No, I have another idea. Set up one SGE location in every land in the MK. Do everything I proposed above and then in every land erect a teleportation pod, and at the end of each SGE show, when Stitch teleports to earth, you will actually SEE his AA arrive in one of the lands at MK in said teleportation pod, then the pod opens, Stitch walks a few feet away from it, sniffs the air, looks around, laughs and does a few Stitch antics, then walks back to the pod and teleports to one of the other lands. Then at the other land he appears and does much the same thing, with minor changes accustomed for each he teleports to near Small World, the AA can cover his ears and writhe in annoyance and run back into the pod to be teleported elsewhere.
Meanwhile guests seated at SGE would see all this occuring on the monitors.