Stitch Escape to feature Skippy!!!!!


Active Member
Originally posted by dxwwf3
...but I too am not totally sold on the idea of it packing in more crowds. But I am also definately not sold on Stitch's Great Escape bringing in huge crowds by itself either. Sure it will sell alot of merchandise and have huge lines for the first couple of years but as far as bringing people into the park just because of SGE, seems a little far fetched to me.

it's Magic Kingdom we're talking about here. it's the first park people go to and usually the last before they leave. it's so representative of "Disney World" that people often think MK is called Walt Disney World. people will come and go anyway. that's why they're really plugging M:S, Motor Cars, and Everest. "Folks! We have other parks, too!"

I was never under the impression that Stitch was created to draw crowds to the MK. it was created to draw more people to Tomorrowland (or that area of Tomorrowland, away from Space Mt.), put in a show that has more long-term mileage with the public, and sell a whole bunch of Merchandise.

I mean, Alien was an attraction you could walk right on since about 2000. sad, but true. whereas "character" rides tend to draw crowds more consistently. regardless of what Disney tells you, Mr. Toad was a hit at WDW up until it's closing day. Pooh was put in Toad's place because they didn't want to build a new show building (and had no room to anyway).

especially with a character as in vouge right now as Stitch, I think it was a combination of "fixing" (note the quotation marks) that area of the park and selling merchandise.

if it's of any consolation, the refurbished MST will feature very little (in fact, almost no) permanent Stitch decor. they're apparently somewhat concerned that the new show won't go over well. why else would they also suddenly up the budget?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Djali999
it's Magic Kingdom we're talking about here. it's the first park people go to and usually the last before they leave. it's so representative of "Disney World" that people often think MK is called Walt Disney World. people will come and go anyway. that's why they're really plugging M:S, Motor Cars, and Everest. "Folks! We have other parks, too!"

I was never under the impression that Stitch was created to draw crowds to the MK. it was created to draw more people to Tomorrowland (or that area of Tomorrowland, away from Space Mt.), put in a show that has more long-term mileage with the public, and sell a whole bunch of Merchandise.

I mean, Alien was an attraction you could walk right on since about 2000. sad, but true. whereas "character" rides tend to draw crowds more consistently. regardless of what Disney tells you, Mr. Toad was a hit at WDW up until it's closing day. Pooh was put in Toad's place because they didn't want to build a new show building (and had no room to anyway).

especially with a character as in vouge right now as Stitch, I think it was a combination of "fixing" (note the quotation marks) that area of the park and selling merchandise.

if it's of any consolation, the refurbished MST will feature very little (in fact, almost no) permanent Stitch decor. they're apparently somewhat concerned that the new show won't go over well. why else would they also suddenly up the budget?

Oh ok I misunderstood you on your first post there. I thought you were trying to say that Stitch will be there to try to bring in bigger crowds. The reason being....basically what you said in your 1st paragraph here :lol:

But I kinda disagree with your 3rd paragraph. Compairing the lines for Alien Encounter and Mr. Toad's Wild Ride really isn't fair at all. Sure Toad was popular but the main reason for the long line was low capacity (just like most of Fantasyland). And yes Alien Encounter was popular but the main reason for low lines was a very high capacity. And still yet I waited about 30 minutes for AE a couple of times I saw it this summer. So it's not like it was ALWAYS a walk on.

Stitch's Great Escape will have HUGE crowds for about the first 3 or 4 years and then it will be mostly a walk on. That IN NO WAY means that it won't be popular. The amount of people swallowed up in that theater at one time is huge. And once the newness wears off so will the line. I'm not bashing SGE here, either. Now if they put Fastpass at SGE (which they might) then that will make sure that there is usually a decent stand by wait. Theater shows don't work too well with a Fastpass (cough...cough...Voyage of the Little Mermaid...cough).


