Summerslam Predictions


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hey rasslin fans,

Let's give our predictions on Sunday's Summerslam PPV. It's actually the best developed ppv in quite a while, probably all year.

Here are mine:

Edge vs Eddie Guerrero
Though I love the true master of the frogsplash, I'm gonna go with Edge. Just because they keep pushing him as the so-called "future".
Pick: Edge

Undertaker vs Test
Man, Test is gonna die. Test has gotten the best of the dead man over the last few weeks, which probably means Big Evil's going over.
Pick: Undertaker

Ric Flair vs Chris Jericho
I'm gonna go with Jericho on this match. It just seems like Flair's main use now, like Hogan, is to elevate younger stars. Hopefully, Y2J's career will get back the steam it had before HHH's politics.
Pick: Chris Jericho

Kurt Angle vs Rey Mysterio
Kurt Angle is hands down the best wrestler, pound for pound, there is in the WWE. He's the total package, he's got the look, the attitude, the character, the mic skills, and the ring skills. And he's willing to put other wrestlers over, unlike some people (HHH). Rey Rey's been tormenting Angle over the past few weeks, so I pick Angle to win this bout.
Pick: Kurt Angle

Tag Championship:
Booker T & Goldust vs Lance Storm & Christian
I have absolutely no idea who will win this. The UnAmericans have the makings of a great heel run as champs so their reign could be extended. But Booker T and Goldust are just simply so over with the fans. They could possibly the most popular team since the New Age Outlaws. So I have no idea, I'm gonna throw out a random guess and say Storm & Christian.
Pick: UnAmericans

Intercontinental Championship:
Rob Van Dam vs Chris Benoit
I'm gonna say Benoit wins. Simply because the IC title needs to stay on Smackdown. So unless RVD jumps shows, I'm pick the Crippler to go over.
Pick: Chris Benoit

Triple H vs Shawn Michaels:
This match is basically just gonna be HHH killing HBK. But HBK's gonna pull out something at the end. So I go with Shawn Michaels (though HHH normally doesn't accept losing, but this is his buddy HBK, so I guess he'll do the job).
Pick: Shawn Michaels

World Championship:
Brock Lesnar vs The Rock
Though this has been the best built feud of the year, I still don't like Lesnar. It's just the fact that he's only been a round a few months so it's kinda hard for me to accept him. But Rocky's going to Hollywood soon, so I pick Brock.
Pick: Brock Lesnar
Stand Back! There's a Hurricane Comin' Through!

Shannon Morre and myself should have a title shot, but I'll root for Booker T and Golddust.

Good predictions though.


Well-Known Member
Hey... I like wrestling...

Hurricane I like the new avatar... where did you get that one?

MerHearted... just a few statements about your predictions.

I agree with edge winning over Eddie, but I also wouldnt be too surprised with some interference by Beniot to help out the former Radical.

The only way Taker will lose is if some stupid stunt is pulled with the UnAmericans coming in and pulling some triple team crap.

This is Flair's last lower profile match. He will beat Y2J and come out on Raw complimenting Jericho on the match and he will announce his retirement. Jericho will come out... pull some stupid crap, and then show Flair the respect he deserves... putting Y2J in that babyface role again that I think he deserves.

I agree totally with your statements about Angle. He is an absolute talent who can perform inside and outside the ring. I think this whole thing with Rey-Rey might just be some stupid ploy to bring back that old 'Giant-Killer' angle from the WCW ::shudder::.

Tag Championship-I agree the UnAmerican call simply because I hate the idea of Golddust and Booker T as a tag team. I am jsut waiting for those two to lose this one and that team to split up.

Okay... going with my previous comment about Beniot interferring in the Edge-Guerrero match... Guerrero will interfere here pay Beniot back. Edge will come out and help give Van Dam the win, allowing the IC belt to go back to RAW (that belt seems to switch every month). And also allowing Edge and RVD to team up and become one of the most charasmatic and talent young teams in the ring since the original New Age Outlaws.

All I can say to HHH and HBK... I think Shawn hurt is back again on Monday... that might seriously come into play... I agree with what you said will happen.

And the Big One... Lesner scares me. He frickin jumps in a tub of ice water for 10 minutes as part of his training. He is a monster. Reminds you of a certain Jewish wrestler from Atlanta doesnt it?.... Brock will win this... the Rock is two preoccupied with Hollywood right now.


Active Member
I haven't watched wrestling in about a month, but I know all the guys who are in the thing, and I knew that Lesner was fighting for the championship at summerslam.

Edge vs Eddie Guerrero
I don't like Edge, with all that him and Hogan crap.
Pick: Latino Heat

Undertaker vs Test
I don't know, ever since my friend said that Vince and the boys wanted to push Test, and that they did, but he failed(kind of like Taz). So I'll pick Test, and I still think this push will still fail, and he'll be gone in no time.
Pick: Test

Ric Flair vs Chris Jericho
I can't believe Ric Flair still wrestles, give it up!!!!
Pick: Chris Jericho

Kurt Angle vs Rey Mysterio
WHAT THE HELL, why in the hell is Angle fighting a CRUISERWEIGHT, I haven't seen Rey Mysterio Jr. since he came back, so I have no idea what the story is. COME ON, I would be BULL if I was Angle and had to wrestle a little guy like Mysterio!!!!!
Pick: Mysterio wins by pinfall, I officially never watch WWE again.

