Ok, I watched it tonight. Man I'm so torn between two sides on this.
All the Lilo & Stitch stuff was great. And really, all the orriginal characters are great. It was great to see and hear them (all orriginal voices) again. Stitch is such a bad boy. I loved all the anticks. Plequy was great. A little light on David and Nani, but they all got a bit to do.
Most of the animation was done well. There are a few spotty parts, where it looks a bit too "Saturday Morning" looking. But a few, like the forest searching part, where it looks as good as the first movie, really good quality with shodowing and lighting effects. I'm really glad they stuck with Chris Sanders orriginal look and feel.
And the sound is really good in most places.
The story was good enough. I wasn't expecting anything much, and I knew where it was leading before I watched anyways.
OK...Ranting starts hear...........
My "being torn" part is the new stuff. I really felt jarred out of my seat ever time Experiment 625 spoke. It was just so...unnatural sounding. Didn't like it at all.
Sparky was good, I liked him, he is like Stitch, but 625...in the words of Stitch himself...Eeee!
I also didn't like Hamsterwheel...er...Hampsterviel.
He was almost as jarring as 625.
I know that this is aimed more at the childrens level than a theater released movie would be, and its to set up the series. So I forgive the "Bad Guy" characterzatin of Hamster. But 625? That one I will not give Disney a free ride on. They could have done better. Do children really think that a dead pan delivery of un-funny lines is funny to them? Maybe I'm creaping up over that hill and getting to old for this...I hope not.
.........Ok ranting is over.
Over all it was fun to see Stitch again, and I'm sure it will have a nice run as a series like Pumba and Timon have.