Active Member
Originally posted by dxwwf3
But I kinda disagree with your 3rd paragraph. Compairing the lines for Alien Encounter and Mr. Toad's Wild Ride really isn't fair at all.

true. I more used Toad because it's a pretty infamous example of a popular ride they closed, and to illustrate my example re: character-based rides. and you're absolutley right on the capacity for Alien.

but does anybody know if they even used the theatre that exited into Tomorrowland near the end at all?

Originally posted by dxwwf3
Stitch's Great Escape will have HUGE crowds for about the first 3 or 4 years and then it will be mostly a walk on.

we'll see. every time I walk past Peter Pan there's an 85 minute wait. :brick:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Djali999
true. I more used Toad because it's a pretty infamous example of a popular ride they closed, and to illustrate my example re: character-based rides. and you're absolutley right on the capacity for Alien.

but does anybody know if they even used the theatre that exited into Tomorrowland near the end at all?

we'll see. every time I walk past Peter Pan there's an 85 minute wait. :brick:

Well it's a fact that theater A (the one to the left) wasn't always used but I did see the show a few times in chamber A during this summer (of course I saw the show 21 times this July so I guess that leaves a pretty good chance to be in both theaters).

But about Peter Pan I have to go back to one thing: Capacity :lol: I do not know the exact numbers but isn't Peter Pan's Flight the lowest capactity of the Fantasyland dark rides? If it isn't it sure seems like it.

And yes there is a chance you could be right and SGE will have long lines for many, many years but I personally think that theater holds too many people for lines to always be there. No matter what show is there. That is just my opinion though.


Active Member
Originally posted by dxwwf3
But about Peter Pan I have to go back to one thing: Capacity :lol: I do not know the exact numbers but isn't Peter Pan's Flight the lowest capactity of the Fantasyland dark rides? If it isn't it sure seems like it.

I'm not certain. I know the capacity for Pooh is just absurdly low - I did the calculations while waiting in line for 35 minutes. =P

Snow White can only load, I think, one car at a time? but they do move the fastest of all the Fantasyland dark rides... Peter Pan is pretty slow, too, but at least you can fit numerous groups in each ship.

I'll check it out next time I'm there.

Originally posted by dxwwf3
And yes there is a chance you could be right and SGE will have long lines for many, many years but I personally think that theater holds too many people for lines to always be there. No matter what show is there. That is just my opinion though.

yeah, I doubt it'll last for too long. even Indiana Jones at DL has halved its' wait time by now. but, hey, you never can tell. for all we know, it'll be a walk-on from day one. :p


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JBoogie
What's the talk of making the Haunted Mansion into Nightmare Before Christmas? Why would Disney mess with a classic ride?!?!?! It would be like changing Pirates..., Splash Mountain, Space Mountain, Dumbo.....WHY WHY WHY? Someone please tell me this isn't going to happen! I would like to see Nightmare...have it's own ride, that would be cool. But don't change Haunted Mansion!

Well, not to worry. It has been pushed back another year. And if HMH ever shows up, it's only for the holiday season. But I heard from a very reliable source that it will not be coming after all. The push is now for the IASW Holiday makeover in 2005.

I am a huge HM fan too (just look at my member name :D ). If they ever tried anything drastic to the HM, I would be the first in line to complain.


Active Member
Originally posted by Djali999
you know, I've been thinking about this, and as much as I'd love to see HMH at WDW, I think they may be making a serious miscalculation.

I mean, DL has so many APs that it's used by the locals much like how you and I would use, say, a village green or something. so HMH can only win by drawing those crowds back for something new.

whereas WDW thrives on first-timers and visitors who return annually or bi-annually. usually at the same time of year. for Christmas.

now, mind you, HMH is wonderful. and it will be better for the 'real' attraction in the long run. but I bet it's gonna put some guest relations people in a hard spot....

I guess I wouldn't mind seeing HMH once, but we both stated in this thread, my family only has the opportunity to get down to WDW at christmas time. Everyone likes the HM just the way it is.

