Greetings all from the geek labs
The final complete list of expected guest celebrities has been released.
If you recall weekend 4 June 4, 5, and 6th had a TBA listed
Here is the full list now complete
Weekend 1 - May 14, 15, & 16
Jeremy Bulloch: "Boba Fett"
Jake Lloyd: young"Anakin Skywalker"
Weekend 2 - May 21, 22, & 23
Peter Mayhew: "Chewbacca"
Jerome Blake: "Rune Haako"
Weekend 3 - May 28, 29, & 30
Anthony Daniels: "C3PO"
Andy Secombe: "Watto"
Weekend 4 - June 4, 5, & 6
Warwick Davis: "Wicket the Ewok"
Mike Quinn: "Nien Nunb"
Weekend 5 - June 11, 12, & 13
Daniel Logan: young"Boba Fett"
Amy Allen: "Ayla Secura"
The final complete list of expected guest celebrities has been released.
If you recall weekend 4 June 4, 5, and 6th had a TBA listed
Here is the full list now complete
Weekend 1 - May 14, 15, & 16
Jeremy Bulloch: "Boba Fett"
Jake Lloyd: young"Anakin Skywalker"
Weekend 2 - May 21, 22, & 23
Peter Mayhew: "Chewbacca"
Jerome Blake: "Rune Haako"
Weekend 3 - May 28, 29, & 30
Anthony Daniels: "C3PO"
Andy Secombe: "Watto"
Weekend 4 - June 4, 5, & 6
Warwick Davis: "Wicket the Ewok"
Mike Quinn: "Nien Nunb"
Weekend 5 - June 11, 12, & 13
Daniel Logan: young"Boba Fett"
Amy Allen: "Ayla Secura"