Star Wars Theme Park Attractions to be Based on New Films


Well-Known Member
Just the people that misinterpreted the Mayan long count and predicted us all dead by then. You gotta know your Baktuns, people!
Disney could easily open an attraction next week based on Star Wars. Just get the shell of an X Wing and set it out in an open swampy area next to the rear portion of the park. Viola. You have Dagobah-land.

I have every belief that if Disney wanted a Star Wars Land Open before movie eight comes out, they would.


Well-Known Member
Viola. You have Dagobah-land.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
I didn't read the article. No need.

I was shocked when I was first told that they only wanted stuff from the new movies.
Allow me to clarify: the concept that any new Star Wars attractions at DHS will be Only based on new [movies] is correct.

He didn't say its based only on the new films but that it will incorporate a mix of the classic films, The Force Awakens, and the stuff they have coming up.
Iger explicitly says a blend of, "Past, Present, and Future".
That reinforces what I've heard.
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Captain Neo

Well-Known Member
LOL you're one to talk. I know how many times you claimed Disneyland would be getting AVATAR Land in the future. Pot, meet kettle.

Back on topic, as long as Star Wars Land stays out of Disneyland and California Adventure, I'm content. I hope Florida gets a nice addition.

I never said they were getting the full Avatar land but yes Disneyland will get an Avatar attraction eventually.
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Well-Known Member
So, you don't want people to be disappointed if they don't see stuff from the new films.

What about the millions of people who will be disappointed if they don't see anything from the old films?

Bob, you are not making a good choice.

Can you imagine if new Harry Potter movies came out and Universal decided to not include anything from the originals when they built Wizarding World? Let's NOT use ESTABLISHED, BELOVED and CLASSIC characters, settings and story from the first 8 films!
First 3 films. There's nothing beloved about the second 3.

The article that is linked in this thread makes it sound like there will be material used from the original films. However, I read one earlier today that mentioned the past will be represented by Star Tours. (I believe it was in Entertainment Weekly...I'll try to find the link). People will be going to see the new movies based on their love of the originals. I understand including the new films in some way, but to completely leave out what made us all love the Star Wars franchise in the first place is unfathomable to me. Hopefully, this won't be the case....


Well-Known Member
Stop reading between the lines. He said, "I slowed it all down so what we come forward with will have a blend of the past, present and maybe the future. Now we have a sense of what’s in ‘Star Wars 8,’ and what some of the standalone films will have in them.” The title is VERY misleading. He specifically said it would be a blend of all.


Well-Known Member
I see nothing wrong with making attractions include the new characters and situations. I just want them to do this right. This is a major investment, Star Wars, it's been a successful franchise for many years. It's been toyed with by it's creator for as many years as well, and thankfully somehow it's survived. I don't want to see them run it into the ground. I want them to make this a timeless and enjoyable part of the park for years to come.

So why am I worried? Well, look at what Lucas has done over the years. Look at what long-standing franchises that go on a break and then come out with a new film. Like Rocky? Ugh. I just want to see this done right.


Active Member
Original Poster
Just the fact that they exist makes it suck already. To me the non original Star Wars flicks are like Godfather III and Airplane 2. They do not exist.

I trust JJ Abrams will do the franchise justice. His track record speaks for itself, and I think his vision for the franchise makes him one of a few -- if not the only -- person I trust to do a great job with Star Wars.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
I trust JJ Abrams will do the franchise justice. His track record speaks for itself, and I think his vision for the franchise makes him one of a few -- if not the only -- person I trust to do a great job with Star Wars.
I completely agree. I walked out of the first star trek and said "Man, he would do an awesome job with a star wars movie!" My only real concern was Disney meddling but I can't see them doing that with a 4 billion investment. I think they realize, let the people who know, do their thing.


Well-Known Member
First off, this is a business. Disney has always looked at new attractions as a "one resort" philosophy - a new attraction feeds all of the parks, not just the one. I personally don't agree with it (although it does have some merit) but that's their line of thinking.

That said, regardless of the new films, we were never going to get a SW land until 2020 anyway. Avatar will open after the luster of New Fantasyland has worn off (not that it hasn't already) and SW land will open after Avatar has been open for a few years as well. From a "one resort" perspective, this makes perfect business sense (unfortunately).

Second, the internet is once again showing it's true idiocy with the whole "SW land to be based on new movies, not old" nonsense. That was not at all what Iger said and anyone reading the actual quotes, and not the headlines, would know that.

Logically, they've assigned imagineering to come up with concepts for attractions from the new movies as well as the old. Why wouldn't they? NOTHING will be green lit however until the returns from the new movie are in and Disney knows what the reaction is. If Ep 7 bombs (which from everything I'm hearing it won't), then look for a VERY scaled back SW land. If it's a juggernaut, the sky is the limit - however, even then, for business reasons, look for things to open in stages, like Potter.

As for Ep 8, it's already in pre-production, so they'll have a very good idea of what action sequences will be in it well before Ep 7 even premiers. Ep 7 was a much more seat-of-the-pants last-minute production than Ep 8 will be (which is a big reason why they wanted a seasoned director, like Abrams, to do it).

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