Here's an idea...Why not set up a HMH ride in the soon to be empty animation studios?

Just a thought.


Active Member
Originally posted by GoofyFan1
Here's an idea...Why not set up a HMH ride in the soon to be empty animation studios?

because it's not really a new ride. they switch out some figures and effects and hang ghoulish X-Mas decor everywhere. plus new soundtrack and narration.


New Member
hmh is a bad idea overall because fact is no one wants to not see the orignal hm and but every hm fan is a nbc fan its kinda of confusing but if they can use the old animation space to make a nbc ride of its own and make it bigger and better than hmh ever was and hav it there all year round it will be more exciting and much better and keep all sides happy. also the studios always had more room than mk ever did because of it being a newer park.


New Member
Originally posted by WDWhumanmap
hmh is a bad idea overall because fact is no one wants to not see the orignal hm and but every hm fan is a nbc fan its kinda of confusing but if they can use the old animation space to make a nbc ride of its own and make it bigger and better than hmh ever was and hav it there all year round it will be more exciting and much better and keep all sides happy. also the studios always had more room than mk ever did because of it being a newer park.


Are you saying that all HM fans are NBC fans? I'm not.

They don't need to have a NBC HM. It wouldn't have enough legs if it were open year round.


New Member
Originally posted by turkey leg boy

Are you saying that all HM fans are NBC fans? I'm not.

They don't need to have a NBC HM. It wouldn't have enough legs if it were open year round.

not an nbc hm a total seperate ride everyone seems to think that hmh has to be well i am just saying why not have a seperate ride to make both sides happy people who like hm for hm and nbc for nbc because like you said your not so make 2 separate rides. keep hm the way it is and make a nbc ride at the studios because thats where it belongs and there is more room there you make both sides happy and peaceful.


Active Member
Originally posted by turkey leg boy
They don't need to have a NBC HM. It wouldn't have enough legs if it were open year round.

there's a common misconception that HMH will permanently replace HM at WDW. this was the same sort of thing that was going on over in CA before their HMH opened up. it won't, for exactly the same reasons you stated. would anybody ride a holiday attraction in July?

I'm not as much of a fan of Nightmare as I used to be, but I think the reason HMH is successful is a blend of new and old. I'd personally be pretty apathetic about a ride entirely devoted to Nightmare.

to put a positive spin on things, HMH is a win/win situation. you get a cool attraction for the holidays and for the other 3/4ths of the year the Mansion is in good shape (they really need to do some more retuning on the lighting and the audio, especially in the graveyard).


New Member
Originally posted by PeterAlt
I'm hoping that once this round of new attractions are built and ready that the days of Disney appearing to be "cheap" would be over. With each of the new attractions being built (especially EE), Disney is not using a shoe string budget, but is doing it right.

Grizzly, I think Eisner learned his lesson and things are really changing and he does not need to be booted out.

learned his lesson..... mmmm.... no. he is just trying to cover his arss so he dosn't look bad in the eyes of the investors. if enough investors don;t like what he is doing ow that roy is gone and the red flag is waved, investors aren't so sure, but with him doing all this stuff and with parks picking up and new rides being done right he will look better to the investors.


New Member
Gee, it seems nobdy remembers that AE was a replacement for another classic Tomorrowland attraction. I say, bring back Flight to the Moon! Or at least Mission to Mars, the real, non-nausea inducing one!

Actually, both were kindof lame by today's standards, but really fun at the time.


Active Member
Originally posted by Djali999

to put a positive spin on things, HMH is a win/win situation. you get a cool attraction for the holidays and for the other 3/4ths of the year the Mansion is in good shape (they really need to do some more retuning on the lighting and the audio, especially in the graveyard). [/B]

Not much of a positive if you can only get to WDW at Christmas time.

I guess I'll go with my original statement:

Don't Mess With HM!