Tag Championship:
Booker T & Goldust vs Lance Storm & Christian
Could care less, I always pick a fellow Lance!!!
Pick: UnAmericans

Intercontinental Championship:
I think RVD is the best pound for pound star they got. He is unbelievable, he's a crazy SOB!
Pick: RVD

Triple H vs Shawn Michaels:
I'm a HBK fan since way back when, so I'd love to see him get back in the game, but I don't think it's possible?
Pick: Shawn Michaels

World Championship:
Brock Lesnar vs The Rock
Brock Lesner???? So ridiculous, he's horrible on the mic. I'd cut him so fast, you gotta be able to talk, he's like goldberg, got the talent, just can't talk the talk, I really hope he doesn't win, I think Rock wins and loses in a month or so to HHH or how bout HBK???
Pick: Rocky


RunDisney Addict
Edge vs Eddie Guerrero
Both are great technicians in the ring. Edge has been and will continue to be pushed as the prototype for the future.
Pick: Edge

Undertaker vs Test
I smell something funny here. This one doesn't add up. Y'know when you smell an obvious mismatch, so the outcome can't possibly as predictable as they make it. Look for UT to do the job and lay down for Test. It wont' be a clean end, but Test will get the win.
Pick: Test

Ric Flair vs Chris Jericho
Ric Flair is just not that good as a wrestler anymore. If he wants to stay around the business, that's fine by me, but not in the ring. When he was CEO of Raw, that was a perfect role, because he could be the big time player again without actually getting phsyical. The WWE never intended for him to fight this much, and I don't smell a lot of time left.
Pick: Jericho

Kurt Angle vs Rey Mysterio
I actually am kind of intrigued by this match. You should see Angle get a good test of his technical and speed-based skills and attacks. Angle isn't going to be around for too much longer, as rumor has it he is going to be training for the next olympics soon (Taking a leave of absence from the WWE).
Pick: Mysterio

Tag Championship:
Booker T & Goldust vs Lance Storm & Christian
This is a shot that is there merely to please the fans. This would be a huge mistake if they gave the belts to the odd couple. They are over with the fans, but the basis for the team gives no future basis for feuds. Booker T is a main event type guy and goldust is not...simple as that. Plus, keeping the gold with the UnAmericans continues to shine a spotlight on them, allowing them to get even more heat.

Intercontinental Championship:
This should be the best match of the night. Don't look for the title to change hands.
Pick: Benoit

Triple H vs Shawn Michaels:
This is going to be a good match, but seeing as HBK isn't going to be wrestling on regular basis, and HHH still needs a credible heel push, I'm gonna give this one to Hunter in a bloody match.
Pick: HHH

World Championship:
Brock Lesnar vs The Rock
The buzz right now has Lesnar winning the title. And why not? This could be a great opportunity to give the title to somebody who can change the look and feel of becoming the champion, and the entire WWE with it. I don't see Lesnar losing this match. If he does, this will be a really bad end.
Winner: Lesnar

Beauty and the

New Member
Please don't think I'm being rude, but isn't the whole thing rigged? I have only watched WWF on a very few occassions and have always thought that it looks play acted. My boys love it and have all the fiqures, but even they think its make believe.


New Member
Oh it's so rigged it's not true.

Oh Vincent, Vincent, Vincent what am I going to do with you?

Actually don't answer that. :lol:


RunDisney Addict
Originally posted by Beauty and the
Please don't think I'm being rude, but isn't the whole thing rigged? I have only watched WWF on a very few occassions and have always thought that it looks play acted. My boys love it and have all the fiqures, but even they think its make believe.'s totally's all about general storylines played out between the matches, which help to further the storylines.

It's been that way forever, which is why they call it "sports entertainment" now, instead of just a sport.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Wrestling is entertainment. Much like most things on tv, it's scripted. But that doesn't mean it can't be enjoyed. I mean do people watch ER expecting real surgery? Do people watch Friends thinking its real? I don't think so. Pro wrestling is just another medium of entertainment. The matches may have prearranged outcomes, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it. I mean, just look at our predictions, none of our predictions said anything like "Oh I think Eddie Guerrero is going to beat Edge cause he's a better fighter." No, we makes remarks about how the storyline will go and stuff. Not much on tv is real, heck, even some reality shows and sports are rigged. But it's all in good fun.

And Dawn, I think you know what you want to do with me.

Also, I just don't see RVD winning the title. The IC title needs to stay on Smackdown, so unless there's a jump, I don't think the title will change hands. I mean Raw already has the Tag and Hardcore titles. If the IC title is taken away from Smackdown, all it will have would be the Cruiserweight division. Yikes! I'm not saying anything bad about the cruiserweights, they're awesome, but you can't center a show just around them and whoever the World champ is.


Well-Known Member
No... you really cant center an entire show around Cruiserweights....... oh wait, didnt WCW do that? I remember when the Cruiserweights were the only ones worth watching. Also, I think Raw having all of the Belts will greatly allow for that feud between Stephanie and Eric to increase. Also, with all of the belts on one show... I would expect some serious jumps between the two shows talent wise. I personally loved it when Keibler went covert for RAW. Expect stuff like that to happen.

I do see where you are coming from though MerHearted.

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