Stitch's Great Escape. High Level Conecpt to FIX IT


Well-Known Member
The fear that I have with the attraction is the older audience who might have something not-so kid friendly to say. That's why Turtle Talk has a CM with a wireless microphone. If anything, I would think a mic should be installed in the seat so that the person Stitch is addressing isn't an idiot who would cause problem.


Premium Member
dxwwf3 said:
No it's definately not Superstar Limo for a couple of reasons: 1 it's not a show and 2 I don't think SSL was as bad as SGE. Not by a longshot. Actually from the videos, SSL looked pretty fun in a corny sort of way.

Oh boy, when I saw the video for SSL I thought it was the worst 3-4 minutes of my time. I thought Stitch was okay, but not to the point of a horrible concept behind an attraction. Ah well. :animwink:


DonnieDarko said:
This idea has already been tested out. While testing the Turtle Talk technology, they installed a Stitch interactive show in the large Drawn to Animation theater at DCA. The experiment was a disaster as no one could understand a word Stitch was saying and most people got bored and left. Even if it were an animatronic and not a cartoon on a screen, I think the same thing would happen. Kids would be enthralled, Adults would be dazzled by the AA and then.......nothing. It would be the most lackluster show of all time.
i think you're right. i think it would be hard to understand Stitch and you can't change the way he talks. besides i loved SGE and would see it over and over agian.


New Member
ok guys I gotta say it- and this is bad cause I am a disney freak-but... the idea of a q & a with stitch doesnt excite me-infact ummmm- it's as awful as the current attration.Perhaps he could sit at a table and have some coffee and do an actors studio type interview. I think the greatest problem with the Stitch rideis( as is the problem with all the currnet Disney attempts from movies to theme parks) ---it doesnt have a story. WE have Stitch. We have bad television quality animation. WE have left overs from a previous attraction. And that's about all we got. We go to Disney for new and exciting things- fun things- entertaining things. I'm not knocking you but I dont think Stitch responding to questions in the alien tank is gonna be a whole lot of fun. wHAT THE ATTRACTION NEEDS---IS A STORY-ONE THAT MAKES SENSE-AND ONE THAT DOESNT JUST EXPLOIT STITCH'S CURRENT POPULARITY. If I went into this attraction and it was all about hangin out with Stitch...I'd be as annoyed as I am with recycled mish mash that it is now. Sounds like your idea would be something more suited for a space like the hollow shell that is now the animation walk through at Disney-MGM.


New Member
mrtoby said:
ok guys I gotta say it- and this is bad cause I am a disney freak-but... the idea of a q & a with stitch doesnt excite me-infact ummmm- it's as awful as the current attration.Perhaps he could sit at a table and have some coffee and do an actors studio type interview. I think the greatest problem with the Stitch rideis( as is the problem with all the currnet Disney attempts from movies to theme parks) ---it doesnt have a story. WE have Stitch. We have bad television quality animation. WE have left overs from a previous attraction. And that's about all we got. We go to Disney for new and exciting things- fun things- entertaining things. I'm not knocking you but I dont think Stitch responding to questions in the alien tank is gonna be a whole lot of fun. wHAT THE ATTRACTION NEEDS---IS A STORY-ONE THAT MAKES SENSE-AND ONE THAT DOESNT JUST EXPLOIT STITCH'S CURRENT POPULARITY.

Now let's not start THIS up again! EVERY Stitch thread in the past three months has just been this exact topic reiterated over and over. I'm not criticizing or anything, I'm just saying WE KNOW! Good grief, we've heard it a million times.

But Lazer's idea is still better than the current SGE.


New Member
GOOD GRIEF!!!! ok- see- this is what I am talking about- I'm not rehashing the past Stitch complaints- I am sayin nice try dude- but your idea doesnt sound anymore original or exciting than what I see goin on now- but hey if it turns you guys on.... maybe it's time to sell my Disney stock. Nothin personal Lazer but after reading so much of this stuff and seeing that every freakin person who comes on here thinks THEY HAVE THE ANSWER!!!!! Well then quit wasting your time writing it here- put togther a portfolio and send it to Imagineering- we all know they need all the help they can get!!!


Active Member
I REALLY like the whole interaction and randomness of the ride!! Great Job!! :sohappy: However... :lol:

I don't really think the Q&A thing is a really good idea. Lots of little kids and adults are going to be screaming out questions at the same time. How is one going to be decided on? And some idiots might ask unappropriate questions too. Then what happens? I don't really think at Q&A is the best thing.. but overall I really like the idea! :D


New Member
Hmmmm, interesting concept but I can see someone getting bored on this. I mean ok no two shows would be the same but just a sit-down and talk session with Stitch...might get old after a while no matter how random the responses are. I can't see this being as exciting.

Likewise you'll get people who will abuse the priviledge too...some people might ask sick or violent questions to Stitch. Who wants to see that??? I sure don't. Especially if someone tries to make Stitch say something....inappropriate.


