Well-Known Member
We are 16 days from arrival (!) for a week of family fun at the happiest place on earth. We will be traveling with our daughter who just turned 3 (her 3rd trip), and our 9 month old son (his first). This will obviously be our first trip with a double stroller.
For our first trip after Avery was born, we naively took the huge Graco stroller that came with our travel system. While probably the most comfortable option for her, it was nearly impossible (and I mean literally, almost didn't happen) to board the parking lot trams, as we were staying in our timeshare, off property.
By the time our next trip rolled around, when she was 2, we took a Peg Perego umbrella-style stroller, which was a cinch to fold up and move around with, and still preserved a decent amount of comfort for her.
Now that we have 2 to tote around, we've been weighing our options:
Option 1: The obvious choice. Take the Quattro Tour Duo stroller we already have. It's the Cadillac of strollers, but unfortunately, it is enormous, even folded up. It would be a pain in the neck to get on and off the busses, and the heels of a few innocent bystanders may be run over.
Option 2: Rent. A City Mini through Kingdom Strollers would only be $55 for our stay, and they deliver to our resort. However, this would mean we would tackle both airports without a stroller. We could take a stroller strictly for airport use, but then we're battling 2 giant double strollers in the room for a week. No thanks.
Option 3: Get a bargain. I trolled ebay and Craigslist for a month, and finally found a deal. With a little bargaining, I was able to get a BabyTrend Expedition Double Jogger for only $75.
It needed no more than some air in the tires and a good cleaning, but it's all good now and working great. The seats recline individually, the shade is big enough to cover a small country, it has an mp3 hookup with speakers, and the pivoting 3rd wheel makes it turn on a dime. It folds top-to-bottom in half, and is a manageable size when folded down.
Parents: Has anybody tackled Disney with a double jogger? I'm a little worried not having a snack/drink tray for the kids, but the seats do have pockets on the insides for cups, etc.
For our first trip after Avery was born, we naively took the huge Graco stroller that came with our travel system. While probably the most comfortable option for her, it was nearly impossible (and I mean literally, almost didn't happen) to board the parking lot trams, as we were staying in our timeshare, off property.
By the time our next trip rolled around, when she was 2, we took a Peg Perego umbrella-style stroller, which was a cinch to fold up and move around with, and still preserved a decent amount of comfort for her.
Now that we have 2 to tote around, we've been weighing our options:

Option 1: The obvious choice. Take the Quattro Tour Duo stroller we already have. It's the Cadillac of strollers, but unfortunately, it is enormous, even folded up. It would be a pain in the neck to get on and off the busses, and the heels of a few innocent bystanders may be run over.
Option 2: Rent. A City Mini through Kingdom Strollers would only be $55 for our stay, and they deliver to our resort. However, this would mean we would tackle both airports without a stroller. We could take a stroller strictly for airport use, but then we're battling 2 giant double strollers in the room for a week. No thanks.
Option 3: Get a bargain. I trolled ebay and Craigslist for a month, and finally found a deal. With a little bargaining, I was able to get a BabyTrend Expedition Double Jogger for only $75.

It needed no more than some air in the tires and a good cleaning, but it's all good now and working great. The seats recline individually, the shade is big enough to cover a small country, it has an mp3 hookup with speakers, and the pivoting 3rd wheel makes it turn on a dime. It folds top-to-bottom in half, and is a manageable size when folded down.
Parents: Has anybody tackled Disney with a double jogger? I'm a little worried not having a snack/drink tray for the kids, but the seats do have pockets on the insides for cups, etc.