and august. and you will have a better chance of having some good weather, cause the rainy season doesn't hit till the end of june.

but be warned, it will rain. a lot. i think, this past summer, it rained for like 4 days straight. and not a fun, cool rain. but a hot and sticky, i want to die kind of rain.

but i was working outside at dak, so that could explain that feeling. ;)
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Well-Known Member
I will NEVER EVER do another trip in June. The crowds were absolutely awful. Just moving around in the parks was difficult. Try for very late August to very early September. It will be hot, but no more than June. Plus the crowds are significantly less and it can be less expensive.
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New Member
I have been in the summer many times, twice in March but I have to say the least crowded time I have ever seen was 9/10-14 of 2002. It was so neat but a little "freaky". We took a picture near the hat at MGM with no visitors in the picture. It was still warm but with no lines the heat didn't hurt as bad.

Also, took a recent trip on the first week of June and that was not as crowded as I thought it would be.
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