New Member

Some of the ideas here are really good and should be incorporated into SGE. Like the "random places to escape to" thing. That was one of my ideas as well when I posted this suggestion not long ago:

Posted on Dec. 16 by Stitchfan712:

No, I have another idea. Set up one SGE location in every land in the MK. Do everything I proposed above and then in every land erect a teleportation pod, and at the end of each SGE show, when Stitch teleports to earth, you will actually SEE his AA arrive in one of the lands at MK in said teleportation pod, then the pod opens, Stitch walks a few feet away from it, sniffs the air, looks around, laughs and does a few Stitch antics, then walks back to the pod and teleports to one of the other lands. Then at the other land he appears and does much the same thing, with minor changes accustomed for each he teleports to near Small World, the AA can cover his ears and writhe in annoyance and run back into the pod to be teleported elsewhere.

Meanwhile guests seated at SGE would see all this occuring on the monitors.

OK, some changes:

It would be financially infeasible to construct a Stitch AA at every land. Based on this latest proposal here's a new way to work this:

Include animations of Stitch at every land that would be played at the end of EVERY show. But then expand it. Include random shots of hotels and other parks like MGM Studios that Stitch would teleport into....but you'd get only one or two of these random shots in addition to the standard shots on each ride. There could be a multitude of possiblities for where Stitch might "land" on each ride. So sometimes you'll see him arrive at MGM, other times, at Epcot, or at the contemporary, or whatever, in addition to the standard "always seen" shots of him in the different MK lands.

That'd bring people back.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well I like the idea of adding a LCD display to the back of each seat. This could be done easily and cost effective. Stitch could then show up on the displays as random and that would help with who is talking to. The displays could also feature a real time "Translator" so we can understand him. They could have a quck interactive game on them. Heck, when you sit down, you are asked to enter your name on the display. This is how stitch now knows who is sitting in that seat and who he is talking to. Think of how far this could go!

You guys don't get the part about stitch "Learning" to talk though. The public would have no problem believing that this takes places after the movie and stitch's vocabulary has gotten better. As far as this stuff being used at Epcot with TT. That is true, but we have 3D movies in each park, we have simulators in Epcot and roller costers in MK. I think kids would not care that they could talk to Crush in one park and Stitch in another, I think they would say they want to talk with BOTH of them. Remember Crush is CGI, Stitch is an AA figure.

There could still be a story line. For example, what if the current storyline was kept. Expect that once stitch is beamed in, we loose power... and at that point stitch decides to "take over" the show and starts asking questions and we really push the interactive element. We can then end it, with Stitch using the "hasta la vista" line and explaning that he's gone out to explore the park. We could even use those LCD screens and ask you to come back later, and report where you found him hideing that day. Those that guess correctly win a small pin or something.

My idea here is to work with what we have. Remember Disney is NOT going to gut this thing, start over and build us the entire Stitch ride we truly want. They are not going to move this over to MGM either. So this is all about making the best of what we have without major modifications to the building etc. I'd love to see a real "Stitch" ride, with storyline and 3d sets and whatnot.. But sadly, this is about working with what we have and building from it. Not tearing it all down and starting from scratch.


New Member
PrinceDon said:
I heard (from some one who knows someone who knows someone...) that the technology that makes turtle talk was actually started with stitch. It was tested in Disneyland or California Adventure to a small set of audiences.. Oh and the audiences loved it!..
I think the idea is okay, but I would hate to waste all of the effects and technology that are in the 2 chambers when a small room anywhere could have the same effect...heck it could just be part of the preshow...
Hu, kinda like that idea. While talking to SIR, they put a camera on Stitch and he is able to ask questions and interact with the 'security guards'.
Another idea would be to move your idea over to MGM, where any character could be brought to life...

Absolutely correct!

And do you know where it was tested?

The Magic of Disney Animation in DCA! Right there in the open area where that big video monitor is. They set up seats and brought in test audiences right there.

The idea received a very positive response. But management didn't take it any farther and removed it, setting everything back the way it was.

This would be are we to put this "talk with Stitch" in the preshow in the current format? We can't. It's a continuity problem.

Better idea: Incorporate this near the former studio at MGM. Or even inside it. MGM needs a Stitch attraction, and now that the meet n greet for Lilo and Stitch at the animation courtyard has been destroyed, it needs a Stitch attraction even worse.

So build this in MGM. An interactive experience with Stitch. Just chatting with Stitch. Base it on the concept used at DCA. As to whether animation or an AA should be to debate.

Yes...yes that's it!! That's it my friend!!

Lazer how about having your idea put into MGM into a theater type setting? MGM needs a Stitch attraction as Stitch is practically the mascot of that park. Make some minor adjustments to that what we have is a "prequel" in MK, and a "sequel" in MGM.

I like it. Do you?