Active Member

with the new stitch ride there are going to be major new things with a pretty high budget i mean if they were just going to chang the movie and animatronics it whould have been reopened already but i have read in disney magazine that there will be new effects and such like "stitch will mess up guests hair" how they will do that i dont know but an imageneer said that and had it publised so its true so now u know


WARNING: Rant Ahead! :brick:

Please, folks....use capital letters and punctuation in your posts. That stuff like the above is painful to try to read. It doesn't take much time to type a post properly.
Also, when the profile asks for your age....PUT IT IN. That way we can tell if your are young or just odd.:D

End of Rant

As for HMH, I love it. It breathes new life into the Mansion for a couple of months each year.
However, it may work better in a place like DL where the majority of guests are locals who come often.
At WDW, vacationers who have never been, or rarely go, might miss getting to see the real Mansion.

Tough one.......:


Well-Known Member
This appears to be a press release from Disney that was recently posted at It really provides nothing new, but does mention Skippy returning and that Stitch will be incredibly realistic and the use of amazingly graceful animatronic plasma guns (see concept pic on wdwmagic). Here's the press release:

New Magic Kingdom Attraction Opening Fall 2004

Comical Chaos Erupts for Walt Disney World Guests During Stitch’s Great Escape!

LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. -- Fans of Walt Disney Pictures’ hit film “Lilo & Stitch” know him as a cuddly but destructive alien prone to hilarious fits of havoc. But what was Stitch like before the movie?

This fall, Walt Disney World guests will find out when they come face to face with the mischievous character in a new Magic Kingdom attraction -- Stitch’s Great Escape!

Set shortly before the events of “Lilo & Stitch,” the family-friendly Tomorrowland adventure will showcase the madcap mayhem caused by the troublemaking “Experiment 626” -- a.k.a. Stitch -- when first captured by the Galactic Federation.

The location is a prisoner processing facility operated by galactic authorities. In it, Magic Kingdom guests are recruited to provide additional security for a captured alien whose reputation for mischief has preceded him. Even so, authorities underestimate Stitch’s capacity for playful disobedience, causing chaos to erupt with guests caught in the middle of the fun!

Stitch’s Great Escape! will feature some of the most sophisticated Audio-Animatronics® technology ever developed by Walt Disney Imagineering, including a three-dimensional Stitch figure animated with a breathtaking degree of realism. Also featured will be two DNA-tracking “plasma cannons” that follow the crafty alien’s every move with graceful fluidity.

The fun-filled attraction will star characters familiar to fans of the film, including the Galactic Federation’s Grand Councilwoman and Captain Gantu, with voices supplied by the movie’s original actors.

The new adventure replaces The ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter, which closed in October 2003. Skippy, the hapless alien “volunteered” for a teleportation demonstration in the closed attraction, will return in Stitch’s Great Escape!


New Member
Wow.. this caught me by surprise.

You can tell I haven't been keeping up with Disney, so I know nothing about any new rides planned. ^^

In my opinion, I actually think this ride change is a very good idea. The old alien.. wasn't really.. Disneyish. I think Stich makes it much more interesting, and more Disney like.

I'm sure this was a little off topic, but I'm sure it will happen again as I learn of more new rides. :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Lee
WARNING: Rant Ahead! :brick:

Please, folks....use capital letters and punctuation in your posts. That stuff like the above is painful to try to read. It doesn't take much time to type a post properly.

what you dont like people typing posts without proper puctuation and stuff well i tell you i dont like it either its not fun you if i keep typing like this no one understands it i have read many posts like this without the puctuations that keep running and running on like this that never end and i get frustrated too i bet you get a headache when reading this trying to figure out where a sentence ends i know i do but i always put punctuations in my posts on this site and forum i do really beleive me i do i hope everyone will do the same im going to end this now i have to eat.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Just kidding. I hate it too, bro. Read my signature below! :D

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