Suggest a Good Restaurant, Please?


Well-Known Member
My mother said to me "I wanna go to a restaurant where I have to wear dress pants". HeHe Well, I'm not sure of what to pick. Does anyone have any suggestions for a nice restuarant. I had thought the California Grill because I would love to see Wishes from up there but, I've seen thier menu and I can barely pronounce anything. I'm also a picky eater. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
lawyergirl77 said:
Not to contribute too much to the thread drift, but the WL is not "roughed" at all! I mean, it has a bit of a rustic charm, but the place is just truly incredible and still feels very "upscale". DH and I stayed there last February/March and it was breathtaking. I had previously been spoiled on my past two trips by staying at the Poly Concierge but I was really impressed by the WL.

Topic? Artist point has that kind of upscale outdoorsy vibe to it. It's one of the reasons why I think it was the least pretentious atmosphere I've ever had in a Zagat-rated restaurant. And the other thing that was pretty cool was that our server didn't look down her nose at us for the fact that we didn't have any wine with our meal... That was something that has happened to me in some of the other "nice" WDW restaurants (HBD, I'm looking at you). When I told her kind of apologetically that we wouldn't be having any booze, she said, "Well, our Diet Coke vintage is one of the best. Last month's batch was really a cut above the rest and would go beautifully with your buffalo sirloin!" It was very funny...

I have to agree! The WL is very charming and very romantic. Its not stuffy, but its not too laid back either.
We have stayed there so many times I've lost count (maybe 8) and just about everyone we have sent there loves it. If she won't stay there then at least get her there to visit and give the place the once over. She'll come around. :animwink:
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Active Member
d'Isigny said:
I kiss your hand...

sounds marvelous, thank you...

I'm setting a goal to stay there one day...

but for's Dixie Landings in July...
*blushing* Artists are so gallant! ;)

Tigsmom is right - get her in there and she'll be amazed and will definitely want to stay there. A good way to get her to see it first - make ressies there for Artist's Point if you can swing it financially this trip. Yummy food and the very cool atmosphere!!! (And so the thread comes full circle!!!)

Just remember that if you're going with the MYW Plus dining, it counts as two TS options! So. yummy. I ate a decent dinner and my tummy is still rumbling when I think of their food. *sigh*
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Well-Known Member

Reccomended attire is "smart casual". Alot less noisey than Cailfornia Grill & much better food. They feature alot of seafood, but not a one trick pony like Narcossee, which is too loud & overpriced. :D
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beagle 1

New Member
I would suggest Shula's Steakhouse at the Swan and Dolphin. It is expensive BUT well worth it. The steaks are second to none and the chicken dinner my wife had was flavorful with the right amount of seasoning. The atmosphere in the restuarant is also a postive. Plus, after dinner you can take a short walk to the Boardwalk or take another short walk to Fantasia Gardens minature golf course.
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Well-Known Member
Shula's is definitely the best steakhouse in WDW, IMO. However Le Cellieur in Epcot Canada should not be overlooked. Considering its much less expensive than Shula's, its not much worse, plus you will be in Epcot and timing it right, in a fairly decent position for Illuminations if you get out of dinner at 8:45 or so.

Oh, and try not to be such a pickey eater! I've told my wife and kids to not look, ask or consider what is in a dish, but rather how it tastes. Granted we are allergy-free! You will find that most things are good, and lots of things are excellent.
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Le Meh
Premium Member
KaliSplash said:
The ultimate dress up place is of course Victoria & Albert's at Grand Floridian. They should have a choice of three entrees.

Artists Point at Wilderness Lodge is also a cut above. Difficult to distinguish a buffalo steak from a beef steak.

I wouldnt recomend V & A's to my worst enemy. Anywho...dress pants can be worn to any restaraunt, counter service, or snack stand.

Go to Le Cellier in the Canada pavillion.
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Active Member

I was impressed by the San Angel Inn in EPCOT. I wore khakis and my wife wore a nice dress and we didn't feel out of place. The atmosphere was cool and the food was great.
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New Member
I woudl say the Bistro de Paris. We always end our trip there with dinner. It is quiter then the chefs de France cause it is upstairs, and if you get a window seat you have a great view of Illuminations. Also the food is some of the best i have ever experienced
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Well-Known Member
tigsmom said:
We like the Concourse Steakhouse
MMMmmmm! :slurp:
Concourse is delicious! But you don't have to wear dress clothes, I know this because that was where we went when we found out we couldn't go to California Grill in our park attire (which you used to be able to do at the Cali Grill).

I'd suggest Le Cellier Steakhouse in Canada, my favorite restaurant at WDW, you don't have to wear dress clothes, but you won't look stupid in dress clothes there either. Plus, it has great food! :)
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New Member
I have found that any of the resort restaurants, especially the ones in the delux resorts, are special enough for dress clothes. My DD, DH and I always arrange for at least one night where we get to dress up when we're at WDW. Our favorites include: Ohana's, Chef Mickey's, California Grill, 1900 Park Fare, and Artist Point. We don't do V&A simply because my DD really couldn't handle that yet.
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Well-Known Member
Spoodles at the Boardwalk , Mama Melrose at MGM , Tony's at the Magic Kingdom. There are tons of good resturant, my personal suggestion look at menu's online and find something you like then go for it. There are tons of good resturants most of the ones in the parks are casual as far as I know. Have fun lots of good food, excellent steaks at Tony's in the MK. Mama Melrose has a very interesting Cesar Salad, there are also some intersting resturants like SciFI drive in or whatever its name is in MGM as well. Its not like there aren't any choices, there are tons each a little different each pretty good, some not recommended for picky eaters.
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