Well-Known Member
Stitchfan712 said:
MGM needs a Stitch attraction

Don't take this the wrong way, but now you are sounding a little greedy. SGE is the only Stitch attraction WDW needs and it's the only one it will get. If this new rehab doesn't work Stitch will not get a 3rd chance. So this rehab better make SGE as good as it can. Sure I would love to see them move AE to MGM, but everyone in the world knows it's not happening. I'd love to see them rip SGE out piece by piece and put everything from AE right back, but it's not happening. And you would probably like to see Stitch added to the other parks, but it's not going to happen. And it shouldn't happen. One attraction is enough for Stitch.

So if I were you, right now I'd be hoping and praying that the new SGE is good enough to last for about 10 years. Because once it's gone, it's gone and there is nothing you can do about it (I've been there and I've done that). Sorry to sound mean, but I'm just trying to be helpful. :wave:


New Member
Stitchfan712 said:
MGM needs a Stitch attraction, and now that the meet n greet for Lilo and Stitch at the animation courtyard has been destroyed, it needs a Stitch attraction even worse.

Why does MGM suddenly "need" a Stitch attraction? I agree with dxwwf3 on this one.

Though MGM needs to update their shows, WDW already has a Stitch-themed show. I expect you were thinking of something to replace Drew Carey or Millionaire or something, but again it would just be a little much.


New Member
OK, ok, all you nitpicky folks. Let me correct myself. :hammer:

MGM could use a Stitch attraction. But not in the same vein as SGE. Actually I would agree that it would have been better for SGE to have gone to MGM but that's not happening now.

MGM is "Stitchland" of sorts. The character is such a presence at that park that he's almost an unofficial mascot of sorts for MGM. Therefore I think the park could use some sort of small Stitch attraction. Not a big thing like SGE, but something smaller.

It's really not that hard to imagine unless you're thinking that whatever Stitch attraction went into MGM would be hyped up as much as SGE. No, thats not what I mean.

I mean something like Stitch's picture phone at Innoventions in DLR, only a bit bigger to accomodate more people. I'm talking "Turtle Talk", Stitch-style.

Disney already tested this. With Stitch. The original plan was not for Crush to be the star of Turtle Talk. No. It was Stitch. The only reason they didn't move forward with it was because Stitch was ALREADY GETTING SGE and they felt that opening up TWO Stitch attractions, in such short time from one another, would be overkill and a detriment to both.

So the idea of a larger capacity interative Stitch conversation gave way to Turtle Talk using Crush. Who also happens to be a very "animated" (pun intended) character himself.

And you see the results. Crush is a hit.

What I'm saying is that MGM could still use "Stitch talk" sometime in the future. Not now, but in the future.

That's not greedy. Of course I'd love to see it and I know chances are it won't happen, but chances are that our friend Lazer here's idea won't happen either. All this is friendly discussion of "what could be" and it would be nice to not have oneself snapped at for engaging in the discussion.

What I'm seeing is that the revival of "Stitch talk" (predecessor to Turle Talk) would be a cheap, quick way to add something similar to lazer's idea here to the parks. It wouldn't be in place of SGE...but the IDEA would be similar to Lazer's and it wouldn't be overkill either.

Stitch is already very present at MGM. I really don't see why Disney wouldn't consider putting a small, low-key stitch attraction there, one that doesn't take the focus off of SGE, but rather complements SGE and the stitch theme of MGM.

Again, that's not selfish. It's speculation, sharing of ideas, and a bit of dreaming. WDI would be nothing without people who can dream of things. It's the money that always ends up tying those dreams down to the real world. I think we all are allowed to "dream" of a WDW we'd like to see. Don't you?

Besides I wouldn't be surprised if sometime in the future we see something like AE resurface again. A sort of sci-fi scare-thrill attraction. It wont be the same but I wouldn't doubt that it might happen someday.


Well-Known Member
Stitchfan712 said:
MGM could use a Stitch attraction. But not in the same vein as SGE. Actually I would agree that it would have been better for SGE to have gone to MGM but that's not happening now.

Ok now you're in good shape. The previous post gave off the tone that Stitch should be in all the parks because he is.....Stitch. A smaller scale thing at MGM might not be that bad of an idea. But yes you explained yourself much better in that last post.

Stitchfan712 said:
Besides I wouldn't be surprised if sometime in the future we see something like AE resurface again. A sort of sci-fi scare-thrill attraction. It wont be the same but I wouldn't doubt that it might happen someday.

I seriously doubt we will see a sci-fi scare-thrill attraction like AE again. For some reason the general public thinks that if it's a "show" and not a real ride, that it won't be scary. You wouldn't send your scared child on a roller coaster, but they are supposed to like something like AE because it has an alien in it? I'd like to see AE's effects used in a roller coaster where during parts of the ride, you experience the same type of effects. But that would probably be too much for most guests. Maybe Universal could do something like that. Who knows?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
We already see AE's effects used in other rides.
ITABL, HiSTA, Muppetvision, Philermagic.

Personaly. I'd like to see AE show up at Univserals Halloween Horror Nights. Just think what kind of fun you could have with that show in a park where they "WANT" to scare you.....

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