We're sailing on the Magic in....58 days!! My mom is diabetic and will need to keep her insulin refrigerated - are the stateroom refrigerators cold enough? Or, should I contact DCL and see what we can do?
On the Dream it seems like our fridge was as cold as any other fridge we've ever had at a WDW resort. The key is to make sure the thing gets air circulation. Whenever we are in or out of the room(s) no matter where we are the understanding is for someone to open the cabinet door where the fridge is. If we come in & the door is shut we open it. Whenever we leave we always make sure the cabinet is open. If you're there and notice it's not cooling enough maybe have the meds stored in another location or request an additional fridge be brought in. Would that work?
I couldn't remember! LOL! That cruise was so short it's all a blur! The only thing we kept in the room was the liquor we carried on which didn't require refridgeration so I don't think we ever put anything in the thing. Not like at the parks/resorts when we're there longer and keep the fridge stocked with stuff we bring.
Hhhmmm....got me thinking....maybe next cruise I'll bring an extra bottle-like container or 2 for each of us to keep something to drink in the fridge (ie. sodas or tea) rather than store in the paper cups. I hate when the bottoms of the cups get melty and sometimes you gotta weigh just how thirsty you are against that hike back to the drink station. Oooohhhh...and I could bottle up some coffee to make iced coffee with... :slurp: