Star Wars Weekends


New Member
They don’t have Star Wars Weekends on movie years - remember when Episode I came out they started them the next year and then when Episode II came out they skipped a year. I have no doubts this will happen in 2005.
Why? You ask.
Well – it’s because of the “Star Wars Celebration” that is sponsored by Hasbro, 20th Century Fox and Lucasfilm. They have held the Celebration in the mid west each year a new movie comes out.


Any chance the characters will be walking around a few week ends early? We will be there the second weekend and were hoping to see some of the characters.


Originally posted by johnvree
Any chance the characters will be walking around a few week ends early? We will be there the second weekend and were hoping to see some of the characters.
Probably not


New Member
Darn, I was hoping to get a pic with Leah's wookie if you know what I'm saying. If you do, please excuse me, I haven't had my medication.


Well-Known Member
:eek: i think you better take that medication


we went to this last year, it was so fun!!

no for real...i got my picture taken with chewy and that was really fun...he made the wookie noise!! hehe

**edited for spelling..>WHAT THE HECK IS MY PROBLEM TODAY LOL**


Well-Known Member
The characters like luke and leia will still be out. Did that person mean what actors from teh movie are going to be there??/



New Member
so what kinda events occur during Star Wars weekends? I just realized that I am going to be there for the Flower and Garden Festival and a Star Wars weekend in May......... I am excited.....I'm bringing my ds (21) and dd (23).......


New Member
Originally posted by tbell
so what kinda events occur during Star Wars weekends? I just realized that I am going to be there for the Flower and Garden Festival and a Star Wars weekend in May......... I am excited.....I'm bringing my ds (21) and dd (23).......

Ok sorry everyone, please excuse me while I drift off subject. I have seen the abbreviations DD, DS, and DH used a lot in the forums. What does this mean or stand for?


New Member
I was at Disney World during the tale-end of last year's Star Wars Weekend. I was lucky enough to score one of the special MGM Studio's Star Wars Weekend pins that had Mickey & Yoda standing back to back with lightsabers flaring! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
disney son, disney daughter, disney husband...

I'm also going during the Flower and Garden Festival and Star Wars Weekends in May--my first trip this time of year! I'm psyched!


Well-Known Member
I always thought putting Disney in front of a title was bad...I'll just pretend it means Disney son, etc. in my head :)


New Member
That's better than what I thought: Dorky, Dweeby, Dirty, Disgusting, Dumb, Dislexic, Drunk, etc.

I am sure there are more. As for Beagles. Man I like those dogs.

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